American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 123: spooky package

Carrie is a sensible little loli. Although she was not full, she did not lose her temper.

In fact, the days with Gao Fei have been very nourishing. When I was wandering the streets with Ole, I might not be able to eat a complete pizza for three to five days.

The father and daughter quickly finished the two pizzas. Goofy got out of the car and threw the box into the trash. At this moment, Goofy suddenly noticed a sneaky figure walking towards the villain William's house.

Gao Fei pretended not to pay attention, and immediately returned to the car after throwing away the garbage. After getting in the car, he quietly looked at the mysterious man through the car window, and saw that he had put a black package at William's door.

After putting down the package, the man left immediately, without even knocking on William's door.

Goofy was curious, and immediately thought of the phone call William made at the pizza shop - the person on the phone said that he wanted to give him an "important information", and the package sent by the mysterious man was likely to be the "important information". material".

Carrie also keenly discovered the mysterious person who delivered the package. The little girl asked cleverly, "Father Goofy, do we want to track the package delivery?"

"Don't need it for the time being. This guy should just be running errands. The key is what's in this package and whether it's the important information that William said on the phone." Gao Fei said in a low voice.

"Then take the package and look at it, won't you know?" Carrie's thinking was simple and straightforward.

Gao Fei had observed the situation nearby. There were no cameras in this area, and the villain William had been silent. He didn't seem to know that this mysterious package was sent home.

So Gao Fei tiptoed across the road to the door of William's house, picked up the package under the mailbox at the door and walked back to the car. The father and daughter looked down at the shoebox-sized package in their hands, guessing what "important information" was inside. .

Carrie couldn't wait to come up with a plan: "Or... let's open it up and take a look?"

But Gao Fei was more cautious: "Don't rush to open it, in case it doesn't contain any important information, but a bomb!"

"Bombs?" Carrie asked, tilting her head. "Father Goofy, are you afraid of bombs?"

Gao Fei thought about it, am I afraid of bombs?

Just kidding, Dad, I'm not afraid of death, but I'm still afraid of bombs?

Calling up the system again to take a look, the current physique has reached 6.6, and the physical strength in this state should be able to withstand a small-scale explosion, such as the burning and explosion of a car fuel tank.

"Don't be afraid!"

So Gao Fei said confidently, he has to establish a heroic image in front of his daughter!

In the end, before she could finish her sentence, Carrie opened the black package with a bang. The little girl moved too fast. It seemed that the girl's love for unpacking was engraved in her bones.

Gao Fei was shocked on the spot, why is this girl so arrogant?

It is estimated that he has lived with Gao Fei for a long time, and he has also learned from Gao Fei to evolve into a reckless man...

And just after the black package was torn apart, a strange silver goose egg-shaped object fell out. Carrie picked it up and squinted to see that there was still a red light shining on it.

"Father Goofy, what is this?" Carrie asked with a confused expression.

Gao Fei glanced at it, and then broke out in white sweat!

"This is a bomb!"

"Is it really a bomb?" Carrie also panicked and asked with a pale face, "What should I do now?"

Gao Fei quickly reached out and grabbed it: "Give it to me, leave it to me!"

But Carrie had her own thoughts, and Little Loli suddenly swallowed.


A bomb with a big fist was directly swallowed by Carrie, and Gao Fei looked dumbfounded!

What is this Nima doing?

In the past, walking in the rivers and lakes paid attention to swallowing a sword. Now that technology has advanced, weapons have advanced, and you can directly perform swallowing a bomb? !

Girl, you are too tiger!

After seeing Carrie swallowing the bomb, Gao Fei was confused and worried. He hurriedly hugged Carrie and asked nervously, "Carrie, how are you feeling now?"

Before she finished speaking, she heard a loud noise from Carrie's stomach.

Boooooom! !

Then Carrie's eyes, nostrils, and mouth all lit up.

Gao Fei's whole body is not well, for fear that the little loli in his arms will be torn apart by the bomb. But it seemed that his worries were superfluous, and Carrie seemed to be fine...

After a short while, the sound of the explosion in Carrie's stomach was silent, and her facial features and expressions were normal.

The little girl didn't speak for a long time, and Gao Fei stared at her nervously. After a while, Carrie patted her chest and opened her mouth to burp.


This is a burp that smells of gunpowder, **** can't be harder.

Gao Fei urinated in that scene, and co-authoring the little girl really swallowed the bomb?

And the bomb exploded in Carrie's stomach, and the energy released was directly absorbed by Carrie!

"Carrie, Carrie..." Goofy called to her in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

Carrie touched her stomach, and she was a little shocked, but the little girl was quite happy, squinting her eyes and smiling, "I'm so full... I've never eaten so full before..."

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized - Carrie not only withstood the bomb's attack, but also absorbed the bomb's energy. She treated the bomb's energy as food and directly digested it!

Carrie's digestive system is really It can not only digest ordinary food, but also energy substances such as motor oil, and even directly digest energy.

And the explosion just now barely made Carrie feel full, which shows that this little loli's appetite has far exceeded Goofy's imagination.

This loli... is really terrifying! !

After a while, Carrie suddenly reacted.

"Damn it! I ate this guy's package, what should I do now?"

Gao Fei smiled: "What should I do? It's too late for this villain William to thank you!"

Speaking of which, Goofy grabbed the pieces of the package and took Carrie straight to the villain William's house. Carrie was confused and followed closely behind Goofy.

Going to William's door, Gao Fei knocked on the door irritably.

After a while, William came to open the door vigilantly. This guy also hid a modified Glock pistol behind him.

"Who?" William asked in a low voice, only opening the door a small crack.

Gao Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, he pushed the door open easily, and when the villain William tried to resist, he grabbed him by the neck and threw the Glock in his hand to the ground.

"NYPD, I urge you to cooperate." Gao Fei directly stated his identity.

Hearing that Gao Fei was a police officer, the villain William resisted even more, writhing like a big loach.

Gao Fei pressed him against the wall, and then said in a deep voice, "Listen, I didn't come to arrest you today, I came to save your life!"

After that, he handed the empty package in his hand to William and said in a low voice, "You should know about this package, right? It was placed at your door by someone ten minutes ago. Do you know what treasure is in it? I might as well tell you. You, there's a bomb in here!"

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