American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 272: Fury's request

Goofy was not surprised by Nick Fury's words, he had expected Nick Fury to be here for Loki.

"You want me to release him?" Gao Fei asked bluntly.

Nick Fury did not answer this question directly, but introduced Goofy about the relationship between Asgard and Earth.

"Goofy, the earth is not alone in the universe. There are many civilizations similar to the earth in the universe... In recent years, more and more alien civilizations have become interested in the earth, and even have the evil idea of ​​invading the earth..."

Goofy raised his eyebrows and looked at Fury, "Why did you tell me this?"

Fred said, "Goofy, the earth is in a very dangerous situation now, and what we need most is allies. And the Asgardians are our few allies, Thor's father Odin once led a team to resist the ice giant's attack on the earth. the invasion..."

"Asgardians are allies?" Goofy smiled lightly, "I'm sorry, I've never seen Odin lead a team to defend against the ice giants, I've only seen Asgard's **** of tricks trying to rule all mankind, so for What you said, I am only for reference."

Nick Fury paused briefly and continued, "Goofy, I suggest we give Loki to Thor and let him bring him back to Asgard, I know Loki broke the law on Earth, but because he It is not wise for one man to destroy the relationship between Earth and Asgard..."

"Asgard is a rare ally of our earth. They have been protecting us for a long time. Thor is the new king of Asgard. We should not refuse his request..."

"I have applied to the International Security Council, and they will also instruct the American side, so Goofy, hand Loki to Thor, and the Asgardians will let them Asgard execute themselves."

Nick whispered.

In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council have already made a decision and agreed to transfer Loki to Asgard, but Nick Fury knows Goofy well and knows that he is a policeman with a very character. Ki was handed over to Thor without incident, and Fury had to do Goofy's work himself.

Today's Goofy has reached a level that S.H.I.E.L.D. has to be afraid of in terms of ability and prestige, and Nick Fury doesn't dare to openly confront him.

After quietly listening to Fury's statement, Goofy sneered and said, "Since the International Security Council has made a decision to hand Loki over to Asgard, what are you doing with me? I'm just a policeman, and I only have one in my hand. It's just a small prison, I'm only responsible for arresting people, not for trials."

Furui said, "I just came over to say hello to you. I hope you can focus on the overall situation and cooperate with us to complete the transfer of Loki. After all, you caught him, didn't you?"

Agent Hill added, "Yes, Officer Goofy, the Chief is doing this to take care of your emotions."

"Take care of my emotions?" Gao Fei shook his head and said in a deep voice, "You worry too much, I'm emotionally healthy, and there's nothing to take care of."

"That's good..." Hill breathed a sigh of relief, she was also worried that Goofy would strongly oppose this matter.

Nick Fury was also relieved a lot. He didn't expect Goofy to cooperate so much this time.

Unexpectedly, before the two of them finished speaking, Gao Fei changed the conversation.

"What you should take care of is not my emotions, but the emotions of other people. Director Fury, since you disappeared a few days ago, I'm worried that you don't know much about some data. I'll give you two numbers now, may I ask you? Do you know what these two numbers represent?"

Having said that, Gao Fei wrote two numbers on the paper in front of him.

33, 27.

Before Goofy finished writing, Fury's expression became solemn.

"I know."

"Oh? So what do these two numbers represent?"

"33 is the total number of people killed in the attack, and 27 is the number of SHIELD agents killed in the attack." Nick Fury replied reluctantly.

Agent Hill realized what Goofy was going to say, and hurriedly explained, "Officer Goofy, I know what you mean, but I think Loki's affairs should still focus on the overall situation, whether the peaceful relationship between Earth and Asgard is not. Destined to be destroyed..."

Gao Fei raised his hand to interrupt Hill, shook his head and said, "Don't explain this to me, because this matter has nothing to do with me. Director Fury, Agent Hill, it was your SHIELD agent who died in this accident, It's your comrade-in-arms who died, not mine, so you don't need to consider my emotions, I don't have any emotions..."

"You should think about how you will explain to these people, how to explain to their family members and friends..."

"You should take care of their emotions, not mine..."

"Director Fury, I know that your agents are used to seeing life and death, and are used to seeing sacrifice. These 33 lives may be just a cold number for you and have no practical significance. I also understand that in order to take care of the so-called overall situation, you must To meet the demands of Asgard..."

"But I tell you, if someone kills 27 of my comrades in arms, if someone dares to take so many lives from me recklessly, then I don't care where he comes from, whether he is a **** or a devil. , I will definitely make him pay the price! I want to dig out his heart and soul to pay for my comrade-in-arms! Instead of handing over such a murderer to take care of the so-called overall situation, do you understand?"

"Of course, this is just my opinion, I will not impose it on you, if you want Loki, I can give him to you."

Gao Fei said with an expressionless face.

But Fury and Hill were both silent.

These 33 lives are also on their shoulders, and they are also lost in thought.

For a moment, Hill even looked back at Fury. She felt that Goofy was right. If he just returned Loki to Asgard like this, those comrades in arms would not rest their eyes even if they died?

After all, Loki is Thor's younger brother, Odin's son, and Frigga's most beloved child.

If Loki was returned to Asgard, his worst punishment would be house arrest - a punishment of this magnitude that simply could not pay for those 33 lives.

But Nick Fury was unimpressed, he was a professional agent.

Only talk about interests, not love.

This is the creed of an agent.

As long as the relationship between Asgard and the earth can be As long as the Asgardians can continue to protect the earth, let alone 33 people die, even if the number is increased by 10 times. at all costs.

"Yes, we want Loki." Nick Fury said with certainty, "turn him over to Thor, and this is the end of the matter. Thor promised that Loki would not come back to Earth to make trouble. He promised..."

"Promise? Director Fury, do you think I'm a little girl who is in love? Can one or two illusory promises get rid of me?"

Gao Fei sneered,

"You can take Loki, but you must leave me a written promise - you must ensure that Loki is safely and properly repatriated to Asgard, and will never return to Earth, if Loki escapes on the way, Or return to Earth in the future, then Director Fury, I will hold you accountable for colluding with aliens to betray the Earth!"

"Colluding with aliens... Betrayal of the earth?" Nick Fury couldn't help but stunned, "Is there a charge for this?"

"Not yet, of course," Goofy said. "But if you let Loki go, the charge will come, Chief Fury."

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