American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 215: prison Break

With the joint efforts of Reed and Gao Fei, the "Superpower Registration Act" began to advance in an orderly manner. Reed and his three friends set an example and became the first four people to register superpowers in New York.

Although this bill has not yet been passed, four names and four sets of data have been entered in the superpower file system that Reed took the lead in establishing, according to the number 001-004, they are: Reed, Susan, Ben and John Ni.

The news spread like wildfire, and soon everyone heard about the bill.

Gao Fei just took the opportunity to ask a few friends. Everyone has different views on this bill, but in general, they all support it.

Goofy's partner Steve was the first to express his opinion. During this period, Steve had not experienced the bad things of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, let alone an old friend. It is trustworthy with laws and regulations, and the three views are completely different from the Ultron period.

"I agree with the registration of superpowers, which can help us reduce a lot of work pressure. If we can accurately know the characteristics and personal information of each superpower, we can prevent problems before they occur. Not only can we prevent them from breaking the law and committing crimes. , and better protect them.”

Ironically, Tony Stark, who originally advocated for superheroes to sign the "Sokovia Agreement" during the Ultron period, did not support the implementation of the "Superpower Registration Act" in New York during this period. In fact, he just didn't want to. Just register.

"Oh, Goofy, I'm not a superpower, unless you think that money is also a superpower... The Iron Man suit is just a set of ordinary tools, you don't need to let me register as a superpower, right? Right? I won't register anyway, I've already disclosed too much personal information to the relevant authorities, God, leave me some privacy, they even know how many times I go to the toilet every day..."

Contrary to Stark, Harry Osborn, a local player who also relies on equipment and technology, is very supportive of Gao Fei's work. He believes that the registration of superpowers is a very good idea.

"I vote in favor of this bill, and I'd like to have my full Goblin gear on file. If New York had this bill, maybe my father wouldn't have died in the dark, at least when he was killed. After strengthening the assassination of people, the police can identify the suspect as soon as possible."

In addition to the superpowers themselves, people from all walks of life are very supportive of this bill. In their opinion, except for a very few superpowers with good reputation (such as Goofy, Tony Stark), other superpowers They are almost equivalent to criminals and monsters. Although the relevant departments cannot get rid of them, they can at least be recorded to facilitate supervision.

Therefore, the progress of the "Superpower Registration Act" is very smooth. Judging from the current trend, this bill will be officially implemented in the short term.

Two weeks later, both Ben and Johnny gradually controlled their superpowers. In the past two weeks, Ben's power increased fivefold, while Johnny gradually mastered the ability to fly by using his own burning flames. In addition, Reed himself can stretch his body three times as much, and Susan the "invisible woman" has developed the ability to control energy...

Reed specifically called Goofy to report the situation and applied for the NYPD to lift the restraining order on Ben and Johnny.

For the sake of safety, Goofy was going to go to Baxter Building to see the situation before making a decision, but as soon as Goofy hung up Reed's call, Hank walked out of the sheriff's office.

"Hey, Goofy, my buddy, come over here." Hank frowned.

Goofy sensed that something was not right, and hurried to Hank's office.

"What's wrong? Hank, you look ugly." Goofy asked.

"There was some trouble, do you remember Professor Lizard Curtis Connors?" Hank asked.

"Of course I remember, what happened to Professor Connors?"

"He escaped." Hank said solemnly, "Three hours ago, Professor Connors was rescued. Three prison guards participated in the escape. These three people claimed that they seemed to have been subjected to some kind of attack. mind control…"

"Mind control?" Gao Fei was quite curious, "Which form of mind control? Consciousness manipulated by the brain?"

Hank nodded: "Yes, the three guards were interrogated separately, but their confessions were very similar - all three said it felt like a dream at the time, and everything was not real, and the three knew what they were doing, But the body is not controlled by the brain, and the mind seems to be hijacked.”

"Strange, who the **** did this?" Gao Fei racked his brains to figure out who in the Marvel Universe has this ability, but he couldn't think of an answer for a while.

What's more, since the appearance of the Fantastic Four, the story line of the Marvel Universe seems to have deviates a bit from the direction that Goofy was originally familiar with. According to the story line of the original Marvel movie, nothing happened in New York before the Chitauri invasion. right…

"Flying high, flying high..."

Just as Goofy was thinking about who this guy who could control people's mind was, Hank's voice pulled him back to reality.

"Goofy, what do you think?"

"I didn't think about anything." Gao Fei shook his head quickly, "Just wondering who will rescue Professor Connors, and what is the purpose of saving Professor Connors..."

"To know this, we have to find Professor Connors first, right?" Hank said, "Professor Connors disappeared after he escaped from prison. We can't even be sure that he is still in New York. It is a tricky job to find him. Fei, we have to work overtime next."

However, the problem that caused Hank's headache was not difficult in Gao Fei's view.

"Don't worry, let me handle this matter." Gao Fei said with a What can you do? "Hank asked, squinting. "Can you find Connors?" But by what? Do you rely on the informants you cultivate in newspapers and on the streets? "

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Relying on Professor Connors' conscience, his conscience will guide him to find his way back."

Hank didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Gao Fei, my eyebrows are on fire, I'm not in the mood to joke with you."

Goofy shrugged, then turned and walked out of Hank's office.

He wasn't joking, he was obviously serious.

Next, Gao Fei returned to the workstation with the water glass and sat down. After clearing his throat, he began to persuade Professor Connors.

But it's obvious - the guy who rescued Professor Connors is a spiritual domain capable person who can control other people's consciousness. Now it's time to see whether this guy's mind control is more powerful, or Goofy's sand sculpture skills are better.

. vertex

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