Altora: The Chronicles Of The Ren-Ky Warriors

Chapter 66 - Ark 7: History and Change-Hunter part 4

HU-NT-3 R's blade pierced Morris's heart, as he wrapped his arms around him. Azoth began to laugh in victory. Morris smiled as HU-NT-3R began to struggle. He leaned his head close to HU-NT-3 R's ear. "You are more alive than you think, live your life because I won this fight. Not you or Azoth, because I did this for you soon as I saw you. So, please," Morris began to cough blood, as HU-NT-3R could not comprehend what was going on. "Please, find yourself and then find Lovell again. Because he will accept you as you, Hunter…" Morris's words echoing in HU-NT-3R ear, as his mind began to spin.

Lovell stared in horror seeing Morris's lifeless body fall to the ground. HU-NT-3R stood still his face should no emotion. Azoth walked up him and touched his shoulder, then walked over to Harpoon who had land nearby. HU-NT-3R stared into nothingness as he turned to Morris's body. He felt confused and conflicted as he made his way to Harpoon. Lovell began to get up, screaming at HU-NT-3R but was stopped by men from his camp. They held him down as HU-NT-3R pulled the reins, leaving the area. HU-NT-3R watched as he saw Lovell breakdown screaming.

They flew back to the castle, a young man waited for them. HU-NT-3R landed Harpoon as others grabbed the reins. They work like a well-oiled machine taking care of her needs, Azoth walked to the young man who saluted him.

"Welcome back, Councilor Azoth."

Azoth smiled at him. "He is all yours till I need him again, Kyle Longfeather."

"Sir," Kyle looked at HU-NT-3R, he noticed that he was not doing well. Kyle decided to bring HU-NT-3R to Vann.

HU-NT-3R stared at his hands, the words Morris said in his last words ringing through his whole body. Kyle looked at him, seeing that something was wrong. He turned down a hall, away from Vann's laboratory. HU-NT-3R stopped and stared out the window. His gaze lost, 'I must not fail my master,' HU-NT-3 R's thoughts distracted himself. 'I must not let my emotions take over or else they will kill me. I am nothing but—"

"Hunter, what going on?" HU-NT-3R turned to Kyle, his words caught him off guard.

"Master Kyle, who are you talking too?" His voice was cold and distant as he looked into Kyle's eyes.

Kyle sighed, placing his hands on his waist. "I was talking to you." HU-NT-3R stared at him. "I am calling you Hunter, as that's what I see when I read you clone code."

"I do not understand master Kyle?"

Kyle walked over to the window. "H, u, n, t,3, r, to me says Hunter. I just changer the 3 to an e and that where I get your name."

"Hunter…" Hunter turner to look outside once again. Kyle watched him seeing no emotion from his eyes. "Very well, if that's what you wish to call me, so be it."

Kyle looked as if he wanted to beat his head against the stone walls, "Well, I think you and I are going to be like oil and water for a long time." Kyle took a deep breath before walking down the hall. "Come on, I will take you to your room so you can rest."

Hunter followed him, 'That man is wrong, I a tool, nothing more. I will never account to anything. Master Kyle is just like Master Azoth, but—' Hunter felt strange as his hand touched his neck.

Hunter stopped as fear gripped him. He noticed the collar that Vann place on him was gone. Hunter knew if anyone saw him without it, he would be destroyed. Kyle looked back to see him show emotions and holding his neck. Kyle noticed the collar was gone and grabbed Hunter off to the side.

He gripped Hunter's arms. "Hunter, where is your collar?"

Hunter stared at him, "I do not know, I had it when—" He remembered when Morris struck him that it was shallow. "Our target cut it off without us noticing."

Kyle looked around, "We need to get you to your room, fast." Hunter stared at the ground as he became nauseous from the fear. "Look, everything is going to be fine. Just don't draw any attention to your neck, and we will be fine."

Hunter looked at Kyle, "Very well, Master Kyle."

They made their way to Hunter's room. Luck was on their side, as they had not seen anyone else along the way. Kyle rummaged through Hunters things and found a belt, he turned it into a makeshift collar. "There, that should work for now, unless Vann comes by and says otherwise."

Hunter touched it; his mind became clear. Kyle noticed he became emotionless, Hunter turned to him as he walked out the door. "I am going to see Vann about getting you a proper replacement. So…" Kyle growled as he gripped the doorway. "so, stay put till I or Vann have come to see you. Master Azoth is not allowed in until further notice by Vann."

Kyle left the room; Hunter touched the collar. Morris's words began to ring once more, as he closed his eyes. "You are wrong, Morris; I am going to be alone and a tool, so your words mean nothing to me." Hunter looked at himself in the mirror. Seeing his long uncut hair, he grabbed his sword and cut his hair shoulder length. Hunter then tired it back, he noticed he looked like Morris with his hair the way he styled it.

A knock at his door caught his attention, he turned to see who it was. It was Kyle and Vann. Vann started at Hunter's hair; Kyle couldn't believe his eyes to what he did. Vann asked him to sit as to evaluate his psyche.

Vann leaned back, "Well, there is nothing I can do since he was like this when he was born. The collar is more like a mental stabilizer. The original was ordered by Azoth to keep him inline."

Kyle looked at Vann, "Lord Vann, will he be alright to not have it?"

Vann flicked his ear. "Yes, I would not worry if he has a collar or not; it was just for that mission." He looked at his papers. "And besides, HU-NT-3R here is more than capable of doing what is told of him with or without it."

Kyle looked at Hunter, "I would rather you call him Hunt—"

"No, he is a tool, not a person. I do hope you will understand that in due time Master Kyle?" Kyle clenched his hands, while Vann got up. "Now if you excuse me, I have more pressing matters to take care of." Vann got up and turned to Kyle, "Oh, and Kyle, make sure to bring him in every year to have a checkup. Clones can die in instant so do take caution. He is yours and Prince Azoths tool."

Vann walked out of the room; Hunter watched as Kyle punched the wall. "Dam fox, he doesn't think I ready know that!" Kyle looked at Hunter and sighed, "We are leaving in two weeks for a mission, so rest up and take care of yourself." Kyle looked away from him. "That's …that's all for now." Kyle left the room, leaving Hunter alone until their mission.

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