Chapter 425 Human Emperor

Lin Xuan chose human blood as the core bloodline. It was a choice that was in line with Taixia's will and the will of humanity, and he would naturally be rewarded by Taixia.

This is either a reward from the top management of Taixia, or a reward from the will of the country Taixia.

It is obvious to all that the human race's bloodline is weak, so the copy space has included "bloodline" as one of the three treasure cards from the beginning, in order to allow the human race to have better bloodline choices and make their own potential stronger.

But Lin Xuan unexpectedly chose to strengthen the human bloodline. This was something that the copy space had not expected. Of course, even if it knew about it, it would not interfere because it has nothing to do with it. The essence of the copy space is the will of the heavens and the world. The purpose of this procedure is to carry out survival of the fittest, to help the world of the heavens choose a dominant race, and to enhance the strength of the world of the heavens.

The human race or other races, how they choose has nothing to do with the copy space.

The dungeon space ignored Lin Xuan's choice, but Taixia would be aware that as a country of humans and in a critical period of change, Taixia's national destiny has begun to awaken. It is not that it awakens its will, but it has begun to become active and appear. Extraordinary state.

Although Taixia's will does not have its own consciousness, it still has the desire to survive. Its essence is the will of the human race. Lin Xuan is the core figure who occupies the first bloodline treasure in the Sanbaoka breakthrough plan. His bloodline represents The direction of the bloodline after Taixia. Once Lin Xuan does not choose the human bloodline, Taixia's will will also change accordingly, and at that time, he will no longer be him!

Lin Xuan naturally does not know these most essential things. His idea is very simple, which is to retain his human blood. No matter in his previous life or this life, he is proud of his human identity. This is engraved deep in the true spirit. proud.

Pangu created the sky, Nuwa created man, Suiren drilled wood to make fire, Shennong tasted herbs, Fuxi performed Bagua, Cangjie created characters... Human civilization has been spreading since ancient times, until the flower growers held high the red flag and stood among the world's strongest.

People in this world have gradually forgotten history, but Lin Xuan has not. Occasionally, in his free nights, he will think back to the world in his "dream".

That is unique to the human race.

But the inherent weakness of the human race is also a fact, and Lin Xuan cannot change this fact with all his passion. That's why Lin Xuan used this trick to lay eggs.

Because of Lin Xuan's persistence, Taixia's will was not stingy. It injected some of its own will into Lin Xuan's bloodline, causing a fundamental change in his bloodline. It did not become stronger. Even the will of the national destiny was not stingy. It can't be done, but it can do something, and the owner is sure!

The Lord of Heaven is destined to be the Emperor of Man!

Lin Xuan's most essential bloodline shines brightly at this moment, and the Taixia Human Emperor's bloodline finally awakens!

But because of its action, the four ancestral dragon bloodlines in Lin Xuan's body seized the opportunity and became tainted with Taixia's will... Well, in other words, this was a deal between the two parties. Taixia formed an alliance with the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan Taking a stake in Taixia also allowed the remaining dragon bloodline in Lin Xuan's body that could not be refined and absorbed to become Lin Xuan's nourishment.

A golden dragon appeared in the dark clouds over the Forbidden City. Its whole body was submerged in the dark clouds, disappearing and appearing, its head but not its tail. This was the phantom projection of the dragon clan, and a foreign race came to congratulate it.

People who didn't know thought that the Dragon Clan was coming and ran away, but those who knew frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy. Some of their belongings were taken away for nothing, but they were still unhappy. They also knew in their hearts that this move The pros outweigh the cons.

In this way, Taixia also has a major backing dragon clan in the world of the heavens, and the problems they are currently facing are better solved, and Lin Xuan can grow faster and better.

Furthermore, the current Dragon Clan is more conscientious than the Phoenix Clan who wants to swallow up the entire Taixia and force the immortal Minghuang to abdicate in order to preserve Taixia.

Lin Xuan slowly opened his eyes. Most of the changes in promotion to the earth level have now been completed. There is no need to pay attention to the final career change. He does not follow the career path and has not worked hard on this path before. It can be said that , his most important and core part has completely transformed.

Absorbing all the origins of the four dragon bloodlines, the most terrifying human bloodline in the history of the human race was born, the human emperor bloodline!

With the principles of innate thunder and the Heavenly Constitution in his mouth, he can kill all living beings with just one word!

According to the principles of the innate great earth, there is nothing in the world but the king's land!

He is not a human emperor now, but he is actually a human emperor. The only difference is the emperor's destiny!

It was outrageous that he had inexplicably embarked on the path of becoming a human emperor. This was a path he had never imagined!

Of course, he is not the Human Emperor yet. When he really reaches the heavenly level and becomes one of the three ancestors who opened the way for Taixia, that will be his "enthronement ceremony."

Lin Xuan raised his head and looked up at the billowing dark clouds over the Forbidden City, as well as the golden dragon with its head protruding from the dark clouds. His body slowly floated upwards, like a true cultivator who was about to overcome the tribulation.

"Let's break up!"

As soon as he said this, the sky and the earth resonated, the dark clouds slowly dispersed, the golden dragon disappeared between the sky and the earth of Taixia, and the entire imperial capital returned to the state of cloudless clear sky. It seemed that the dark clouds over the city before were just an illusory memory.

Lin Xuan stood in mid-air out of thin air. He looked in the direction of Xidu. There was an inexplicable attraction there, which had been calling him to come when he was forged with the blood of the emperor.

In addition to helping him to create the human emperor's bloodline, Taixia Zhizhi also arranged a marriage for him. This is a national wedding!

Similar to national marriages, there are also heavenly marriages, such as Emperor Jun and Xihe...

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xuan flew directly in the direction of the attraction, and his body turned into a thunder. It was a real thunder. The terrifying roar resounded throughout the world. In just two minutes, Lin Xuan came from the Imperial Capital to the Western Capital... ...It is still a bit slower than the ground-spanning golden light of Wanfa Tianren. Well, the main reason is that Lin Xuan is still in the stage of transformation and his power has not been fully unleashed.

These are not important.

The important thing is that Lin Xuan finally found the place where the attraction lies, Mount Tai!

The residence of the Immortal Minghuang? !

National wedding? !

Now is it time to play Dafa!

However, Lin Xuan also knew why there was this inexplicable attraction.

Because Immortal Minghuang is the last emperor still alive, although she has abdicated, there will be no emperor after her, so the emperor's destiny cannot be transferred and can only continue to stay with her.

Lin Xuan has the actual status of a human emperor, but he has no reputation as an emperor!

The Immortal Ming Phoenix has the name of a human emperor, but the reality is that it has no emperor!

Taixia arranged this national wedding just so that Lin Xuan could live up to his name and create another Taixia Human Emperor!

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