American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 640: desperate strange

After leaving the ward, Gao Fei walked all the way to the underground parking lot. Before he could start the car, there was a burst of hurried footsteps behind him.

Looking back, I saw Christine with tears on her face chasing after her. She ran to Gao Fei and looked up at him helplessly.

"I'm sorry, Goofy, I'm sorry..."

"I think I have to apologize for Dr. Strange's bad attitude. He is in a very bad mood now, and he will inevitably do such absurd behavior. Please forgive him..."

Goofy shook his head and reached out to help Christine wipe the tears from his cheeks.

"Oh, Christine..."

"It's not you who should apologize, but Strange. In addition, his arrogance, arrogance and willfulness should be restrained. This car accident will give him a good lesson..."

"If the disability in both hands corrects his character flaws, then it might be a good deal."

Gao Fei said jokingly.

And hearing this, Christine's heart gave birth to hope.

She thought she probably understood what Goofy meant, maybe Strange could be saved.

"Gao Fei, I understand, you want to reject Dr. Strange's request first, pretend not to treat him, make him completely desperate, so as to get rid of his arrogant personality..."

"And then after he becomes a man again, he will save him. In this way, he will not only redeem his body, but also his soul, right?"

As she said that, Christine showed a relieved smile, she knew that Gao Fei would not be so desperate, nor would he not help her.

However, at this time, Gao Fei shook his head decisively.

"No, you misunderstood."

"I had no intention of redeeming Strange's body and soul at all..."

"I just feel that since he made a mistake, he has to take responsibility, that's all."

Kristin is completely desperate now: "What, what?"

"You mean... you're going to make Dr. Strange, such a fine neurosurgeon... disabled forever?"

Gao Fei nodded calmly and admitted, "That's right, this is his due punishment and the price for his dangerous driving."

"But Goofy..." Christine burst into tears again, but she still didn't lose her mind.

She knew that Goofy had nothing to complain about, and that Strange had literally ruined his career.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity..." Christine repeated these words desperately, her body trembling from crying.

Gao Fei stepped forward gently, embraced the poor girl in his arms, and patted her on the back in comfort.

"Don't be so sad, Christine, it's not your fault."

"You've done a great job, you've done a great job..."


Stephen Strange couldn't contain his anger for a long time after Goofy and Kristen left.

The ward was empty, and Strange could only vent his anger against the air.

"What did I ask for it? Shouldn't I be angry with other people? Humph... What a sane guy!"

"Sure enough, he was a policeman before, and he always stood on the moral high ground when he spoke..."

"Who's driving without speeding? Who's driving without looking at the phone?"

"I'm just unlucky..."

"It's a pity that I rescued him at the beginning, but now he sees nothing to save me, and is still sneering at me..."

"What a great superhero Gao Fei..."

After babbling and cursing for a while, Strange fell into a drowsy sleep, but it wasn't long before he dreamed of the weird twisting of his fingers, which caused him to wake up screaming.

"No! My hand! My hand is more precise than an instrument!"

"I can't accept it! I will never accept it!!"

After waking up, Strange looked at his twisted and deformed fingers, and the whole person fell into despair.

It wasn't anger that filled his brain at this moment, it was fear—he feared the destruction of his career, he feared the waste of his talents.

"No, I have to save my hands no matter what, I have to...have to do this..."

Thinking of this, he began to hesitate whether to go to Gao Fei again.

"Gao Fei shouldn't be unhappy with his death, right? He should just be unhappy with my attitude. Many people are unhappy with my character..."

"Am I being too arrogant and arrogant? Maybe, but I think I'm actually okay..."

"By the way, it must be because I got mad at Kristen when he came in... oh shit, I don't want to get mad at Kristen, I know she's helping me, but their surgery did it Such a failure, is that the level of my colleagues? That's a disgrace to the medical profession!"

"So as long as I go to Goofy to apologize and I go to him to admit my mistake, then..."

Thinking of this, Strange immediately denied his idea.

His ego prevented him from doing so.

"Why should I apologize to him? It was me who had the accident, not him!"

"Didn't I drive over the speed limit and look at my mobile phone and knock him into a disability? I ate the bitter fruit I planted..."

"He's a superhero, saved New York, saved the citizens, so that's great? Who isn't a hero yet? Have I saved fewer people than he did in my years as a neurosurgeon?"

"The big deal is that I will be disabled for the rest of my life. I want to apologize to Gao Fei in a low voice and dream!"

"I can't believe I have no other way to heal my hands!"

After making up his mind, Strange fell into sleep again with anger. He was going to contact neurologists from all over the world early tomorrow morning to discuss with them the possibility of restoring his hands.

It's a pity that the efforts in the next period of time have made Strange's hope more and more dim, because every expert doctor who has communicated with him believes that his hands are completely impossible to restore.

The car accident traumatized his nerves so much that it was almost irreparable.

A day passed, three days passed, a week passed.

Strange was gradually able to walk freely and no longer needed to lie in a hospital bed or sit in a wheelchair.

But his hands still didn't obey him, and he couldn't even unscrew the mineral water bottle or tap the keyboard.

Whenever he stretched out his hands, they kept shaking like an electric shock. With such hands, let alone being a surgeon, it even took a lot of effort to wipe his buttocks in the toilet.

On the morning of the third week, Strange was called by an expert from Paris. He felt exactly the same about Strange's hands as the previous experts, and he also believed that Strange's hands had not recovered at all. possible.

"Damn it! What kind of expert are you? You can't even perform such an operation. Do you still have the face to call yourself an expert?!" - Strange completely disregarded the face of his peers and yelled at the expert on the phone.

The expert did not retort, he sincerely sympathized with the poor disabled person.

He just hung up the phone silently, letting Strange's irritable voice disappear.

Strange continued to curse at the blind phone for five minutes before giving up, his face flushed with anger.

When the swearing was over, he hung up the phone with trembling fingers.

Looking back, he suddenly saw a familiar figure standing at the door of his

His former best friend looked at him indifferently.

During this time, due to Strange's moody mood and self-pity attitude, there was a great rift between him and Christine.

The former friends are almost strangers now, and Christine is so disappointed in Strange.

"Oh, Christine, what are you doing here?" Strange asked impatiently, and he hasn't changed his attitude toward the friend who did his best to help him.

Christine threw a bunch of keys on the table in the hallway.

"I'll return your key, I don't think I'll need it anymore."

The relationship between the two of them gradually warmed up, and Strange even gave Christine the keys to the apartment.

Unfortunately, a car accident ruined everything.

"Okay..." Strange rubbed his messy hair in frustration, turned and walked to the bedroom.

He didn't want to argue with Christine any more or explain it.

At this time, Christine threw a portfolio in his hand on the table and said, "By the way, I also found a medical record. The patient on the medical record was paraplegic due to a serious accident, and the condition is worse than your hands. Too much, all experts say that his injury can't be recovered, and he will never stand up again in this life..."

"Oh?" Strange turned back and sneered. "What's your intention to find me this medical record? Are you trying to comfort me with someone worse than me?"

"Haha." Kristin sneered twice and said while turning away from his apartment, "This high paraplegic patient is now often playing basketball in the opposite park, and he is more alive than healthy people..."

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