American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 288: labour reform

Gao Fei, who has acquired a new skill, is refreshed, and even his work becomes high-spirited.

The next morning, Goofy brings colleagues Steve and Johnny to the Ravencraft Asylum—time to talk to a few criminals about re-education through labor.

In the past, New York State did not advocate the measures of labor reform. Only juvenile offenders or probation prisoners can exchange labor reform for reduced sentences. Now with the increasing number of superpower criminals, the government has begun to consider rational use of their superpowers.

After all, the efficiency of superpower criminals to destroy cities is too high. Thor and the Hulk demolished an entire block after fighting for half an hour, but it takes hundreds of thousands of times for ordinary construction teams to repair this block. .

Not to mention the cost of rebuilding the city.

Therefore, after discussions with relevant departments, it is recommended that super criminals who perform well in prisons should have their sentences commuted through labor reform. Of course, criminals who have committed crimes that are too serious or too dangerous are not eligible for this. If these guys take the opportunity to escape, it will be broken.

Before this bill was passed, the relevant departments also consulted the feasibility of the high-flying bill. Their biggest concern was whether it would bring security risks, and whether these criminals would escape from prison or even commit murder again during the process of going out for labor reform.

The answer given by Gao Fei was - "As long as I accompany the execution, there is no problem. If I can restrain them once, I can restrain them the second time."

Coming to the lunatic asylum, Gao Fei inspected the prisoners in the current prison one by one.

Rocky and Ebony Throat are felons, both were sentenced to life imprisonment, they are not eligible for labor reform, so they are excluded first.

Followed by Bruce Banner and Nick Fury, they both have longer sentences, but these two people have a better attitude of admitting their mistakes and are more suitable for re-education through labor.

It's just that Goofy doesn't particularly trust Nick Fury. After all, this guy is a man known as the "King of Secret Agents". At the beginning, he threw himself into the net so that Goofy could help him capture Loki. Now Loki and the Hulk All have been arrested, and Nick Fury may not want to continue to be in prison.

Who knows if S.H.I.E.L.D. will suddenly come to rescue him after taking him out?

Taking this into consideration, Goofy is not going to take Nick Fury out for reform through labor, but Bruce Banner is a good choice to act as a strong laborer.

The last two are Thor and Black Widow. Thor has six months in prison, and Black Widow has only the last three weeks left. If Thor gets a commuted sentence, he can halve his six-month sentence if he behaves well. Black Widow There is absolutely no need to go to labor reform to commute her sentence, because she will be released from prison soon.

In this way, the final quota for reform through labor has been fixed: Thor and Bruce Banner.

It is amazing to say that their task of this labor reform happens to be to rebuild the block and Interstate 95 that were destroyed by the fight between the two of them. This is the evil fruit they planted, and now it is time for them to taste.

Goofy asked Steve to bring Thor and Bruce Banner over, and he planned to talk to them about it.

Both had been locked up in an insane asylum for two months, with different mental states.

Although the Ravencraft Asylum is a prison, the conditions in all aspects are much better than the secret military base where Banner was imprisoned. In addition, the attitude of the jailers here is not bad, so Bruce Banner's whole person's spirit The state is very good, and there is even the illusion of a spring breeze.

Thor can't do it. He has never been imprisoned for such a long time. In addition, this has seriously violated the dignity of his dignified Thor, and he can explode in minutes at this time.

Thor shook his blond hair and walked in. He waved the special material handcuffs that bound his hands and roared: "Goofy! When are you going to let me go? I warn you, don't force Asgard and the Earth to fight. See you! Because when the time comes, it will only be you earthlings, you earthlings!!”

Goofy smiled, confiscating Thor's anger.

Thor calmed down immediately, no longer roaring like a crazy lion chow.

Bruce Banner next to him was sharp in observation and flexible in thinking, and immediately saw the clues.

"You can take away his anger? You can take away anyone's anger? Right? That's why you can subdue the Hulk so easily..."

Goofy didn't hide Banner, and he couldn't hide it either.

"Yes." Gao Fei nodded.

"So in the future, as long as I follow you, Hulk can't jump out and do something wrong? Even if Hulk takes over my body, you can change him back, right? I don't have to worry about it anymore, right?" Banner became more and more excited as he spoke, and BlingBling sparkled in his eyes.

"You...will you follow me in the future?" Gao Fei frowned, why did you sound so awkward?

"Cough, Dr. Banner, you should finish your sentence first." Goofy reminded quickly.

"I think so..." Bruce Banner scratched the back of his head, it was too early to think about the future.

The calm Thor began to put pressure on Goofy again.

"Sergeant Goofy, I've been away from Asgard for too long, Asgard can't lose me, they will send someone to find me... I think you've seen the strength of the Asgardians, once they reach Earth , it will be a great threat to the security of the earth..."

"If my father Odin knew about this, he would be furious. You may not know my father's strength. I tell you, he conquered the Nine Realms easily when he was young!"

Goofy didn't listen to Thor at all, he was tired of Thor's bragging.

With a wave of his hand, Gao Fei interrupted Thor and said to the two of them: "I came to you today because of a new policy, you can reduce your sentence through labor reform..."

"Is there such a thing?" Dr. Banner expressed his excitement - in the blink of an eye, he found a way to restrain the Hulk, and he could reduce his sentence through labor reform. It seemed that life had never been so smooth, and his whole person became brighter.

Thor's face was gloomy. If Goofy hadn't confiscated his anger, he would have turned the table over now.

"What? You actually want to enslave Thor? The Asa Gods will never be slaves!"

"What slavery is not slavery, don't say that you seem aggrieved, this is to make up for the disaster you caused before." Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "The task of your labor reform is to rebuild Interstate 95 and its surrounding areas. The block, this block was ruined because you two fought back and forth!"

"Is that so..." Bruce Banner expressed his full support, "I'm in favor of reform through labor."

And even Thor, who was "never a slave", was speechless, and he really destroyed this block.

"Let's... rebuild the neighborhoods we destroyed?" Thor asked, "and then get us a reduced sentence?"

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "That's that's what it means, isn't it a good deal?"

Thor thought about it carefully, it seems that it is indeed a good deal...

It stands to reason that rebuilding the neighborhood that you have destroyed is what you should do, but can you reduce your sentence after doing so?

If you think about it, why not do it?

Thor, who is not angry, is a good talker, and immediately nodded in approval.

"Okay, then I'm going to rebuild the block!"

Bruce Banner suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, what about Loki? He confused me and caused this block to be destroyed. Speaking of which, he can't escape the responsibility."

Gao Fei smiled: "Rocky is sentenced to life imprisonment and has no qualifications for commutation, so he has no chance to go to reform through labor."

Banner suddenly realized: "So it is..."

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