American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 144: I saw death

Pepper Potts ran desperately on the road, the lights of the opposite cars flickered so that she could not see the road in front of her, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and behind it was the harsh sound of anti-tank missiles piercing the air. noise.

She didn't have to think about it to know that she must be Obadiah's preferred target, because there is enough criminal evidence to send Obadiah to life imprisonment in the USB flash drive in her pocket. This is the reason why Obadiah must kill her.

"I don't want to die..."

Pepper screamed desperately at the last moment, but the anti-tank missiles had already reached her back.

The passers-by around looked at this beauty with chestnut hair in horror, and they also felt sorry and fearful for this stunner.

And just a second before the missile hit Pepper, a burly figure suddenly appeared beside her.

It's Gao Fei!

The police are flying high!

Goofy and Pepper originally ran in two directions, but after the missile aimed at Pepper, Goofy changed the initial route.

He couldn't watch Pepper being bombed into the sky, he had to protect this poor woman.

Although Gao Fei at this time has decided to stay in the Marvel world and no longer deliberately die and return, he still subconsciously chooses to sacrifice himself to save others, because this has become his habit, and even his instinctive reaction .

At this moment, Gao Fei didn't think much about it at all, and he jumped behind Pepper without hesitation.

"If I want to die, I have to die first!"

Gao Fei said with a smile, then opened his arms and hugged Pepper tightly from behind.

"Flying high!!"

Unexpectedly, Pepper shouted Goofy's name.

But her cry was drowned out by a deafening explosion.


The strong shock wave directly pushed the two of them out. Even though Goofy was firmly in his arms, Pepper still felt that his skin was about to be torn...

"Flying high...flying high...flying high..."

Pepper called Goofy's name over and over again, but she couldn't hear her own voice at all. There was only a sharp buzzing sound in her mind, and at the same time, her eyes were completely dark.

It took half a minute for Pepper to regain her sight, but when she saw the situation in front of her, she was stunned.

I saw that she and Gao Fei hugged each other and fell on the road dozens of meters away from the explosion location. Behind Gao Fei, there was a shocking blood line that was as long as their flight path!

Obviously, Goofy's strengthened body still couldn't completely resist the missile, and his body was torn apart.

Looking down, he saw Gao Fei's face was pale and weak.

"Officer Goofy!"

Pepper burst into tears, leaning over and hugging Goofy into his arms.

Gao Fei was in a calm mood. He glanced back at the blood on the ground and frowned, "Damn it? The injury is serious enough this time? Will my buddy finally die?"

Pepper's tears fell like rain, and the tears fell on Gao Fei's face. She sobbed and said, "Officer Gao Fei, why did you save me? Why are you so stupid?"

Gao Fei smiled comfortingly: "Don't be sad, isn't it death! It's no big deal, I see death as home."

After dying for so long, he finally got what he wanted, and it was too late for Gao Fei to be happy. The only downside was that the appearance of death was a bit too ugly, and he couldn't fulfill his last dignity.

Pepper was moved and heartbroken when he saw Gao Fei's death and forced a smile on his face.

"Officer Goofy, it's me, not you..."

Gao Fei was not polite to her, what are you, me, and whoever grabs it counts!

"By the way, Pepper, I have a few last words to say." Gao Fei took a deep breath and said in an air of gossamer.

Pepper quickly said, "Tell me, I'll listen, no matter what you ask, I'll promise you!"

Gao Fei smiled: "It's very simple, I have a little girl, her name is Carrie, she is a very sensible child, her only weakness is greed... I hope you can help me raise her. She doesn't like being adopted by strangers, don't Let others adopt her, and don't let others bully her..."

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I will treat her like my own daughter." Pepper said while wiping away tears.

"Well... I also have an uncle Frank, and you..." Gao Fei pondered, "Forget it, don't pay attention to that old guy, or he will take advantage of him."

Pepper quickly shook his head: "No, I'll take care of Frank too!"

"And Auntie Wang from our block, and Auntie Wang's daughter Jie Qian, and..." Gao Feiyue said the weaker and weaker his voice was, until it was barely audible in the end.

In the end, Gao Fei slowly closed his eyes, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Dad, Mom, my son is home..."

But Pepper screamed in pain while holding Gao Fei, and the shrill voice spread far above the East River.

at the same time.

There was a burst of violent rock music in the distant sky, and a red and yellow iron trapeze came at a super high speed...


When Goofy regained consciousness, he felt that he must have gone home.

Opening his eyes, he couldn't wait to find his parents.

However, looking around, Gao Fei was stunned.

Nima, where is this?

Why is it bare all around?

The surrounding environment looks like the surface of the moon, except that it is barren. The distant sky is dark, and only at the end of the sky are a few dimly lit stars.

"What's going on here? I crossed the wrong place? This isn't the Earth, isn't it? Wouldn't it be possible for me to cross over to the moon?"

Gao Fei is just Is this system reliable? As soon as they said they would be able to travel back home when they died? This is it!

"System, get out of here! If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll scold you to death!" Gao Fei said angrily.

However, before the system answered, a graceful woman suddenly appeared out of thin air not far away.

This "appearing out of thin air" is not a rhetorical device, but it really appeared out of thin air. There was nothing just now, and suddenly a woman appeared.

Gao Fei was shocked, how could he bring a big man alive!

Take a closer look, this woman is so beautiful! She is a hundred times more beautiful than any widow sister, Wanda, and Mela! And Gao Fei couldn't tell what race she was, as if the advantages of all races were combined by her.

This beauty has green eyes and a hot body. What's worse is that she dresses very coolly and only has a black bikini.

Gao Fei felt agitated for a while: eating chicken now, no, it's exciting.

At this moment, the big beauty in a black bikini opened her mouth.

"Hello, my suitor, for the sake of your piety, I made an exception to meet you."

When Gao Fei heard this, he was stunned.

What is it?

your suitor?

You made an exception to meet me?

What the **** is this?

Who is after you?

Who asked you to meet me?

Besides, you actually use the word "meeting", you are so shameless, girl!

"Who the **** are you?" Gao Fei asked with a confused expression.

The **** girl smiled charmingly, wiggling her graceful waist and said, "I am death..."

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