American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 635: take over hell

Under Mephisto's questioning, Mage Ancient One was silent. She really had no way to refute Mephisto's condemnation and questioning, because many things were not as simple as they seemed on the surface.


Signing an agreement with the aggressor, or even exchanging resources, is a shameful thing from any point of view.


But sometimes, only compromise can get the best result for the world.


Fortunately, Mephisto didn't question for too long, and his soul was quickly destroyed by the bombardment of Goofy's scepter.


As Mephisto's soul turned into a cloud of blue smoke, the red thick fog in the **** dimension gradually dissipated, and then the huge embodied Mephisto's entities shattered in place and turned into tiny ones. , throbbing, flickering particles scattered.


Master Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time seemed to be changing the subject and said, "It's finally over, Mephisto is finally defeated."


"Yes." Goofy nodded, "We prevented another disaster."


However, at this moment, Robbie Reyes, the Ghost Rider, felt a little strange. He stared blankly at his palm that was burning with the flames of hell, and felt his burning head.


"No... this is not right..." Robbie frowned, "I signed a soul contract with Mephisto, and this became the Ghost Rider. Now that Mephisto has been removed, I should get my soul back. , to become an ordinary person again..."


"But why am I still the Ghost Rider the way I am now?"


Robbie's question was also recognized by Goofy.


"That's right." Goofy nodded and said, "Theoretically, after Mephisto's demise, your contract with Mephisto should be terminated, but..."


Just halfway through Goofy's words, the small particles formed by the fragmentation of Mephisto's entity in the **** dimension suddenly aggregated, and they flocked to Goofy's body like water droplets condensed into a trickle. The moment he touched Goofy, he melted into Goofy's body.


"what is this?!"


Gao Fei was caught off guard and hurriedly attempted to enter the speed of light form to avoid these small particles of "misconduct". However, when Gao Fei entered the speed of light form, he found that these small particles could still continuously penetrate into his body.


They are not affected by high flying speed, their fusion with high flying seems unstoppable!


"What exactly is the situation? Is it Mephisto's revenge against me?" Goofy asked with a frown, "Is it possible that only by leaving the **** dimension can I stop what is happening in front of me?"


Master Gu Yi squinted at Gao Fei and the small particles beside him, and then made an inference: "Gao Fei, I think these small particles are the **** dimension itself, this is not what Mephisto did to you. In revenge, but after you killed Mephisto, you gained dominion over the dimension of hell, and you took over here..."


"What? I took over here?"


Gao Fei was amazed and looked around with the scepter in his hand tightly.


"I'm taking over here in this way? Being harassed by these little particles?"


Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei suddenly felt that countless figures were coming towards him from all directions. While these figures rushed towards Gao Fei, they made some hoarse shouts at him...


These voices are composed of various languages, dialects, and tones. When they were shouting at the same time, Gao Fei could not hear even a single word, but at this time, Gao Fei could probably conclude that Master Gu Yi's judgment was correct. Did take over Mephisto's **** dimension.


These strange figures in front of him are the source of Mephisto's power - the soul of mankind.


These souls constitute the dimension of hell, and now these souls belong to Goofy.


Almost ten minutes later, these scattered souls were completely fused with Goofy by the small particles formed by Mephisto's physical image, and at this moment, Goofy noticed the azure blue in his hand. The soul scepter was stained with a touch of red again.


"This is…"


Gao Fei waved his scepter lightly, and the red dense fog accumulated in the sky of the whole **** dimension suddenly rolled in a mighty manner, as if he had been ordered by Gao Fei, and was moving according to his instructions.


"Congratulations, Gao Fei."


At this time, Master Gu Yi stepped forward and revealed the truth of the matter.


"Congratulations on taking over the **** dimension completely, this is your domain now."


"Really?" Gao Fei still couldn't believe everything in front of him, this "legacy" came a little too suddenly.


"Because I killed Mephisto, his **** is mine?"


"Does that mean... I'm the next Mephisto?"


At this time, Robbie Reyes walked up to Goofy in shock and asked in a low voice, "Hey, Goofy, do you now have the same ability as Mephisto? Can you perceive the power in this dimension? Soul?"


"I think I can try." Goofy replied, then closed his eyes and tried to listen to the voices of those souls.


"Please forgive my sins..."


"I don't want to die..."


"Dad, Mom, please save me, please save me..."


"Goodbye to this world, I will go to a better world..."



After Gao Fei calmed down, he really heard the voices of these souls. They echoed in Gao Fei's ears, as if they were personal files entered into the archives.


"So I really control the dimension of hell? Mephisto manipulates the dimension of the soul?" - Gao Fei was delighted in his heart, and at the same time he had an ingenious idea.


Because so far, Goofy has roughly guessed that the curse of the goddess of death on him is on his soul, and if you want to get rid of this curse, the most intuitive way is to start with the soul.


Before Gao Fei, he did not have the ability to control or modify the soul.


Now when Goofy takes over Mephisto's **** dimension, he obviously also inherited Mephisto's ability. If he continues to develop this ability, then maybe Goofy can really eliminate the curse of death for himself.


And just as Goofy was trying to study his newfound ability carefully, Robbie Reyes patted him on the shoulder.


"Hey, Goofy, I want to ask you something."


"Huh?" Goofy looked back at Robbie and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"


Robbie said: "If you take over Mephisto's **** dimension, does that mean... you took over the soul contract that Mephisto signed with me?"


"If I don't want to be a Ghost Rider I want to renege on this contract, then are you also capable of helping me?"


Gao Fei looked back at Robbie blankly. His decision surprised Gao Fei.


"What? Robbie, you don't want to be a Ghost Rider anymore?"


"Yes." Robbie smiled tiredly, "Although Ghost Rider can have an immortal body, he has almost lost all the fun... The emotions he can perceive are all negative, and he is like a walking dead... "


"So if you can, please make me an ordinary person, okay?"


"I didn't want to be a superhero, I just wanted to be an ordinary person, an ordinary car mechanic, that's all..."


Goofy respected Robbie's choice and went to search for the soul in hell.


Soon, he found the soul of Robbie Reyes. Robbie's guess was right. He really had the right to withdraw the soul agreement signed with Robbie on behalf of Mephisto.

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