Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 507: The expectation of billions

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"Friends from the audience, everyone, you are watching the confrontation between the army of capable people and the army of demons. Welcome to the confrontation road of the Great Sun Empire. I am your swordsman friend, Ashina Isshin!"

Jiansheng Weiming really started to live broadcast this war, and he was not the only one, because Jiansheng Weiming had a very high social status in Xiaotian Kingdom, and he easily contacted Xiaotian Emperor, indicating that After coming here, the other side is very happy. After all, for the high-level rulers, the class struggle in the country must be a disturbing factor. If it can be dismantled, it must be a good thing.

Therefore, the Emperor Station urgently mobilized to synchronize the live broadcast of Juggernaut Reina to countless radio stations, and then forced the broadcast.

You know, many people have trouble sleeping on this day, because of the death of the holy beast of the country, the Orochi, and the strange dispersal of the crowd near Wuhua Town, the country that was originally a big fart suddenly boiled, and now they All have no intention of sleeping, waiting for the official announcement.

Suddenly, Sword Saint Wei Ming appeared on TV, and the people of Xiaotianguo were shocked at first, and then they finally felt relieved. It was better to have news than no news and have been worried about coming.

Following in the footsteps of Sword Saint Ashina, these people entered the cruel world of the able.

"Wow, I know this capable person. He robbed me of 2,000 yen and has not paid it back... woo woo woo, I didn't expect that he was seriously injured for the sake of the country, I was wrong!"

"This, this, isn't this the bad guy next to my house? I didn't expect him to go to the battlefield. It's no wonder that I haven't seen him all day today."

"Wuwuwu, I'm crying, it turns out that those with ability can handle it, they are really good when something happens!"

"Hey, capable people... there are good people and bad people, but..."

Many people have mixed feelings in their hearts. Those who are capable sometimes do have a lot of privileges, and they will also use their own force to bully the weak, but if we say that these capable people will come forward at critical moments and sacrifice themselves in order to protect them. power, then this bit of bullying is not intolerable.

There are even many bullied girls who have fallen in love with these heroic capable people...

Ahem, seeing the barrage, the situation has improved, and Juggernaut Wei can't help showing a smile, but he can't relax, because the situation on the battlefield is not optimistic, and there is a lack of soul character Abe in the team of capable people. Seimei, because of the lack of this strong man, the capable ones were repelled by the army of demons.

If the capable ones are defeated, even adjusting the class struggle in Xiaotian is useless, because the demons will captivate everyone in Xiaotian and become their blood food.

What a horrible, hopeless, terrifying thing for humans to be farmed food!

What should I do?

The rear has stabilized, but if there is a flaw in the front, it will not be wonderful!

His eyes unconsciously looked at Lin Xuan and Zhang Ningtian, who were watching the play. As for the ghostly state of Orochi and Abe Seimei, they were cleaned up by Lin Xuan. The state of Orochi was not good, but its soul was What was eaten by Li Rui can only be regarded as the gathering of remnants of souls. As for Abe Seimei, there is no problem. Unfortunately, he is crazy, and he was completely mad by Lin Xuan's previous sword.

A madman and a remnant soul, Lin Xuan completely turned them both into fly ash without much effort, and the huge soul power turned into nourishment, probably going to Gaotianyuan and Yinming Huangquan.

"My friend from Taixia, I, Sword Saint Weiming, I implore you to help our Great Sun Empire get through this difficult time. Your kindness will surely be remembered in our Great Sun Country."

Sword Saint Wei Ming bowed solemnly in front of Lin Xuan. He pointed out that Lin Xuan was a strong man from Taixia, but he did not say that he was from an evil organization like the Heitian League, and he was in front of the national live broadcast. The request is to use the pressure of Yu Lun to put Lin Xuan and Tai Xia under pressure and have to take action.

But Lin Xuan won't just shoot like this. Once he does, there is a high probability that he will be able to directly set the world and kill all the demons, but why?

He is not the savior of Xiaotianguo. He has no responsibility or obligation to take action. As for what others say, "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", it is all bullshit. The effect is up to him to decide, even Tai Xia cannot force him, this is his way, the way of practice!

Moreover, he had already thought about it when he suggested that Juggernaut Aishina live broadcast, instead of asking them to ask others for help, it is better to rely on their own strength.

"Of course I can make a move, but I'm not from Xiaotianguo. Once I do it, it would be to interfere in the affairs of other countries. This is not a good deed. In my opinion, Xiaotianguo can completely save itself!"

Lin Xuan shook his head, rejecting the request of Sword Saint Wei Ming, the face under the mask, the corner of his mouth revealed a smile involuntarily, this is a successful smile, and sure enough, it was perfected step by step according to his own vision, the next step is Let Gao Tianyuan and Yinming Huangquan appear!

"Self-help?" Sword Saint Wei Ming's eyes lit up. Compared to praying for help from others without dignity, it would be better if he could save himself. Thinking of this, Sword Saint Wei Ming bowed solemnly, "Please teach me sir!"

"Gao Tianyuan, Yin Ming Huangquan!"

"Although the territory of Xiaotianguo is very small, it also has its own mythological system. Since the three noble sons and gods all exist, why do Izanami and Izanagi do not exist, and what about Gao Tianyuan and Yinming Huangquan?"

"According to my observations, Gao Tian

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