Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 501: "I'm so scared!"

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Amaterasu, who had just escaped from Su Huai Conge's sea of ​​consciousness, screamed in agony. Before the others could react, Lin Xuan swung a sword, slashing his divine consciousness, and annihilated it with one sword!

Master Su Zhanming was furious, knowing that something went wrong with his plan and others, he roared, "Human Emperor Lin Xuan!"

Lin Xuan naturally did not respond to him. Who knows if there will be a treasure like the Zijin Gourd. The backhand is a sword to slash it. The Human Emperor Sword is full of human dignity and has a lot of lethal power to the gods. Can go back and forth.

The saint on earth was killed by Lin Xuan? !

The most surprising surprises were Abe Seimei and Imperial Violent Dragon. In fact, the two of them were the greatest enemies of this mortal saint, but I didn't expect to meet Lin Xuan, and they just died before they were successful.

Abe Seimei and Imperial Violent Dragon looked at each other with joy in their eyes, but the next second, the two fought each other. They have a common enemy, but it does not mean that they are allies of the same camp. On the contrary, they are also mortal enemies. .

"Yue read life, help me!"

Su Zhan Mingzun shouted loudly, he suddenly found that he was not Lin Xuan's opponent at all, and Lin Xuan holding the Human Sovereign Sword put too much pressure on their gods.

At this time, Zhang Ningtian also acted, and his goal was Abe Seimei's three shikigami.

According to the division of power, Abe Seimei represents the official of the cultivation world of Xiaotianguo, while the Imperial Violent Dragon is the power of the demon world. The gods of Sanguizi were originally supposed to be the official supplementary force of Xiaotianguo’s cultivation world, but after the previous control incident , The relationship between the gods and the Onmyoji is obviously broken. As for Lin Xuan, the Heitian League, the famous evil organization.

Zhang Ningtian's mission has only one purpose, and that is to control the underworld **** of Xiaotianguo.

Neither the official practitioners of Xiaotianguo nor the opposing forces of the demon world would agree to this.

The underworld **** is the foundation of the demons. Once they are mastered, their lives will also be held in their hands. The official practice of Xiaotianguo is willing that someone can clean up the underworld hell, but if someone wants to master it , that would not agree, after all, fat and water do not flow to outsiders' fields.

At this moment, Zhang Ningtian's purpose of attacking the three shikigami is very simple, that is, to muddy the water, so that he can catch fish!

Moreover, Abe Seimei, as the official number one figure in the practice world of the small life today, is bound to be impossible to be alone. Looking at the time now, I am afraid that follow-up support is coming soon.

The decisive battle between Xiaotianguo and the demon is about to begin.

The two witches were supposed to be the first step of rescue, but unexpectedly something happened. The two gods were estranged, and it was difficult for them to cooperate with the officials of the cultivation world of Xiaotianguo. If it wasn't for Lin Xuan to kill Amaterasu with one sword Divine consciousness, I am afraid that they have already found Abe Seimei with a knife.

The three noble sons are all gods of the heavenly order, but only when the three of them play together, they are in their strongest state. For example, today, Zhao Da Yushen was cut back to Gao Tianyuan by Lin Xuan with a sword, and there are only two left, Yue Du Ming is in charge. The power of the night, and the power of the sea used by Suzhan Mingzun, the strength of the two is not bad, but Lin Xuan does not find it difficult to deal with.

"It's just the state of the **** mecha, how long can you last in this state!"

Lin Xuan smiled wickedly. He was not afraid at all. He even thought about slaughtering the two descendants of the witch family, so that the two gods could come without the witch. If they wanted to cultivate the witches again, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

Obviously, these two gods also thought of this matter. They are only gods now. If they want to interfere in the human world, they must have an intermediary. They themselves can not be the official of the practice world of Xiaotianguo, but the family of the witch descended from God. no……

Just is very aggrieved, obviously has the advantage in power, but there is no way to take these people.

Must become a saint on earth!

As soon as they thought of this, the two gods both stopped, and then the gods left the body of the goddess witch, and the two witches became low-level powerhouses, and they were inconspicuous among the powerhouses.

"Human Sovereign Lin Xuan, help me live a small life..."

Abe Seimei saw the two witches come to help him resist the attack of the demon, and he was overjoyed. For the first time, he saw the assistance of the power to the power. Even if the two gods hated him, no matter how much he hated him, he could only let him at this time. Our two witches came to help him, because of righteousness!

If you don't help, you will be settled by the officials of the cultivation world of Xiaotianguo. If Abe Seimei dies, it will be better. The two gods are the official final cards. Seimei's frantic suppression, of course, will be maintained at a certain degree.

Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, they can only help, but the two gods did not want to do this, so they slipped away in advance.

With two low-level helpers, Abe Seimei's pressure is a little less, but it's still not enough. If you want to completely kill the demon, no, you just need to kill the Empire's violent dragon. The rest, he can also deal with it himself. For the sake of your own resources, you still have to support yourself...

Since the Goddess Witch can endure the disgust and come to help him for the sake of the overall situation, will Lin Xuan, the human emperor?

Taixia is a superpower, must have the demeanor of a big country, be kind to others, and be happy to help others...

Lin Xuan: Damn you!

Lin Xuan was so angry that he wouldn't have come here if Su Huai Porridge hadn't been kidnapped by a few of them and taken to Xiaotianguo. You know, he hated the most in his life.

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