American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 174: suspect iron man

After another ten minutes, Steve Rogers rode an old motorcycle to the scene, along with Sam and Anna, who were on patrol, and everyone cleaned up the scene in an orderly manner under the command of Gao Fei.

"Iron Man" caused considerable damage to the neighborhood and caused the death of a citizen. According to witnesses, "Iron Man" brutally shot and killed a middle-aged man with a machine gun on his suit.

Goofy quickly found the poor victim, his wife and children squatting beside his body weeping.

The victim, named Richard Duke, is a host of a financial column.

Richard's wife, Ms. Duke, insisted that the murderer was Tony Stark. She grabbed Goofy's arm and complained hoarsely: "Officer Goofy! Please arrest Tony Stark! Murderer! He is a criminal who wastes his life!"

"I know why he killed poor Richard! Just because Richard said on his show that Stark Industries stock is garbage..."

"He used to say that Tony Stark's cessation of the arms business was a 'stupid decision' and that Stark was a 'playboy who was stunned by the vixen around him'... God! How could I have thought, Richard A few innocuous remarks actually led to death! I never thought that Stark would brutally kill Richard just because of these two words!"

"Officer Goofy, you will definitely arrest Stark, right?" Ms. Duke asked excitedly.

Goofy patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "Ms Duke, I'm so sorry for what happened tonight, but I have evidence that Mr. Stark was not here at the time of the crime, he was actually In the Manhattan office..."

"It's impossible!" said Ms. Duke, staring, "who doesn't know Tony Stark is Iron Man? All New York... oh no, who else in the world has that Iron Man suit? Only Tony Stark Tucker!"

"These matters need further investigation, and there are still many doubts in the case..." Gao Fei explained patiently.

"Suspicious? Where is the doubt? But Officer Goofy, how did you know Tony Stark was in the office just now?" Ms. Duke asked suspiciously.

"Because I called Tony Stark right away, and he obviously didn't leave the office." Goofy said.

"Hehe, I see... Who doesn't know that you are Tony Stark's savior, who doesn't know that Tony Stark is your good friend..." Ms. Duke said with a sneer, "Officer Goofy, so you Surely Stark won't be arrested, right?"

Having said this, Ms. Duke sat on the ground and sobbed and cried.

"I knew, how could Officer Goofy possibly arrest his friend? Then again, only Tony Stark dared to kill people in Officer Goofy and Officer Steve's precinct...because he knew Officer Goofy would never Arrest him!"

Gao Fei looked at Ms. Duke who was crying on the ground with a speechless face, and he knew that it was futile to explain how he tried to explain it.

The only way now is to quickly find out that fake "Iron Man", so that the truth of the case can be revealed.

And there is no doubt that the case of the fake "Iron Man" assassinating financial host Richard Duke is a well-planned conspiracy.

On the one hand, the spearhead of this case is directed at Iron Man Tony Stark. Not only will Tony Stark be interrogated as the prime suspect, but people from all walks of life will further reject the "Iron Man". It is entirely possible to take this opportunity to pressure it and force Tony Stark to hand over Iron Man's technology;

On the other hand, the location of the crime was chosen in the Brooklyn area where Gao Fei and Steve were in charge, which was a huge challenge to Gao Fei, who had established enough prestige. The credibility that Gao Fei painstakingly managed has begun to disintegrate, and the public's trust in Gao Fei will continue to decline.

What's more, Goofy and Tony Stark are friends themselves. If Goofy insists on claiming that Tony Stark is not suspected, the citizens will definitely think that this is Goofy's intentional cover-up for Stark.

The trick behind the scenes is ruthless and accurate, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

"This layout is a bit interesting..." Even Gao Fei couldn't help but praise the planner, and then went to communicate with Steve about the situation.

"Steve, you first take everyone to evacuate the crowd and search for evidence at the scene. I have to go to Tony Stark."

Steve was deeply worried: "Goofy, isn't the murderer really Tony Stark? If he did all this, would it be dangerous for you to meet him?"

"It wasn't Tony Stark who did it. I just had a phone call with him on the way here." Gao Fei whispered, "But don't reveal anything until we find evidence."

"Understood." Steve nodded, and immediately turned to work.

Goofy went back to his car, and the anxious Pepper quickly asked nervously, "What's going on, Officer Goofy?"

"Financial host, Richard Duke was killed." Goofy briefly said about the situation at the scene, "Everyone thinks that Stark implemented it because of Richard's criticism of him in the financial program. revenge."

"But you know it wasn't Mr. Stark who did it," Pepper said. "He wasn't there at all."

"I know the truth is useless, because I am a friend of Stark. Once I stand up and clarify for Stark, it will become more and more dark, and everyone will think that I am covering up Tony Stark." Goofy Said, "The most important thing now is to find that fake Iron Man, this is the only way to exonerate Stark."

"That's true..." Pepper nodded in approval, "Then Officer Goofy, what should we do now?"

"Go find Stark first, only he will know who is framing him." Goofy said as he started the car and galloped towards Manhattan.

Pepper nodded lightly: "Yes, we really should go and talk to Mr. Stark..."

Passing through the bustling streets of New York, Gao Fei and Pepper soon came to the Stark Building, and took the elevator all the way up. Tony Stark's office was set on the top floor of the just left the elevator car , a burst of loud rock music came out from the office.

Pepper said with a speechless expression: "Please, this is what Mr. Stark said...give him a moment of peace?"

Goofy also shrugged helplessly, and then followed Pepper into the office.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark!!"

Pepper shouted.

Tony Stark is busy between several consoles, obsessed with rock music and work, and it is no wonder that he has not heard Pepper's call just now.

Pepper shouted hoarsely, Tony Stark still didn't respond, and after another two seconds, he turned to see Pepper and Goofy.

As a result, the guy was taken aback.

"Shit! Scared me to death! When did you two come in, can't you knock on the door first?"

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