Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Guardian Phoenix

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Compared with the demons who were suppressed after coming to Blue Star, when Lin Xuan, a "local", faced these "outsiders", he was able to get blessings from the origin of Blue Star, plus his own. The cultivation base is the ultimate, and under the light drink, it will naturally make countless demons terrified.

Of course, these demons with their heads clasped and stalked by no means included those super demons with extremely strong strength and top bloodlines. That was a few flame demons, and a flame dragon demon.

Needless to say, the Flame Demons, the elemental demons have no entity. After such a period of buffering, it is not easy to kill them.

As for the Flame Dragon Demon, it is different. It is a certain evolutionary branch of the Flame Demon. It is a powerful creature produced by the combination of the Flame Demon's origin Abyss flame and the dragon's bloodline by chance. It is not Elemental demons, but super demons with entities and dragon blood!

These powerful demons looked at Lin Xuan with fierce eyes. Their bodies exuded the breath of the abyss, and the jet-black flames soared. Lin Xuan showed a little timidity and rushed up, tearing him to pieces.

Lin Xuan was silent, not because he was afraid, but was thinking, if he made a move, would it trigger a counterattack from the demons? He probably wouldn't. He had already understood the habits of demons from the inheritance of the dragon clan, and believed in strong , contempt for the weak, is a typical example of bullying the weak and fearing the hard, so as long as they show their invincible power, these demons will only lie down and pray for their lives.

The next moment, Lin Xuan shot!

Target, a Balrog!

Congenital big mudra!

A terrifying golden-red terrifying giant palm fell from the sky, like swatting a fly, directly smashing a Balrog that didn't dodge in time into nothingness.

But among the demons, no one is afraid. As flame demons, they are naturally very clear. Even if they themselves are dead, they can reunite their bodies through the flames of the origin abyss hidden somewhere, and they will not die at all.

After one blow, Lin Xuan sat back on the top of the Tianshan Mountains again, looking at the many demons below with a normal expression.

And those demons are a little bit eager to move, just this, this, are you out of luck? !

One minute, two minutes... The time passed by one minute and one second. Although the demons were fierce and brutal, they did not

Not stupid, on the contrary, they are brave and ruthless precisely because they will not die, bullying the weak and fearing the hard is their character, and now, the Balrog has never come back, they have some vague guesses, and look at the one on the top of the mountain. When he was a strong man, his eyes were no longer fierce and cruel, but instead there was more fear and flattery.

Lin Xuan still said nothing, sitting quietly on the top of the mountain.

And these demons probably understood what Lin Xuan meant, and began to step back step by step, not daring to turn around, for fear that if he turned around, Lin Xuan directly shot and killed them without saying anything about martial arts, and died in Lin Xuan's hands. They are not immortal, they are really dead when they die.

Within a few minutes, the entire army of demons had all run away. Of course, the strongest flame dragon was not reconciled. It did not have the undead characteristics of the flame, plus its own terrifying strength, From the weak to the present, the journey has been smooth and smooth, and when was forced to retreat by the same-level powerhouse, this is the first time.

"I will definitely be back (Abyss)."

After saying that, it turned and left.

From this day on, Taixia's line of defense has been solid, not because of how strong the defense is, but because the flame demons regard it as a forbidden area and dare not bring other demons here.


The pattern of the world has also undergone earth-shaking changes due to the arrival of the abyss.

Outside of Taixia, humans and wild monsters have formed an alliance. Facing the "world killer" of the abyss, both humans and wild monsters are under a lot of pressure. They are not opponents of the other party by their own strength. If you want to survive, you must We are going to join It is sad to think about it. From the beginning, the undisputed sons of the world, to the fight with the invading monsters, the Blue Star human beings have not yet come to a result, and then there is an abyss Invasion, this is good, no matter whether it is a human or a wild monster, it is not an opponent, and it can only be fought together.

Even the most powerful country in Blue Star, Tai Xia, had only a few pillars to take over the Tai Xia border. The undead Minghuang led countless Taixia powerhouses to sweep the entire Taixia. Those gates of the abyss were all refined by the undead Minghuang. melted.

During this period, he naturally encountered an unimaginable enemy. If nothing else, the abyss master of the flame demon abyss, Jigu Yanmo, shot again, and Zhu Mingmei fought against him, and he didn't.

Divide life and death.

The extremely ancient flame demon is extremely strong, but Zhu Mingmei is not to be kneaded by others. The phoenix bloodline on her body has not been used as nourishment for the evolution of the human race bloodline like Lin Xuan, but it still flows within herself.

In this way, when she is attacked beyond her upper limit, there will naturally be a protector.

That's right, outside the universe of Blue Star, there is a peerless powerful guardian of the Phoenix family, just to protect Zhu Mingmei. As long as the bloodline on her body still exists for a day, this protection will not disappear.

Before this, Lin Xuan also had this treatment, but unfortunately, he gave up.

In the spatial dimension that no one knows, the ancient flame demon and a phoenix powerhouse stand opposite each other. Both are extremely powerful men with flames, but in terms of power alone, the phoenix family is definitely stronger than the flame demon family. In the abyss, the Phoenix family is not without investment.

Yinde Mingfeng, Purgatory Yinfeng, Yingfeng... etc. Feng clan almighty occupied an abyss plane in the endless abyss and became the master of the abyss.

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