American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 315: Shockwave in New York

Goofy's side ended the battle in a second, and Skye's side was not so smooth. Although her shock wave was very powerful, her accuracy was not very good.

The current Skye can only release shock waves in a wide range, and cannot achieve precise strikes, so once the ability is deployed, all within a distance of dozens of steps will be affected.

Not only the two Inhumans were shocked by Skye, but even Mr. Hyde, who was knocked out by Gao Fei, was shocked and flew out.

Gao Fei shook his head gently: "This girl still needs practice..."

The two Inhumans on the beach struggled to survive in Skye's shock wave.

The eyeless Gordon's ability is just teleportation and lacks combat skills, and the other Inhuman is a typical combatant, and his skills are full of aggressiveness.

He opened his mouth at Skye and sprayed hard, and a ball of fire shot out immediately—this eldest brother's ability seemed to be fire-breathing, a bit similar to the fourth child in the oriental mythical gourd doll.

Skye did not panic, and released the shock wave again. The strong shock wave disrupted the trajectory of the fireball in the air and successfully stopped it.

Standing on the sidelines, Goofy and Carrie nodded approvingly, both applauding Skye's performance.

Although Inhuman Gordon has no eyes, he can detect the situation on the spot with his excellent senses.

He realized that Gao Fei had knocked out Mr. Hyde, the most powerful of the three, and the "Fire-breathing Gourd Baby", who was the second most powerful of the three, was obviously inferior to Skye, the weakest of the three. .

As for the little girl who hasn't taken any shots among the three people on the opposite side, Gordon doesn't dare to underestimate it.

When the little girl first arrived at the scene, Gordon made a "crack" in his heart. He clearly felt the deterrence from Little Loli, and this deterrence made people shudder.

Gordon knew in his heart that compared to Skye who had awakened super powers and Goofy who knocked out Mr. Hyde with one punch, that little girl was the real big boss. Once she made a move, he would have no chance of escape.

Considering the profit and loss, Gordon makes a decision.

If I don't run now, I'm afraid I won't be able to run away in a while.

So Gordon quickly grabbed his companion's arm and moved to Mr. Hyde's side in a teleportation.

Grabbing Mr. Hyde's shoulder again, two teleportation fled the scene.



The three uninvited guests disappeared on the island and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Skye looked depressed: "This is running? Carrie, can you catch up with them?"

Carrie shook her head helplessly: "I don't know where they teleported to, so I can't catch up."

Skye sighed unwillingly, she still wanted to get justice for the poor staff.

Gao Fei sympathetically leaned over and picked up the body of the fat uncle. The poor staff was reduced to cannon fodder. He whispered in the fat uncle's ear: "One day, I will seek justice for you, I will take Mr. Hyde Go to jail and spend the rest of his life repenting for his sins..."

The expression on the side of Skye was extremely complicated, and her spirit suffered a huge blow.

In just ten minutes, she first saw a demon who killed without blinking an eye, and then knew that this demon was her father, and then her father had been using her all the time, causing the father and daughter to turn against each other on the spot.


Poor Skye sighed deeply.

She had longed for a father before, but now she only hoped that she had popped out of a crack in the stone.

After disposing of the fat uncle's body, Goofy, Skye, and Carrie didn't rest until the middle of the night.

Carrie learned through mind reading that Skye's mother was the leader of an Inhuman organization, and her father and mother were currently planning to bring Skye back to life in that Inhuman organization.

Carrie told Skye that in the organization called "The Other Side", there were dozens of aliens like Skye, who were anonymous and unknown to the world.

Carrie asked Skye, "Would you like to be with your parents? With your own kind?"

Skye shook his head firmly: "No, I'm going to New York."


At noon the next day, Goofy took Skye back to New York on Stark's private jet.

Carrie herself moved back in an instant, the little girl's super power is very convenient.

In fact, Carrie can carry Goofy and Skye to teleport together, but in this way, New York will not be able to find the entry records of Goofy and Skye, which will cause some unnecessary troubles, so Goofy and Skye Kai chose the clumsy method and took the plane back.

Tony Stark's driver, Happy, was in charge of picking up the plane and sent Goofy and Skye all the way back to Canassy's house. Seeing that Goofy was on a business trip and brought back a beautiful young girl, Happy laughed and teased. .

"It seems that Officer Gao Fei has gained a lot from this trip..."

Goofy nodded and admitted: "Yes, bring back a super-powerful female cop for us in New York."

"Oh?" Happy quickly looked at Skye with admiration, "Is this girl also a superpower?"

"Yes, very powerful." Gao Fei said.

Skye also nodded proudly and said with a smile, "Wait, uncle, New York will remember my name sooner or later."

"Then what's your code name?" Happy asked, "Like my boss' code name is 'Iron Man', Mr. Reed Richards' code name is 'Mr. Fantastic', and the Osborn kid's code name is 'Little Green Goblin' '...what's your code name?"

Skye thought for a while, squinted his eyes and said, "My name is Quake (Quake, which can also be translated as shock, in fact, English sounds pretty good, but unfortunately translated into noon, whether it's called shock girl or shock...)."

"Shockwave Girl..." Happy repeated the name and nodded with a smile, "I hope to hear this code name often in the future."

"Don't worry, sure." Skye said with confidence in himself, patting his chest.

After a brief introduction, Happy drove the two to Brooklyn.

Skye had done her homework in New York before, so she was very familiar with the streets in front of her.

"Manhattan Bridge! The East River is next to it, and this is where you rescued Tony Stark, right, Officer Goofy?" Skye shouted excitedly, and Goofy realized that she seemed to be about the same mental age as Carrie.

"Yes, it's here." Goofy nodded, "I drove up the East River."

Happy, who was driving, added with a smile: "In fact, Officer Goofy not only saved Mr. Stark, but he also saved me. Without Officer Goofy, the grass on my grave would be two feet tall."

"Amazing..." Skye sincerely praised, and then pointed to another bridge in the distance, "Brooklyn Bridge, you defeated the Iron King Obadiah here!"

"Yes." Goofy said with a smile, "Actually, it wasn't just me, but also Tony Stark's help. I joined him to deal with the big guy. Obadiah's Iron Overlord is amazing..."

The car keeps Every time he sees an iconic landmark, Skye can tell the big event that happened here.

"Rolling Stone, Queens! You beat Professor Lizard here!"

"Actually... it was Carrie who beat him."

"Flushing! Flushing! You stopped Russian terrorist Ivan Vanke here!"

"That's true..."

"In front is Imperial University, where the Hulk and the Abomination used to appear, you punched one of them and cleaned them both up..."

"Macy's! Your former apartment is there, right? I heard that the alien Ebony Maw came to your house to take revenge, and was directly maimed and thrown out of the window by you..."

Every time he said a word, Skye contributed 5 Worship Points to Gao Fei, and after taking the car all the way, Gao Fei gained dozens of Worship Points alone...

He smiled and looked at the excited Skye and listened to her telling the story of himself and New York. He could see that this simple girl had fallen in love with this legendary city...

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