American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 195: Returning in Triumph (Six/Eight)

After Goofy subdued Wilson Fisk and handcuffed him firmly, the side door of the stairway was suddenly slammed open again, and Harry Osborn rushed in menacingly.

"Officer Goofy! I'll help you!"

"Fisk, I'm going to make you pay!"

As a result, the child calmed down and saw that Fisk had already fainted. The behemoth was cuffed by Goofy and held in his hands, as if it were an oversized toy doll.

"Officer've...killed him?" Harry Osborn asked, dumbfounded, who arrived at the scene only two minutes later than Goofy.

During the previous fight, Harry really felt Fisk's strength. He felt that with this guy's amazing fighting power, he would have to fight with Officer Goofy for dozens of minutes...

As a result, he was just about to help Gao Fei, and Fisk was already on the street!

The efficiency of the high-flying police officer is too fast!


[Worship from Harry Osborn +5]

Goofy laughed at Nahali's adoration, then patted the child on the shoulder.

"Yes, Harry, it's all over, Fisk has been arrested."

Looking at the unconscious big man, Harry's eyes flashed with resentment.

He took a deep breath and summoned the courage to ask Goofy, "Officer Goofy, what are you going to do with Fisk?"

"Take him back to the police station and wait for the legal punishment." Gao Fei replied.

Harry immediately shook his head: "No, Officer Goofy, please don't do this. This guy must have a very professional team of lawyers, and he can even manipulate juries and judges... Even if we have sufficient evidence, we may not be able to get him punished. some punishment."

Gao Fei smiled: "What do you mean?"

"Kill him!" Harry said through gritted teeth. "He's my father-killer, and I have to make him pay!"

Hearing Harry say this, Goofy was not surprised. He didn't dissuade Harry, but handed Harry the Glock with the gun on his waist.

"Then let's do it, kill him with my gun, then I can claim that Fisk resisted arrest and assaulted the police, I was forced to kill him, come on, Harry, do it." Goofy said with a smile.

Harry took the pistol from Goofy's hand and raised the muzzle at the unconscious Fisk.

His hands holding the gun were stable at first, but soon the kid started shaking hands and had a dry throat.

Cold sweat gradually seeped from his forehead, and Goofy could hear his heart beating faster and faster.

After half a minute, Harry finally collapsed.

"Officer Gao Fei, I can't do it..."

"I've never killed anyone, not even a heinous villain..."

"When he attacked me just now, I could fight back, because it was my instinctive self-defense. But for such a comatose person, I really can't do anything..."

Goofy nodded in relief, then took the gun back from Harry's hand.

"That's right, child, because you are essentially a kind person, remember this, you are a kind child. Don't lose your nature because of hatred, and don't let yourself be punished by bad people. for the bad guys."

Goofy Road.

"One more point, don't overestimate your role because you have the ability to be stronger than others. Even if we are superpowers, we should not overstep our authority. I am a policeman, then I am responsible for the function of the police, arresting criminals is a My job is to judge them. It is the task of others. Everyone does their own work and the social division of labor is clear, so that the world can be in order. If everyone with superpowers is pretentious and wants to intervene in everything, then The social order will be disordered, and only endless disasters will follow."

Harry was a smart boy, and he immediately understood the intention of Goofy's words.

"I see, Officer Goofy, Fisk should be handed over to the law for trial, and I should trust the law and relevant departments, rather than perform their functions without authorization."

"Yes, Harry." Goofy patted Harry on the shoulder. "Okay, now it's time for us to go."

So Goofy dragged Fisk's huge body and took Harry downstairs in the elevator.

Coming to the street, NYPD support has also arrived.

Enthusiastic citizens rushed to surround Goofy. Everyone came not only because Goofy had arrested the cruel Wilson Fisk, but because of Goofy's amazing ability.

"Officer Goofy, can you really come back to life?"

"Officer Goofy, when did you have the ability to revive others?"

"Officer! My father was diagnosed with cancer last month. The doctor said he only has half a year to live. Please, can you save him? He is a kind old man and a competent father... Please!"

"Officer Gao Fei, my brother died suddenly three days ago, please help him? Please bring him back to life!"

Gao Fei faced everyone helplessly, and was speechless for a while.

The "Redeemer Template" is just an experience card, and the experience time is long over now.

What's more, Gao Fei didn't understand the skills of the Redeemer template himself, and he didn't understand the mechanism of the rude operation of resurrecting Harry just now. This very buggy resurrection ability is very likely to be a one-off, so even if he has it Redeemer templates are also extremely difficult to reuse.

Facing the enthusiastic citizens and the few friends who were eager for Goofy to revive their tragically deceased or dying relatives and friends, Goofy apologetically explained:

"Sorry, fellow citizens. I can only say that the resurrection of this child was a miracle. It wasn't me, or it wasn't just me who resurrected him, but the prayers and blessings of all the citizens, which were condensed at that moment. Together, I moved the gods, and only then did this poor child resurrect again..."

"I'm sorry to tell you that I don't have the ability to resurrect others. If I really have this ability, then I will guarantee that New York, at least the 109 jurisdictions under my jurisdiction, will no longer have the tragedy of citizens losing their lives. But unfortunately, I really don't have this ability, and tragedies always happen... So the only thing I can do is to stop it before it Please cooperate with our work."

Hearing Gao Fei's explanation, the citizens were all disappointed.

They thought that Gao Fei was the incarnation of an angel who could transcend life and death, but now it seems that they think things are too simple.

Fortunately, everyone did not continue to embarrass Gao Fei, because they all knew that Gao Fei had done enough for the city.

Miracles are called miracles because the odds of them happening are so slim, and Harry Osborn was undoubtedly a blessed child.

After escorting Wilson Fisk into the police car, Goofy went to say a brief goodbye to Harry.

After going through this, in addition to being tired, Harry also became a lot more mature.

"Remember today's lesson, and don't be impulsive in the future." Goofy patted Harry on the shoulder and said earnestly.

"I'll remember it, Officer Goofy." Harry nodded earnestly. "Thank you for teaching me all this, Officer Goofy."

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