Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 521: walk slowly, put pressure on

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Not only the high priest of the Lord of Darkness was shocked, but the Lord of Darkness was also shocked.

The Xia Dynasty really dared to go to war, no, no, could it be that the people of the Xia Dynasty were secretly provoking?


But now the Eastern Wilderness is in trouble. Although the Covenant of the Gods can still gather some strong people, it is impossible to say that it will deal with the Xia Dynasty.

The Southeast battlefield has gathered most of the top fighting strength of the Eastern Wilderness. Although the gods have not yet shot, their bodies have been hidden in the Southeast battlefield, and they are confronted with the top powerhouses from Nanman, and their momentum is not weak.

They all already know that this war was deliberately provoked by someone, and it is precisely because of this that both sides are very restrained. Their faces are very ugly. Whether it is a **** or a **** sacrificial, they have always been aloof posture, but in fact, they themselves are very clear that gods need faith, and **** sacrificing needs to manage the faith for the gods. All from the lower classes.

Once what they do does not meet the expectations of the bottom people, the level of faith will drop, the power of faith will become impure, and the amount will also decrease... In a word, the speed of strengthening will slow down. .

In the wild era, the speed of becoming stronger slows down, which means that one's own strength is weakened, and one will fall behind, and if one falls behind, one will be beaten. , once again become a wild beast with no future.

Therefore, the gods command all living beings, but the will of all living beings is difficult for even gods to defy.

And now, the situation in Donghuang is like this. Many low-level believers vowed to fight to the death with the barbarians of the southern barbarians. First, because of the conflict that broke out before, a stone spear stabbed a **** to sacrifice to death, and secondly, because of the accumulation of gods in Donghuang. Publicize the hatred of the southern barbarians and set up a clear enemy.

This propaganda was originally a good thing. There is a clear enemy, which is conducive to internal stability, and with the partition of the Southeast Mountains, the two sides will not fight too much.

But who would have thought that today, the Southeast Mountains disappeared without a trace in front of everyone, and the enemy who was publicized day and night was right in front of them.

The fighting atmosphere on the scene was very hot.

"Report, I report to the emperor, our army has all crossed the moat, and is now rectifying in the eastern wasteland."

An officer of the flag, riding a wild beast mount, quickly rushed in front of Lin Xuan, a flying body rolled down, and half-kneeled in front of Lin Xuan, reporting in a loud voice.

"Pass my order, make a fire and cook on the spot, rest for a while, and go on the road in no hurry."

Lin Xuan was sitting on Xiaoqiu, the super genius of the Dragon Clan finally woke up from his slumber, because Lin Xuan's breakthrough was too fast, bringing too much improvement to Xiaoqiu as a pet, even if it was among the Dragon Clan. The super genius is also unbearable, so he can only use the dragon sleep technique to grow with all his strength.

I have slept for almost a year this time, and now I am finally sleeping comfortably. I woke up from the state of dragon sleep, with an extremely strong body, and steadily stepped into the level of invincible earth. A lot of knowledge in the inheritance of the dragon, Xiaoqiu can be considered to have grown up.

He patted the ball below, and Lin Xuan jumped down. To be honest, he was not in a hurry to get to the Covenant of the Gods. He even wanted to travel all the way to the mountains and rivers to give the villages and towns in the East Wasteland enough time. To evacuate, and then receive all of them into their own hands.

In Donghuang, the Covenant of the Gods is the largest city, with a resident population of 80 million, accounting for about 50% of the total population of Donghuang, and the other 50% is branched in various areas of Donghuang. Existing in the form of villages and towns, the residents of these small cities also believe in gods, that is, the gods in the council of the These small villages and towns collect resources from the eastern wasteland. , and then transported to the Covenant of the Gods in a centralized manner to supply a city with the power of one district. It is no wonder that the Covenant of the Gods in the East Wasteland is a well-known metropolis on the entire continent, known as the "Pearl of the Wild World".

But now, it's the deciders' turn to decide.

The army of the Xia Dynasty went to the Eastern Wilderness, passed through the moat safely, and headed straight for the Covenant of the Gods. With the defensive power of the Covenant of the Gods, there is still a high probability of being able to defend against it. However, the problem is coming.

What about these villages and towns?

Give up or stick to it?

Soon, the major deity sacrifices in the Covenant of the Gods made a decision to abandon the villages and towns, and let all the deity sacrifices that were inspected outside come back. As for those deities, they could only give up strategically.

Overnight, all the villages and towns in the East Wasteland have no spiritual sacrifices. The totem guardian deity who protects the villages is still there, but there are no spiritual sacrifices. Once the wild beasts attack, how can ordinary people communicate with the gods and pray for them? shelter!

It took a while for someone to react and they were abandoned.

Abandoned by their gods.

If the monarch regards his subjects as brothers and feet, he will treat him as his heart; if he treats his subjects as dogs and horses, he will treat him as a countryman; if he treats his subjects as if he is a mustard, then his subjects will treat him as his enemy.

The old saying is very true!

At this moment, the beliefs of many deities in the Eastern Desolation began to be shaken. Lin Xuan just led the troops into the Eastern Desolation area, and easily forced the Eastern Desolation Gods to give up about half of their gods.

And this is indeed Lin Xuan's conspiracy.

He was not in a hurry to rush to the Covenant of the Gods. First, he put pressure on the southeast battlefield, so that in the southeast

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