American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 157: See Through the Trap (12/20)

Norman Osborn said that he was afraid of involving the two police officers, but his body was very honest and kept Goofy and Steve.

On the same day, he accepted the arrangement of Superintendent Schneider and let the two officers live in his home.

Originally, Superintendent Schneider wanted to send some more support, and even set up an ambush near Osborn's mansion, but Goofy didn't let him do so, not to mention that there is no such abundant police force in Manhattan now.

In the end, Superintendent Schneider resigned and left, while Goofy and Steve stayed at the Osborn house.

When they were alone, Goofy and Steve began to really discuss the case.

"What do you think of the surveillance video just now?" Gao Fei asked first.

"It's always a little weird, but I can't tell why." Steve frowned, his intuition was very sharp.

"That Norman Osborn, he is a fortified person, he injected a large dose of Green Goblin reagent, so he became what he is now..." Gao Fei whispered.

"What?" Steve didn't expect it, and then suddenly realized.

"No wonder... No wonder I think this surveillance video is wrong. It turns out that this guy is not a terminally ill patient at all, but a fortified person."

Osborn's subtle movements during the shooting process in the video revealed flaws, such as the muscles involuntarily resisting the reaction force of the pistol. These small details can escape the eyes of Director Schneider, but can not escape the eyes of Steve.

"Since this guy is a fortified person himself, why does he need our protection? The gangster who assassinated him was just an ordinary fortified person. That gangster is not Osborn's opponent at all, right?" Steve grabbed it immediately focus.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "This is an interesting question, I'll give you a supplementary lesson first. Norman Osborn is not only the enhancer who injected the most doses of the Green Goblin Reagent, he is the initiator of the development of the Green Goblin Reagent. All the Green Goblins in New York were created by him."


Steve was shocked on the spot, this old guy hid so deeply!

"So, the enhanced man who assassinated him in the video was a mercenary created by himself? He hired someone to kill himself? Why did he do this?"

"Don't worry." Gao Fei said, "When I tell the whole story, you will know why he did this."

So Goofy took Steve to review the history of the birth of the Green Goblin, starting from the human experiment at the Holt Pharmaceutical Factory, until Goofy drove the Stark-modified armored combat vehicle that night. Norman Osborn sent to heaven.

Steve was mesmerized.

No wonder New Yorkers adore Goofy so much.


[Worship from Steve Rogers +5]

Gao Fei had a black line on his face.

I'm not telling you stories to make you worship me!

"Ahem, now you understand my relationship with Norman Osborn?" Goofy asked.

Steve nodded: "You know he's the initiator of the whole Green Goblin incident, but he doesn't know that you've seen through his identity. He sees you as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, but he thinks you're being fooled by him. inside."

"Yes." Gao Fei said, "So he directed and acted in this assassination scene, which is basically a trap set against me."

Steve immediately understood: "Because the one who assassinated him was a fortified man, and there are only two police officers in New York who can deal with the fortified man, and the police force in Manhattan is seriously insufficient, so once he applies for NYPD asylum, then NYPD will The two of us will definitely be dispatched to handle this case."

Goofy nodded and said, "Yes, in this way, we fell into his trap."

Steve pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, but he can't kill you at all! Doesn't he know that you are immortal? It's a waste of effort to attack you!"

"Who said he set a trap to kill me?" Goofy said, "It's because I have an immortal body that he set a trap for me. Just imagine, for a person who is keen to strengthen his body. Say, wouldn't it be too tempting to have a human with an immortal body?"

"He wants to capture you as an experimental sample?" Steve followed Gao Fei's train of thought, "He also wants to have an immortal body!"

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "He not only wants to arrest me, he also wants to arrest you. One of us has an immortal body, and the other is a living sample of the super soldier serum during World War II. He lied to us both to protect him, In fact, it kills two birds with one stone.”

Steve was shocked.

"What? Not only does he covet your body? He covets mine? What a greedy old fellow!"

Gao Fei: "…"

"Constable Steve, can you make a draft before you speak?"

Seeing through Norman Osborn's conspiracy, Goofy and Steve took the initiative.

"Then what are we going to do next? We can't just sit here and wait to die, right?" Steve said, "This guy Osborn must have laid a lot of traps at home, and we can't stay in this place of right and wrong."

Gao Fei has his own ideas.

"It doesn't matter, we might as well count it."

"How do you manage to do it?" Steve asked, "Are you sure you can deal with his black tech weapons?"

"Of course I'm sure." Gao Fei said, "I'm going to let him show his sinister true face this time!"

"Okay, let's talk about your plan," Steve said.

Gao Fei stretched and said leisurely, "My plan is to take a shower first, and then go to sleep comfortably."

"Huh?" Steve looked blank. "Is this your plan?"

"Of course." Gao Fei spread his hands, "Then we will watch Norman Osborn's performance. We are responsible for watching the changes."


Steve didn't understand what Goofy was thinking at all, but he obediently followed Goofy's advice.

The two settled at Osborn's house, waiting for the old guy to play tricks.

Fortunately, Norman Osborn didn't make the two wait too long. He started his performance in the early A piercing alarm sound came from the direction of the bedroom, accompanied by his cry for help.

"Help! Help!"

Goofy and Steve turned over, and they both ran in unison.

When I ran to the door of the bedroom, I saw Norman Osborn fell on the side of the bed with a large bloodstain on his chest.

"Mr. Osborn." Goofy called out in mock surprise, and walked into Osborn's bedroom with Steve.

"Mr. Osborn, let me see your wound." Steve stepped forward, bent over and tried to help Osborn.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that Osborn's body was not quite right.

The hand stretched out, but went straight through Osborn - it was not Norman Osborn at all, but an extremely realistic virtual image.

"Oops!" Steve's face changed, "Goofy, we've been tricked!"

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