American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 504: Ant-Man (8/10)

The second day of the opening of the Age of Ultron.


San Francisco.

Pym Technologies Inc.

Hope von Dain, the daughter of company founder Hank Pym, who takes her mother's surname, walked briskly into the company.

"Hope! Hope!"

Before Hope walked into the company building, a big, bald man sat in a car and shouted at her.

The big bald man who looks like a villain is called Darren Krause. He is a student of Hank Pym and the current head of Pym Technology.

"Oh, Darren, what's the matter?" Hope asked curiously. "Don't you have an important meeting in the morning? Why don't you go to the meeting and sit in your car instead."

"I'm going to a meeting," Darren said. "I'm going to see a big client."

"Really? Then I wish you all the best." Hope said perfunctorily, and wanted to turn around and go back to the office.

But Darren stopped her again.

"Hope, please wait a minute, don't leave me in such a hurry." Darren said, "Come with me, this meeting is very important."

"I have other things, I don't want to..." Hope made an excuse.

Darren jumped out of the car, grabbed Hope by the arm and dragged her into the car.

"Come on, miss, give me some face."

"Damn, Darren, how can you be so rough?" Hope asked angrily.

And Darren whispered into Hope's ear: "The country is in trouble, and we are responsible..."

When Hope was stunned, the car had already started, and it was driving farther and farther out of the city. Hope became more and more strange. Seeing how the car's path seemed to be going to some wilderness?

"Where are we going? Aren't we going to meet the client?" Hope asked. "And what did you just say...the country is in trouble?"

"You'll know when it arrives." Darren whispered, "Be careful when you speak, and be careful of being monitored."

"Listening? Who is listening to us? Competitors?" Hope asked curiously.

Darren didn't say a word, but said a name to Hope with his mouth: Ultron!

"It turns out that..." Hope suddenly realized.

It turned out that the so-called "country in trouble" refers to the Age of Ultron.

And just then, their destination arrived.

The car stopped and Darren Krause got out first.

Hope followed, and later found everyone in a wasteland next to an interstate highway.

"Meeting in a **** place like this, Darren, are you serious?"

Darren first looked around to make sure that there were no electronic devices here before saying: "Ultron is everywhere, and his monitoring range is very huge. We must have a meeting at an enemy that he can't reach."

"Please, do you want to deal with Ultron?" Hope asked, "If you don't have a good company, what are you doing against Ultron?"

Without waiting for Darren to answer, another car sped to the scene, followed by a few people who got out of the car. These people should be the customers Darren said.

"Pioneer Technology?" Darren whispered. "Mr. Murdoch sent you here?"

"Yes." The leader nodded, and then asked back, "Pym Technology? Mr. Claus?"

Darren Krause nodded his big bald head and said, "It's me."

When Hope heard the identity of the other party, he was immediately shocked: "Pioneer Technology? Are you people from Pioneer Technology?"

The representative of Pioneer Technology glanced at Hope in surprise, but ignored her.

And Hope grabbed Darren's arm angrily and said, "Darren, you actually do business with people from Pioneer Technology, don't you know what kind of people they are in Pioneer Technology?"

"Oh, Hope, don't be so childish!" Darren said impatiently. "These are extraordinary times, and we are all for the country."

"For the country? What for the country? What kind of **** lies are these?" Hope said solemnly, "I only know that they are evil pioneer technology!"

"Pay attention to your words, miss!" The representative of Pioneer Technology said with a bad expression, "We are now under the command of General Ross, and we are saving this troubled country."

Hope sneered: "I don't see how troubled this country is, and I don't think this country needs to be rescued. This country is doing well now..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Hope!" Darren said solemnly, "Ultron has seized power and our country has fallen!"

And the people from Pioneer Technology couldn't wait to ask: "You said that you have the kind of clothes that can make people shrink to the size of insects... Is it really there?"

"Of course there is!" Darren said, "and it can be mass-produced right away. I think this will have a decisive role in defeating the Ultron."

"Do you want to be enemies with Ultron? Goo Fei?" Hope heard this and couldn't help laughing, "You are looking for your own death! I really don't understand, why can't you accept Ultron? Governing this country? Ultron is the most advanced artificial intelligence system developed by Goofy with reference to the ruling model of the Kree Empire..."

"That's Goofy fooling people!" Darren said angrily, "He's just a little policeman in New York, with only a high school degree and no culture at all, he became a policeman with the support of people of color in New York! This kind of policeman! What can people understand?"

"In my opinion, Ultron is just a tool for him to rule the country, what artificial intelligence, what imitates the ruling model of the Kree Empire... I think Ultron only obeys him from the beginning to the end!"

The people from Pioneer Technology also sneered: "That's Miss, you were deceived by Gao Fei's conspiracy. In fact, we at Pioneer Technology also thought about such a way to seize power, but unfortunately it was given to Gao Fei by this guy. Go ahead, he is really a successful careerist, hehe..."

Hope had her own opinion. She said helplessly, "Hey, it's already happened, and it's too late to recover. Didn't you calm down and think about it, are you not Gao Fei's opponent at all?"

"It's not necessarily." Darren sneered, "As long as I produce that battle suit, Goofy and Ultron will no longer be invincible..."

Speaking of which, Darren turned to Hope and said, "Hope, I know that Hank has been hiding it from me, he actually developed the Pym particle long ago and made a battle suit that can make people shrink, isn't it? You know that too, right?"

"What, what?"

Hope hurriedly shook his head and pretended to be stupid.

Not many people know that Hank Pym developed the Pym particle and made the Ant-Man suit, and Hope is one of them.

Darren actually already knew, he discovered Hank Pym's secret not long ago.

"Damn, Hope, are you going to hide it from me? My teacher Hank doesn't believe me, and you don't believe me?" Darren looked at Hope excitedly and asked in a deep voice.

"I..." Hope frowned, "My dad and I don't have a good relationship, the two of us... We don't communicate much."

At this time, the people from Pioneer Technology sneered and said: "The national disaster is on the way, Darren, you can't drop the chain at a critical moment..."

Darren heard this, grabbed Hope and held her down, and said solemnly: "Since you don't want to cooperate, then I have to let you play a role from another angle. That old guy Hank Pym It's your father after all, and I think he'll give up the Pym particle for you!"

(= Easy to read novels)

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