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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

So, the best way is to divert attention!

"I heard that the emperor of the northern land, sharpening his knives, has the power to sweep the world. Humans can become gods, but they cannot slaughter gods in human bodies. This is the rule of the gods, and the emperor broke this rule. ."

"Not only that, I heard Xin'er say that he has the intention to use force against Donghuang. I am afraid that he has already sneaked into the covenant of my Donghuang gods. Everyone should be careful."

The Lord of Glory briefly thought for a moment, and then threw the blame to Lin Xuan without hesitation. Most of the other invincible powerhouses knew each other and knew their temperaments, but they probably couldn't sneak in and hunt other gods. What happened, but the emperor Lin Xuan didn't know. After all, it only appeared during this period of time, who knows if he will use some tricks.

For a time, all the gods turned their attention to the first two **** kings. Seeing that the Lord of Glory made an oath, and the Lord of Darkness nodded after hesitating, they all knew the situation immediately.

There are foreign enemies!

It doesn't say it explicitly, but that's what it means.

All the gods fell silent. Suddenly, all of them lost their sense of security. They felt that they were staying in the covenant of the gods, and they would be taken away by the latent powerhouse.

How to do?

What else can be done, only a thousand days of being a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief!

The opponent can kill the blue-eyed goshawk so easily, which means that his strength is stronger than that of the Sun King and the Moon King, but once the two kings join forces, the enemy lurking in the dark will not be an opponent. After all, he is not open and aboveboard. There must be some apprehension about it.

Therefore, in the recent period, all the gods live in the covenant of the gods, and they must be together in pairs to ensure that when one party sleeps, the other party can be alert.

All the gods agreed with the two kings, but their eyes glanced at the two kings from time to time. After all, the suspicions of the two gods were not cleared.

The two kings were also very helpless, but there was nothing they could do. The two of them couldn't hold the evidence that a foreign enemy had infiltrated, so they could only be confused for the time being.

But just when all the gods were on guard against unknown enemies, the war between the gods and the people began inexplicably. Within the covenant of the gods, according to the direction, eight districts can be divided. In these eight districts, the gods and the people are mixed. There are people who believe in all major gods, but generally speaking, they have a stable life.

But now, I don't know who provoked the war. Among the eight districts, people in four districts began to riot, and then more and more people rioted, and the situation became more and more serious.

Naturally, the gods will not manage this kind of fight. Basically, the gods are sacrificed to mediate, but for some reason, three gods who have no sense of existence were killed by the rioters!

Things are getting bigger in no time!

Beheading the gods for sacrifice is slapping the face of the gods. Moreover, if the beheading is that kind of powerful gods, killing them will also kill them. Even if the high priest of the Japanese king dies, there will be people soon. If you fill up your place, but there are not many gods and people like this kind of small gods, and there are even fewer people who can be sacrificed to gods. Maybe there are no people who can become gods.

In this way, the village is abolished, and all the villagers have to join other villages and believe in other gods.

For the bottom human beings, this is nothing, but for the gods, this is the fall, the identity of the gods is separated, and they become a wild beast again, wandering in the wilderness of the Eastern Wasteland.

Unbearable, this is something that every **** cannot endure. As long as it is still a god, there is a chance to grow, and it is possible to become a wild beast as powerful as the king of the sun and the moon.

This is the revenge of the road.

The meeting of the gods was opened again. This time, not only the gods were present, but the gods of the gods also entered the temple of the gods The riots broke out among the gods, and the suggestions of these gods were nothing to suggest. Good things come, but these gods sacrifice more clearly.

The gods sat high in the air, looking down at the **** sacrificial meeting below.

"The riots in the four districts of the south, south, and northwest, has the cause been identified?"

The high priest of the Lord of Glory in the upper position had a gloomy expression and roared in a low voice.

This is a mistake, a major work mistake, you must know that in these four districts, the gods and people of the Lord of Glory have also been involved.

Of course, it’s fine if it’s just like this. The most important thing is that one of the gods has completely lost the sacrifice, and there are no sacrifice talents among the remaining people, or they can get some sacrifice materials from the villages of other gods. Or completely deprive the identity of the gods.

The high priest thought that this time, the identity of the **** must be deprived, but he did not expect that since the Lord of Glory issued an oracle, he would choose a sacrificial talent from among the glorious gods to give to the unfortunate god.

When did the gods become so friendly?

It shouldn't be, the covenant of the gods has been around for a long time. At the beginning, the king of gods was not the king of the sun and the king of the moon. They all slowly accumulated strength, and then broke through the blockade of the previous king and became the covenant of the gods in one fell swoop. God King, it is not like this has never happened before. The fate of those gods is to be expelled from the covenant of the gods, and the remaining gods are divided up.

This is the gods' version of eating out of the house...

But what's going on now, is it that the family is not delicious, or is this goddess the illegitimate son of a great god, and he has to adopt a sacrifice to him, it is so loving, outrageous!

A priest of the gods stood up, bowed to the gods above, and then bowed to the great sacrifice of the two kings above.

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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