Am I God

Vol 2 Chapter 980: half year later

Since Zhao Yao's continuous live broadcast for several days, information and various news about him have continued to ferment on the Internet, making him a super hot spot that attracts countless people's attention.

Coupled with the full exposure of superpowers, some people with intentions, some countries, and some foreign forces have contributed to the fuel, and more and more information about Zhao Yao and superpowers has been presented to the public, and it has become a constant in the next few months. One of the biggest hotspots on the web.

There are even many people who take photos at Zhao Yao's former residence, former company, and Zhao Yao's former school every day.

"Everyone line up, come up to take pictures one by one, don't worry... This is where Zhao Yao deleted the database at the company. Although we have no evidence, but because there is no evidence, he must have done it with superpowers."

During the press conference, a group of reporters were taking pictures of the water dragon.

"Let me tell you, the first time I saw Zhao Yao, I knew that he was very unusual." Shui Long held a book and said, "For the fight between me and Zhao Yao, you can buy me in prison. The biography written in "People in the Jianghu"..."

Outside the African factory, Xiao Ming was ecstatic while holding the phone.

" want to invest in me? Yes, yes, I owe Zhao Yao several tens of millions, right or wrong, wrong, Zhao Yao invested tens of millions in me, and half of my shares here belong to him. …”

Xiao Ming was moved and said: "You guys also want to invest? Yes, yes... I and Zhao Yao certainly have a good relationship, otherwise he can invest tens of millions for me? That's tens of millions, and the biological parents will turn their faces. How strong is the relationship?"

Outside the middle school gate, a person surrounded Xiaoyu and said attentively, "This is Zhao Yao's aunt, Miss Yu?"

"Such a young aunt?" A big man said in surprise: "It must be the ability to rejuvenate and rejuvenate, right? Aunt's real body must be a great beauty."

Xiaoyu, who was still impatient just now and wanted to drive them away, squinted her eyes and said in surprise, "Have you all seen this?"

As Zhao Yao's influence continues to spread, his career will also progress steadily in the next few months.

So soon after, the nationwide grass ban began, and the briquettes catnip became the only officially designated catnip in the country, and it began to be marketed in many cities.

Zhao Yao also bought an entire street with a loan from Maole City, and various reconstructions and expansions followed.

However, most of Zhao Yao's business was handed over to Bai Quan, and he himself spent more time on the research of the sealed world.

Half a year later, in a small 18th-tier county somewhere in China.

A teenage girl was bouncing towards a newly opened coffee shop on the street.

On the old street, I saw a well-decorated cafe that was completely different from the dilapidated and backward shops around it.

As soon as the girl opened the small door of the cafe, she immediately saw an orange cat squatting at the door, waiting for her with an unhappy expression.

The girl immediately lowered her head apologetically, put her hands together and said, "I'm sorry! I'm late until the alarm on my mobile phone didn't ring!" She opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the depths of the cafe: "Is the boss here?"

Then he saw a young man with a pale face and dark circles on a reclining chair who was squinting for a nap. The sun shone on him, adding a lazy atmosphere to him.

Looking at the young man on the reclining chair, Ning Ning always felt that the other party was like an old cat lying in the yard basking in the sun.

At the same time, the orange cat squatting in front of him shook his head and pointed to the direction of the kitchen with his paws. Ning Ning immediately went to the kitchen to prepare the cats' breakfast.

While processing the cat meal with the fresh ingredients prepared yesterday, she looked at the young man on the reclining chair curiously, and thought to herself, "The dark circles are so heavy, he must have slept very late last night..."

The owner of the coffee shop gave him a very mysterious, very eccentric feeling.

For example, this coffee shop was established overnight, and it was even a normal grocery store the day before it opened.

For example, the boss is always lying sickly on a chair every day to take a nap, and he doesn't even greet guests when they come.

For example, the boss's face always gave him a familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember why.

There are also cats who mysteriously appear and disappear mysteriously in the store. Ning Ning doesn't even know how many cats the owner of the store has, but she only knows that she can't see a single cat in normal times. But after dinner time, they will be surrounded by all kinds of cats.

"The boss must be an apostle, right? The cats in this store seem to be super cats?" Ning Ning thought excitedly: "Will I become friends with them in the future and let these cats help me?"

Matcha squatted in front of Ning Ning, looked at him with contempt, and said, "With a stupid look, this stupid woman is really the worst clerk I've ever had."

Latte arched his head and walked over. Half a year later, the current latte has grown into a half-sized The body is basically half the size of matcha, and it looks like I am hungry Same as matcha for a week.

As soon as the latte came over, he stared straight at the cat meal prepared by Ning Ning, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said, "Is the meal ready? Is it about to be served?"

Matcha said, "Silly cat, I won't eat salmon today."

"Don't call me a stupid cat, I've tested my IQ, and there are 90!" Latte patted her paws angrily. Ever since Matcha and Latte were found out by milk tea that day, Matcha has been calling him stupid. Cat was a name he hated.

He has an IQ as high as 90, how could he be a stupid cat.

Matcha said lightly: "You obviously only have three days of memory, how can you not be a silly cat."

"Nonsense! I remember everything, if you don't believe me, test me!"

Matcha: "What did you have for dinner last Sunday?"

"I...Last week..." Latte kept biting his meat pads, but found that he couldn't think of an answer, and he couldn't help but doubt himself: "Am I really a stupid cat? Yes."

Matcha continued: "Actually, it's nothing to remember. Many cats can't remember what they ate a few days ago..."

Latte squatted aside, and just breathed a sigh of relief, when he heard Matcha say again: "But starting from next month, Zhao Yao plans to start the monthly test, and the test will be conducted every month in the future, and the unqualified cats will be punished. Salary deductions, bonuses, and make-up classes…”

"What!" Latte said angrily: "Cats also have to take exams? Need to make up classes? It's unreasonable! This is cat abuse!"

But when he thought that it was Zhao Yao who had to do this kind of thing, Latte was immediately discouraged, and he could only sigh in his heart that it was difficult for cats to live. He had only lived for less than a year, and he felt the cruelty of society. , even an IQ of 90 is not enough.

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