Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 539: The Dragon Lord of Ji Yan arrives

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A terrifying dragon roar came from the sky.

This is the arrival of the Jiyan Dragon Lord!

This is a behemoth with a body length of more than two hundred meters, soaring above the sky, exuding terrifying light and heat, this is a congenital fire dragon.

For a while, there was a commotion within the Covenant of the Gods, not only the uninformed human race, but even the gods sacrificed, even those powerful gods, they looked at the Ji Yanlong on the sky in disbelief. host!

"My God, which powerful **** is this, is he here to protect us?"

"If it's a huge body and what a scorching flame, I'm afraid this **** is not even stronger than the Lord of Glory!"

"With the protection of this god, the covenant of the gods is not afraid of any enemy!"

The above exclamations came from the gods. They looked up at the terrifying giant flying above the sky in stunned eyes. Facing such a powerful existence, their only thought was to be convinced.

"This is the Jiyan Dragon Lord? How can its strength develop so quickly... Yes, with so many gods and people in the Xia Dynasty, how can it not be fast in cultivation!"

"You said if we..."

"Hush, the Moon King is on the side, don't die!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, times have really changed!"

These are the words of many gods, and they can't hide their amazement. They are more and more looking forward to surrendering. They may have some resistance to being controlled by others, but if there are so many gods to assist in practice, being controlled by others is not unacceptable.

"Otherwise, let's have a discussion with Lord Moon King, accept the recruitment together, and share the glory and wealth!"


The discussion of the gods of the Eastern Wilderness is still going on, and their thoughts are changing rapidly. After all, the changes of the Jiyan Dragon Lord can be seen with the naked eye. With such a conspicuous benchmark, who does not know that the welfare of the Xia Dynasty is quite good. Okay.

Compared with the joy of the gods of the Eastern Wilderness, the members of the Central South Alliance seem a little dignified. The Xia Dynasty's protector of the country, the Dragon Lord Ji Yan, is their old friend. The old and new gods alternated because of the concept Discord, the Dragon Lord Ji Yan left the north, and finally became the leader of the new **** as an ancient god, occupying the north and peeping over the central China.

Now that he has joined the Xia Dynasty and become a sacred beast to protect the country, his strength has made great progress.

For a time, the meanings of many ancient gods were difficult to understand. Seeing that their former companions were better than themselves, they were somewhat unacceptable. This not only means that they chose the wrong path, but also compared them in terms of status. The Dragon Lord is a little off, which is really unpleasant.

"Hmph, what's the point of being the watchdog of someone else's house!"

"Hey, maybe, the new **** is indeed the way out for the gods. As an ancient god, I take the path of the new god, I..."

"White Bear, why do you also want to take the road of the new god?"

"I just want to try it, it's a good way to be strong, don't care what way it is!"

"Hmph, you..."

Several ancient gods are also noisy. Some people are firm on their path to the ancient gods, and some people want to try the path of the new gods. Only the Mother Earth Snake is silent, and now He is also on the road to the new gods. , the strength that had been stagnant, began to slowly move forward again, this wonderful taste is really good.

He glanced at Snow White from the corner of his eye. He still agreed with what he said about taking the path of the new gods, but he did not want him to follow this path. The reason was very simple. The gods were limited. Snow White has occupied many gods...

Thinking of this, the Mother Earth Snake closed her eyes, and firmly sealed the killing intent overflowing from her eyes in her own eye sockets.

After a He opened his eyes again, his indifferent snake pupil looked down, briefly thought about it, and finally said.

"Since the Ji Yanlong master is here, the top powerhouses of the Xia Dynasty should have already arrived. I will hold the emperor Lin Xuan, and you guys will fight with Jiyanlong. As for the other powerhouses, they will be handed over to the Great Emperor Nanman. already."

Speaking of this, the snake pupil of the earth mother snake flickered, and then continued, "Apart from ourselves, the powerhouse of the covenant of the gods can also be won, especially the Moon King Rabbit, although she is strong at the God King level. Weak among them, but in the end he is also a strong **** king, he can win over!"

Hearing the Mother Earth Snake say this, the Great Emperor Nanman hesitated, "Nanman and Donghuang had a war before, and both sides suffered heavy losses. Under such circumstances, how could Donghuang join forces with us to fight against the enemy."

The Earth Mother Snake glanced at him, shook her head in a tone of "You can't teach children" and said, "The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Now, the covenant of the gods is surrounded by the emperor of the northern land. Their priority is not to take revenge on the southern barbarians, but It's the first time to get over the hurdle in front of you!"

"White Bear, go and discuss with the Moon King Rabbit. Our ancient **** and Nanman can join hands to help her defeat the emperor of the northern land and preserve the covenant of the gods. As for the conditions, she wants a **** who is about half of the gods. civil!"

Hearing the Mother Earth Snake say this, Bai Xue Xiongzhi was stunned. Although he is an ancient god, he is determined to join the new gods. It is impossible to agree!

"Of course I know she won't agree, but asking the sky and paying back the money on the ground is not the time to pay her back. Besides, Bai Xiong, you are going to take the road of a new god. Who am I now? It's all for the sake of it. You, we don't have many human races in central China.

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