American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 177: Counterfeit goods (Five/Five)

Although the video is short and the clarity is limited, Tony Stark found a lot of flaws after watching it once.

"It's too easy to prove my innocence, and this video is the best proof." Stark pointed to the screen and said, "First of all, please pay attention to the speed of this guy, his fastest speed in this video Visually it does not exceed Mach 0.2, but the flight speed of my Mark armor has surpassed Mach 0.7, 0.2 and 0.7. The difference of this order of magnitude is already intuitive, right?"

Goofy and Pepper nodded slightly, the gap between the two was very obvious.

Stark continued: "This fake suit... Damn, I really don't want to call this pile of junk a 'suit'... The reason why this pile of junk is so slow is because its propulsion unit is underpowered , and the propulsion unit is underpowered because it does not have an Ark reactor."

Having said that, Stark paused the video and zoomed in on the video, showing a close-up of the fake Iron Man's chest.

"Come and see, what do you think this is?"

Stark pointed to the "Ark Reactor" on the chest of the fake Iron Man and asked.

"Isn't this... a powerplant—the Ark Reactor?" Pepper asked innocently.

Stark laughed: "Hahaha...Pepper, you are so cute. If anyone can build an ark reactor, then our Stark Industries will be closed long ago."

Then he announced the correct answer: "Friends, the thing on this guy's chest is not an ark reactor at all, but an LED round headlight, this thing is not a power supply system at all, it is just used to disguise as an ark reactor. "

This time Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, it really is a copycat!

Pepper asked curiously: "But if there is no Ark reactor, what does this robot rely on for energy?"

"According to my judgment, it should be a graphene battery, and at the same time, the suit carries a small amount of liquid fuel to power its propulsion device." Stark said, "So the battery life of this pile of scrap metal is extremely poor, I think It can fly for ten to fifteen minutes at most."

"Well... this is reasonable." Goofy said, "Anyway, the purpose of this fake Iron Man is to kill Richard Duke and frame Mr. Stark. The battery life of this suit is long enough for him to complete the killing, and then Just flee the scene, fifteen minutes is enough."

Stark was speechless: "My God, the citizens were really deceived by this shoddy imitation..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Stark, not everyone is a mechanical genius like you, Iron Man or imitations, in the eyes of most citizens, they are just flying around in the air. It’s just a robot, so this imitation can basically be fake as long as the paint on the body is exactly the same as that of the Iron Man suit.”

"Shit!" Stark said depressedly, "That's true..."

Pepper asked, "Who the **** is planning to frame Mr. Stark?"

Stark himself has no clue: "There are too many people who want to frame me, and it will be difficult to investigate for a while."

Gao Fei smiled softly: "It's simple, I'll find out the culprit for you in minutes."

"Really?" Stark and Pepper were both in disbelief.

Goofy said, "Did you forget that Obadiah?"

Stark and Pepper, of course, did not forget that Goofy solved the case quickly in three hours, and accurately caught Obadiah, the man behind the murder of Tony Stark.

Only this time, can Gao Fei be able to repeat the same trick?

"Goofy, another three hours to solve the case?" Stark looked suspicious.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "No, you just need to answer me a question, and I can lock the suspect."

"what is the problem?"

"Which company is now replacing you to supply arms to the American military?"

"Um..." Stark hasn't dealt with the company's affairs for a while, so he can only turn to Pepper for help.

Fortunately, Pepper knows everything: "It's Justin Hammer and his Hammer army."

Goofy snapped his fingers: "The suspect is locked, Justin Hammer and his Hammer military."

"It's that simple?" Pepper said in disbelief.

But Stark clarified Gao Fei's thoughts: "There are no more than three people who frame me: the military, my enemies and my competitors. First of all, the military will definitely not do this kind of thing, they still have some In principle, at least it won’t blatantly violate the law, and it can be ruled out. Although my enemies want to frame me and take revenge on me, creating a fake Iron Man requires technology and funds, and they may not have the capital…”

"So it can only be your competitor - Justin Hammer!" Pepper suddenly realized, "I see."


[Worship from Pepper Potts +5]

"Officer Goofy, you really think clearly." Pepper said admiringly.

Gao Fei smiled modestly: "Where, where."

As a traveler, it is not uncommon to have such a performance.

"Then what do we do next? We can't directly investigate Hammer's military industry, right? They are the upstarts in the military now, and it's not easy to move them..." Pepper said worriedly.

"Of course, what's more, the citizens now believe that Stark killed Richard. Once the NYPD does not investigate Stark, it will investigate Stark's rival Hammer Military Industry, let alone the military. We have been drowned by one saliva long ago." Gao Fei spread his hands.

Stark squeezed his forehead: "Our situation is really passive."

"Indeed," Goofy admitted.

"Unless..." Pepper said, "unless we can get that impostor to do it again, and we can catch him on the spot."

Stark shook his head and said: "But his plan has been successful, I have now become a murder suspect, and the citizens are even more convinced about it... Under such circumstances, how could this impostor take the risk and continue to commit crimes? ?"

Goofy smiled and patted Stark on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Mr. Stark, I have a way to get him out."

After that, Goofy went to the window and called Sheriff Hank.

The phone is connected to Hank is very busy.

"Oh, Goofy, my man, where are you now?" Hank asked.

"I'm in the Stark Building, Tony's office." Goofy said.

"What? You're with Tony Stark?" Hank frowned. "Listen, Goofy, Stark is the prime suspect in this murder, and the deceased had publicly attacked him on TV...I I think we have to invite him to sit in the bureau, at least we have to go through the motions to quell the grievances of the citizens, lest everyone say that we NYPD bully the soft and fear the hard..."

Goofy decisively rejected Hank's proposal.

"No, Hank, we can't arrest Mr. Stark, not even investigate."

"Why?" Hank's tone became serious. "Goofy, it's not your style to cover up suspects. You've always been an upright policeman."

"Because Stark is not the murderer, Hank, I can prove it." Goofy said, "And as long as you follow my plan, I promise to catch the real murderer of Richard soon."

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