American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 606: Fury's Conspiracy

Maria Hill knew that the truth she had said was too appalling, so she emphasized it again.

"Of course, it is also possible that someone used the name of Fury to approve this matter, but this may not be big... Because in the process of S.H.I.E.L.D., the approval of weapon manufacturing is not a one-time, when this batch of applied weapons After it is put into production, the manufacturing department will give feedback to the applicant at regular intervals and feedback the progress of weapon manufacturing..."

"That is to say, even if someone borrows Fury's name to apply for the manufacture of Ultron robots, the manufacturing progress of Ultron robots will be sent to Fury every day for the next period of time..."

"So if the person who applied to make the Ultron robot is not Fury, then Fury will find the problem the next day and stop the weapon manufacturing."

Goofy and Steve understood what Agent Hill meant.

"So these weapons must have been made by Fury?"

"So the person who planned Eric and Ghost Rider to assassinate the old King T'Chaka behind the scenes was Nick Fury?"

Hill was at a loss for a while: "Eric? Ghost Rider? Wait... When you say Ghost Rider, do you mean Robbie Reyes?"

"You know Robbie Reyes?" Goofy captured the important information in Hill's words again.

Because it's obvious - the person who faked the Ultron robot must be the man behind the instigation of the relationship between Wakanda and Ultron, and the man behind this must know Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes.

A record of making Ultron robots is not enough to convict Nick Fury, but once it is proved that Nick Fury is related to Robbie Reyes, two pieces of evidence seem to be able to fully convict Fury.

Since Maria Hill came to confess to Goofy, she obviously didn't mean to cover up Nick Fury.

She bluntly told the truth.

"Yes, I know Robbie Reyes, one of the psychics that S.H.I.E.L.D. has rescued..."

"Because his younger brother was hunted down by the Black (Harmony) Gang, he signed a contract to become a Ghost Rider. Of course, he did not tell us the details. He only told us that the person who signed the contract with him came from another A completely different world..."

"Nick Fury knows him, of course, and he has maintained a fairly good relationship with us at S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"Did he play an important role in the assassination of T'Chaka?"

Hill asked.

"Of course." Goofy nodded, "It wasn't just the Ultron robot who assassinated King Tchaka. You should know about Tchaka's abilities. He is a black panther, a super soldier, and fake Ultron robots can't be killed. drop him."

"It was the Ghost Rider who killed Tchaka. Only the Ghost Rider has this ability. The surveillance video at the scene proves this..."

"Surveillance video?" Agent Hill asked with a frown. "Was the entire process of King T'Chaka's assassination captured by surveillance video?"

"Yeah." Gao Fei wondered, "What? Didn't you see it?"

"I haven't seen it... We S.H.I.E.L.D. have not received relevant news, but it is said that King Tchaka was assassinated by the Ultron robot and died in the explosion..." Agent Hill wondered.

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more wrong it was: "It's impossible, the intelligence level of your S.H.I.E.L.D. can't be so poor, and with your S.H.I.E.L.D. means, it's easy to get the surveillance video of the scene..."

"Unless someone deliberately denied you access to this surveillance video, trying to cover up Ghost Rider's role from you."

Hearing this, Maria Hill already understood what Goofy meant.

"You mean... Fury."

"It can only be Fury." Goofy said, "I didn't expect Fury to take this step."

At this time, Steve Rogers next to him wondered: "It stands to reason that Nick Fury should not do this? Agent Hill has already said that, firstly, he does not have the courage, and secondly, he should know to instigate Wakanda. A war with Ultron will result in the loss of life."

"It's really not Fury's style." Agent Hill said with a solemn expression, "that's why I came to ask for help. Goofy, I think Fury seems to be... a different person during this time. Someone was bewitched."

Goofy also found it strange, it stands to reason that Nick Fury is indeed not the person who would do such a crazy act.

But everyone is unpredictable, and Goofy can't deny this.

"Don't rush to convict Fury, the two most crucial people in this matter are still being held in Raven Craft Prison - Eric and Robbie Reyes. I will arrange for them tomorrow. Interrogation, I think the results of the interrogation will tell us the truth of the matter." Gao Fei said.

He looked back at the time and said to Agent Hill and Steve, "Okay, it's getting late, everyone should rest."

Later, he asked Hill in particular: "Are you still planning to return to SHIELD? Or stay with me for the time being."

Agent Hill curled his lips: "Usually Fury and I work together, but by now, I've been gone for nineteen hours. I think Fury, no matter how sluggish he is, should realize that I'm behind his back. Do something, and in this case, I think it's better if I don't go back?"

"That's true." Goofy nodded, "Then go home with me, I'll prepare a guest room for you."

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Agent Hill didn't choose, and said, "The sofa is fine, but I'm not used to a room that is too comfortable."

Steve stretched, he was really sleepy.

"Then I'll go first, I have to Since the weight gain, Steve has become much more sleepy than before.

Goofy and Hill watched Steve leave, then the two went downstairs and drove all the way to Brooklyn.

Manhattan is foggy at night, and the city neon presents a magical feeling in the mist. And Goofy hasn't actually driven for a long time. After recruiting Gordon, his traffic generally relies on teleportation.

Now driving Maria Hill on the streets of New York in the middle of the night, Gao Fei actually found a youthful feeling. He felt that there should be some music at this time, so he reached out and turned on the car stereo.

The crisp guitar sound slowly flowed out, and at this time a song that Gao Fei could not name was playing.

However, Hill, who was sitting in the passenger car, was not in the mood to enjoy the music. She was still thinking about Nick Fury and his abnormal behavior.

"Goofy, if Fury really did all this, if he really was the mastermind behind the instigation of Wakanda and Ultron... Of course, I said if..."

"Then what will you do with him?"

Hearing this question, Gao Fei smiled.

"You forgot, Hill, I'm no longer NYPD, and this country is run by Ultron, and the power to dispose of Fury is not in my hands."

However, Agent Hill did not buy Goofy's answer.

"But if it is determined that Fury planned all this, it is still you who came forward to arrest him, isn't it?"

"That's true." Gao Fei said helplessly, "After all, I can't die. It would be more cost-effective for me to handle these high-risk operations."

"Will you kill Fury then?" Hill asked nervously, "Will you kill him?"

"Normally not." Gao Fei gave the answer sincerely, "But if he doesn't cooperate with me and resists's hard to say."

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