Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 511: It's a matter of country

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"What's your situation?"

Lin Xuan came up to paddle, made a few gestures with Izanagi very casually, and then looked at Zhang Ningtian, especially Izanamei in his arms. He looked a few more times, but he didn't fall into Izanagi's beauty. I can't help myself, but I didn't expect Zhang Ningtian's digging skills to be so powerful!

This kid can't stay!

Ahem, in the legend of Xiaotianguo, Izanami and Izanagi are brother and sister, but they are also husband and wife, um, quite German orthopedics, and then, ahem, I don't know why now, Zhang Ningtian is a dog, before my husband. Offender!

"Hey hey, Xiaomei was crazy before, but her personality is still there. Once she entered the yin-ming Huangquan, she was mixed with the origin of the world. If it wasn't for her unconsciousness, I was afraid that she would be suppressed, but it's okay, She was delirious at the time, so I tricked her out, and then, hehehe..."

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

Hello dog, do you know that this is illegal...what, the other party voluntarily...that is also immoral!

"I used my resurrection talent to re-assign him with a soul consciousness!"

Lin Xuan was silent, this operation is ridiculous. Today's gods are composed of the power of faith. They may think that their gods are sleeping, but in fact, there is no such thing as the existence of the current Blue Star so that the gods beyond the sky can survive. The soil, they appear entirely because they can only exist in the incarnation of the gods!

Izanagi and Izanami are even more so with the ancient gods. If they can merge with their respective gods, there may be hope to become an invincible existence in fantasy, but now, Gao Tianyuan was captured by Lin Xuan, the origin of the world was sealed, Yinming Huangquan was taken by Izanami, but Izanami was also taken by Zhang Ningtian...

"Okay, well done!"

Lin Xuan pulled out a reluctant smile, praised against his will, and then punched Izanagi directly.

Naturally, he will not let him escape. Izanagi is dead this time. I didn't expect that a small country would hide some strong people, but I really didn't expect it. What do they want?

God of the Emperor!

Without Gao Tianyuan's support from the world, and Lin Xuan acting on behalf of the human beings, and Xiaotianguo is also a humanistic empire, for a time, Xiaotianyuan's will was unable to help Izanagi, and could only watch Lin Xuan's commander Yixie. Nagi Shengsheng suppressed the Yasukuni Ghost Society!

The many demons led by the Empire's Fierce Dragon, Mikako, and many capable people behind them watched as Lin Xuan pressed the high-spirited Izanagi to the ground, leaving a mark, and Izanagi disappeared.

They stared blankly at the scene in front of them, to be honest, they were scared!

If there is still hope, then they are willing to risk their own lives, because someone will talk about this battle in the future, with far-reaching eyes, disturbed thoughts, and sincere words, and they themselves will become a chapter in the epic, immortal.

However, since this battle has been fought until now, there is no hope of victory at all. The strongest gods have been suppressed, the sacred beast of the country, the eight-headed snake, has been beheaded by the strong man in front of him, and the strongest onmyoji has also been killed by this The strong are slaughtered, and there is no hope for the small country!

This time, Lin Xuan abruptly broke their spines and lost the faith of the strong!

"The destiny of the gods is to be suppressed!"

With Lin Xuan's words, he flicked the seal of the Emperor of Humanity in his hand, directly suppressing Sanguizi, and he could not break free no matter what.

"Let all the human beings in the small life country go, this time I won't kill you!"

Everyone can't be hostile, pull a group, suppress a group, fight a group, after all, Zhang Ningtian will have to work in Xiaotianguo after all.

When these capable people heard it, they suddenly felt a bit of luck that they had escaped inexplicably had some gratitude and admiration for Lin Xuan, and even some people understood, sympathized, and supported Lin Xuan. This is Goldsmore Syndrome!

"In the end, it's the demon." Lin Xuan dragged the seal of the emperor in his hand, with Tianxian in his mouth, and his words followed the law. His words and deeds determined everyone's life and death. He had a little more understanding of power and power. Do not kill!"

Lin Xuan glanced at the Imperial Violent Dragon with an expressionless face. When it made its previous choice, it was already doomed to die.

Unwilling, anger, pain, regret... For a time, the emotions in the eyes of the Imperial Violent Dragon were complicated, and beside it, there were several demons of the ground level standing. They were the die-hard loyalists of the Imperial Violent Dragon, as long as the empire was violent Long said to fight, then fight, even to death!

"Boss, Lady Gant's!"

"There is only one person on the opposite side. As long as we run separately, we can still run away!"

"Boss, I'm here to pester him, run away!"


I have to say that Longge's charm is still there. Even now that the mountains and rivers are exhausted, there are still a few demons that follow him.

On the other hand, it looked up at Lin Xuan. How could he not recognize it because he was well-informed. Lin Xuan had just performed the famous vertical golden light, which is the best skill of Wanfa and Tianren, and its speed was comparable to that of light. , No matter how fast it escapes, it is difficult to escape the arrest of the vertical golden light.

It can't be beaten, it can't escape, and the group of brothers behind it can't die in vain for their own sake.

"No, Blue Star is so big, there is no place for me anymore, brothers, follow him in the future, remember, listen to his words, you can survive!"

After the imperial violent dragon said the last words, he sat down on the spot, leaving one

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