American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 536: Captain America and the Winter Soldier

Seeing his old friend again, Steve was emotional, his beard rose and fell, and the double chin hidden in it trembled.

It was here that he watched Bucky fall into the valley, but he had to perform the task of stopping Dr. Zola and could not rescue him.

Everything seemed like the next day, and Steve had a fresh memory of every scene at that time.

Especially in the cold wind in this icy world, Steve seems to have never left here.

"Bucky, hey, Bucky..."

Steve ran towards Bucky, who was lying in the snow, and held him up with a pair of chubby hands.

"Bucky, hold on, I know you're not dead, will you wake up?"

Steve asked in a low voice.

Gao Fei, who was standing on the side, felt that the reunion of the brothers was very touching, but it was a pity that Tony didn't feel that way. Now Tony just wanted to get out of this icy ghost place, he directly grabbed a handful of snow and headed to Bucky's. thrown in the face.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, you are not afraid of catching a cold when you sleep in such a ghost place!"

"When you wake up, I will take you to receive treatment in 70 years, and if you are lucky, I will be able to pick up your broken arm..."

Steve was a little angry at Tony's rude behavior, and looked up: "Hey! Tony, can you be kind!"

"I didn't hurt him!" Tony said. "Don't you think the icy snow will help him wake up? Wake up early and get out of here, I don't want to stay in 1942 and be a popsicle!"

"You can't help freezing like this?" Steve said disgustingly, "Is the famous Iron Man unbearable at this low temperature?"

"Hmph, I don't have as much fat as you." Tony stretched out his hand and squeezed Steve's thick layer of leather, "You're not afraid of cold, but I am."

The two were bickering, and Bucky in Steve's arms suddenly twitched and slowly woke up.

Gao Fei was shocked, but he didn't expect Tony's trick to really work.

"Have you seen it?" Tony proudly pointed to Bucky, who was smashed and messed up with a handful of snow water, "My method still works."

Steve snorted angrily, looked down at Bucky and said, "Bucky, how are you?"

Bucky woke up slowly, opened his eyes and saw Steve first.

"Fuck! Who are you?!"

Bucky was scared to pee on the spot, thinking that he had run into a wild Bigfoot, and if it wasn't too badly injured, he would have jumped in place.

Steve took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm... Steve!"

"Steve?" Bucky looked confused, "Which Steve?"

"Steve Rogers!" Steve got a little angry, "How many Steves do you know?"

In fact, Bucky knew a Steve, but the Steve in front of him really didn't look like the Steve he knew.

The guy who was holding him was round and chubby, with a thick beard on his face. It was too different from the big-chested sweetheart he knew who was originally thin and small, but suddenly became tall and fit after taking the medicine. .

"Are you really Steve? The Steve I know?" Bucky would have to rub his eyes hard if his hand wasn't broken.

"Of course it's me." Steve nodded sincerely.

"Oh...damn..." Bucky took a deep breath, "How long have I been dizzy? The military gave you another super soldier serum, didn't they? It looks like a bit of an overdose this time, look at how you look now, What has been destroyed by drugs..."

Goofy next to him held back his laughter, and it wasn't the drugs that destroyed Steve, but the junk food.

"Uh..." Facing the doubts of his good friends, Steve chose to bravely tell the truth, "Bucky, the truth is, I didn't become like this because of the super soldier serum, I became like this for another reason. "

"Huh?" Bucky was confused. "What made you like this?"

He looked at Steve's belly as he spoke.

"Time." Steve sighed, "Bucky, time is a butcher knife..."

Hearing this, Bucky was even more confused.

"Steve, how long have I been in a coma? Judging from the way you look now, you have been slashed by a pig knife for at least 20 or 30 years, right?"

"Ahem..." Steve shook his head embarrassedly and said, "Bucky, in fact, I came back from time travel after 70 years, and you were only in a coma for ten minutes. I'm not who I am now, but It's me in 70 years..."


Hearing this, Bucky stared at Steve with a question mark on his forehead.

What the **** is this?

"70 years later? Are you Steve in 70 years?" Bucky asked in shock.

"Yes." Steve said, "In short, according to the original historical trajectory, after you fell from the train, you were rescued by the Hydra people, and brainwashed into a cruel murder tool. It took 70 years to learn that you didn't die after falling into the valley, but were taken away by the Hydra people..."

"In order to make up for the regret in my heart and prevent you from being reduced to a hydra's murder tool, I used the time machine to travel back to the present and rescue you before the hydra..."

"Then I'll take you to 70 years later, so you can start a new life, understand?"

Because of the limited time, Steve didn't tell Bucky a lot of the content. After listening to the content quietly, Bucky roughly understood the things in front of him.

" want to take me back to the future and prevent me from being persecuted by Hydra, right?" Bucky asked.

Tony nodded approvingly: "Yes, I didn't expect you to fall from such a high place, and your brain still hasn't broken."

Steve excitedly invited: "Okay, Bucky, please go back to the future with us now, I believe you will start a new life in the future world."

Gao Fei also nodded and said, "Yes, it's time for us to leave."

But Bucky didn't immediately agree, but asked, "Wait, since you're Steve in 70 years, what about Steve now?"

"Oh...he's still there, my appearance won't affect him, because since I've crossed over to the present, this world has become a brand new parallel world, as long as we don't disturb the current Steve, we won't It will affect his future development..." Steve explained.

Bucky nodded and asked again: "Then if I travel to the future, will it affect the current Steve?"

"Neither." Tony replied, "In fact, your departure will reduce a problem for the current Steve. He will think that you are really dead and will always remember you."

Hearing this, Bucky nodded with relief: "My departure can reduce the problem for Steve... Then I'd better leave."

But before leaving, Bucky asked curiously: "By the way, have we won this war? Has the Hydra been eliminated?"

"Of course, of course we won." Steve said with a smile.

"What about you later? How was your life in the future? By the way, did your kid catch up with Peggy? Did you two stay together? You always carry Peggy's photos with you when you fight. I took it out and looked at it quietly, I thought I didn't find it..." Bucky said with a smile.

Hearing this, Steve's eyes dimmed a little, he coughed awkwardly, and said, "Let's go back first, we'll talk about these things in the future world."

However, Bucky refused and asked persistently, "Steve, why didn't you tell me? Did you and Peggy get together in the end?"


Steve sighed He didn't want to tell Bucky the truth.

Or Goofy stood up and said: "No, Bucky, not long after you fell into the valley, Steve was killed in the fight with the Red Skull. In order to save the whole of New York, he drove the Red Skull's aircraft and crashed into the iceberg. …”

"Then he was frozen in the iceberg for 70 years, and it was not until 70 years later that he was found and rescued..."

"And at that time, Peggy was already an old woman in her nineties..."


Bucky was very disappointed to hear the truth. He looked up at Steve and asked, "Steve, is this true?"

"Yes." Steve sighed helplessly, "The past is gone, I have accepted this joke God gave me."

However, Bucky did not accept it. He raised his head and questioned Steve: "That is to say, if I leave you now, Steve will still be killed in the battle with the Red Skull and crash into the iceberg with the aircraft. , miss Peggy Carter, huh?"

"I'm afraid so." Steve shrugged, "This is my destiny."

"No, Steve, I know you, you've always been a person who doesn't accept fate." Bucky said, "You and Peggy should be together, and you must have a happy ending."

Having said that, Bucky struggled to get up.

"Hey, man, what do you want to do?" Tony Stark asked helplessly.

"I'm going to kill the Red Skull! So Steve won't be killed, he and Peggy can be together..." Bucky gritted his teeth, "This kid hasn't been in love once since he was a child, I Never let his first love end like this..."

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