Altora: The Chronicles Of The Ren-Ky Warriors

Chapter 90 - Marin 12th - Dragon

"I can hardly believe that my father was out for the whole week, without me noticing?"

Scarlet watched Lance pace back and forth. She almost wanted to trip Lance as he panicked.

"Lance, just calm down we know that your father will be back within the hour so could you please sit, or I will make you."

Lance looked over at her before sitting down. "Sorry, it's just I can only imagine what he would say to me—"

Lance looked over to hear the door open. His heart sank as he watched his father walk in. as Lance watched he noticed a dracoman walk in behind him. The dragoman was older and seemed to know his father as they chatted.

Scarlett stared at them as she glanced at Lance. giving him hints to talk to his father. Lance swallowed, as he walked up to his father. "Father, can I talk to you?"

Mr. Pendragon looked over to Lance. "If it's about Gale I already know. He sent a letter to his father eons ago." Lance braced himself as he wait for his father to scold him. "Besides, you did everything in your power to help him. There was nothing you could have done better or to even prevent it from happening."

Lance stood in shock as he listened to his father, "Wait you aren't angry at me? O-or going to scold me for not doing my job better?"

Pendragon scowled at Lance, "No, but right now we have more pressing matters dealing with your mother."

The elderly dracoman moved closer. "My name is Aaron; I am your mother father or your grandfather. It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you for the first time Lance."

Scarlett almost fell from her seat as Aaron spoke. Lance stumbled back as he tried figure out what was going on. Aaron looked at Pendragon, and he sighed.

"Lance, this man is your grandfather, but here me out you mother wanted to tell you herself once you were about sixteen-seventeen since your only quarter dracoman." Pendragon guided Lance to his seat.

While Aaron followed behind. Lance became dazed as his father waved his hand over Lances face. Scarlett became frustrated with Lance as she got up and smacked him across the head.

"Come on Lance! Pull yourself together." Scarlett scowled at him. "This is better new than you getting your a.s.s chewed out, is it not?"

Lance rubbed his head as he nodded. Aaron went to reach over but stayed his hand. "Look, Lance, I know this is a lot, but you are going to be going through a change in your life where your wings will appear soon. Your father felt it was best that I come and help you through the transition."

Lance touched his shoulder. "You mean that quarter breeds can have wings?"

Aaron nodded as Pendragon leaned forward. "When you returned, I noticed the in your sleep you seemed in pain. Not nightmare pain but physical pain." He looked at Aaron, "And I knew that your wings were coming. So, I set out to get your grandfather to help you where your mother could not."

"So, when did you leave?" Scarlett asked.

"About two weeks ago. Aaron was grieving the loss of his son, your half uncle, Ark."

Scarlett and Lance stared at each other as they looked back Pendragon. "Wait, you mean the same Ark that was within the Goanna Mercenaries?"

Aaron stared as Lance, "So, you two met before his passing?"

Lance nodded as he explained his time with Lovell and the others leading up to him coming home. Aaron sat in astonishment as Lance talked. Pendragon was surprised at how far his son went and that Lovell was gone.

"Where is Gale now?" His father asked.

Lance shook his head. "I don't know, we all went in different directions. All I can say is that we might come back together someday, somehow. I do not know when though?"

Aaron smiled as he touched Lance's shoulder. "Well why don't you learn what you can before that day arrives? You and your friend pack your things and we will leave within the week?"

Lance smiled as tears began to well up. Scarlett smiled as she noticed Lance growing in excitement. Pendragon left with Aaron as Lance walked to his room and began to pack his thing when a pain shot through his back. He keeled over as the pain intensified. The sound of his shirt ripping as his new wings stretched out. Lance panted as the pain subsided. He looked back to see that they were a soft green with hints of teal speckled. He also noticed that they were feathered half-way. He became curious of to what his grandfather was as Ark did not have any feathers. He went to find a shirt that would fit but found non as they did not accommodate for his wings. Lance sighed as he cut the back out of one before finish packing his things.

Then he felt strange as he turned to see his wings had somehow disappeared. Lance was confused, as he change his shirt once more to cover his back.

"I hope my grandfather can tell me more about what just happened?" Lance rubbed his shoulder in fear of taring another shrit.

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