American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 136: Angry S.H.I.E.L.D.

The explosion of the S.H.I.E.L.D. off-road vehicle attracted detectives from the 109th Precinct, who arrived at the scene earlier than Eddie. Hank, who had just taken office as the sheriff, encountered such a difficult case, which made his old face full of anxiety.

Before Hank began to deploy the investigation of the case, gossip had already spread in the neighborhood of Brooklyn. Everyone thought it was a revenge by the criminal gang against Goofy. After all, as a police officer who made great achievements, Goofy made enemies. countless.

Hank's original idea was the same. He also thought that the fully-armed gangster on this mysterious off-road vehicle must be some mercenary army, but out of prudence, Hank asked Gao Fei to inquire about the situation at the scene.

The two old partners sat in Hank's police car and started a confidential and friendly conversation.

"Goofy, what the **** is going on? Who are these people?" Hank asked in a low voice, glancing at Goofy in the co-pilot from time to time.

"They are gangsters who came to kidnap my daughter, it's that simple." Goofy said concisely and forcefully.

"Is it a mercenary corps? Or the remnants of the Osborn Group?" Hank whispered, "Have they exposed their identities?"

Gao Fei didn't answer this question directly, but spread his hands: "I don't think their identities are important, right? They illegally invaded and kidnapped people, and tried to wound people with guns. Based on these two points alone, they will die."

"Indeed." Hank nodded. "But what happened to the last explosion? Did you plant a bomb on their car?"

"I can only say that this bomb has nothing to do with me." Gao Fei said lightly.

Hank wanted to ask again, but his phone suddenly rang.

"Hold on."

Hank answered the phone, then narrowed his eyes.

After a while, Hank hung up the phone and looked back at Goofy.

His expression became serious, and his eyebrows were tangled together.

"Goofy, my buddy, you didn't tell me the truth..."

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "No, Hank, I'm telling the truth, but I didn't tell you the whole story."

Hank slapped his thigh in frustration: "Damn it! Goofy, you killed five agents! Agents of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency!"

"So what?" Gao Fei smiled disdainfully, "I don't care if they are some kind of **** agents, I only know that their actions today are illegal and criminal, the identity of the agents is not a gold medal, agents break the law, and they are the same crime as the common people!"

"Oh... Goofy..." Hank pinched his forehead depressedly, "You really got into a big disaster..."

Goofy patted Hank on the shoulder: "Sorry, old man, I gave you a problem when you first became sheriff. But these people want to kidnap Carrie, and you know I'll never allow them to do that. ."

Hank smiled bitterly: "I understand, Gao Fei, you don't have to blame yourself, I'm also a father, I can understand your feelings..."

"Then how are you going to handle this case?" Gao Fei asked.

Hank spread his hands and said, "What can I do? On the one hand, there is an agent who has no sense of presence in the country and tries to kidnap the little girl without saying hello, and on the other hand, he has won two medals of courage a year and saved New York citizens over and over again. Hero detective, what do you think I should do?"

Gao Fei laughed: "Thank you, Hank."

Hank still had a solemn expression: "Don't rush to thank you, man, I'm just a small police chief with limited abilities. I can only do my best to protect you, and the rest is up to you."

"Okay, leave the rest to me." Gao Fei said with a smile.


three days later.

Washington, D.C., S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Nick Fury frowned and sat by the window, while Agent Phil Coulson stood across from him across a desk.

"So... now our agent was bitten to death and turned into a kidnapper?" Nick Fury asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Coulson nodded gloomily, "The Global Daily published a news yesterday morning that Brooklyn hero police detective Gao Fei was illegally invaded. The gangsters attempted to kidnap his young daughter. Arrive in time and kill the gangster on the spot..."

"What nonsense!" Nick Fury slapped the table angrily. "He is the villain and sue first!"

"But everyone believes in this news report." Coulson said helplessly, "because ... video evidence was left at the scene."

Speaking of which, Coulson sent a video to Nick Fury's computer from his tablet.

Fury opened it and saw that it was a surveillance video from an apartment.

In the apartment, a cute little loli was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Suddenly, there was a muffled "bang", and several men in full armor broke into the door. The leader was Grant Ward, an agent of SHIELD.

"Put your hands up! Squat down!"

Ward roared at Little Lolita with a stern voice.

Little Loli turned pale with fright, and ran into the corner like a frightened bunny shivering, but the agents pointed at her with weapons and kept yelling at her.

The video stops here, but that's enough to illustrate the point.

Nick Fury looked solemn after watching the video.

Coulson sighed: "After this video was exposed, public opinion turned against us even more. Our attitude towards the little girl was the biggest failure."

"But she's not an ordinary little girl at all, she's a terrifying monster! If the agents don't watch out for her, she might die at her hands!" Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"It's a pity that the citizens don't know this, they will only think that she is an innocent little loli, not to mention that she is the daughter of the hero detective Goofy." Coulson smiled bitterly, "After watching this video, everyone They all feel that our agents deserve to die."

Nick Fury looked solemn: "But things can't be left like this. What did the NYPD say?"

Coulson sighed helplessly: "The NYPD refused to cooperate with us. They claimed that Gao Fei was a model police officer, not to mention that he made outstanding contributions to maintaining the stability of New York a few days ago. Dealing with Gao Fei at this time is tantamount to selfishness. Destroying the" Fury asked in a deep voice, "I don't believe that no one can handle Goofy!"

"Director, don't forget, our relationship with the FBI has always been bad. The FBI has been working to limit our right of movement in the United States, and they want all our agents to die..." Coulson said with a wry smile.

"Mazefak, I almost forgot!" Nick Fury rubbed his dark and bright forehead.

He suddenly realized that he couldn't do anything about Goofy!

At this moment, a burly agent pushed in the door.

"Fury, when are you going to kill that **** cop?!"

Agent Coulson hurriedly nodded and said hello to the visitor, "Agent Garrett."

Nick Fury had a headache: "Garrett, my old buddy, don't be so impulsive, this police officer is difficult to handle."

"What's so hard to deal with? He's just a little Brooklyn policeman!" Garrett was like a fire, "Kill him and tie the monster girl beside him, it's that simple!"

"Garrett..." Fury shook his head and persuaded, "He is a hero in New York and a living sign of the NYPD. If we kill him, wouldn't it be a big mess for the whole world? For him alone, it will cause the entire New York City citizens Our hatred, maybe it will expose our identities... Please, Garrett, you and I are not so stupid."

Garrett disagrees with Nick Fury.

"Fury, Grant died at his hands! My apprentice was blown up by that kid! If you don't want to avenge Grant, then this matter is up to me!"

After speaking, Garrett angrily turned and left Nick Fury's office. Nick Fury wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

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