American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 663: Temple fire

At the urging of Casillas, his faithful followers destroyed the magic circle of the New York Temple with the fastest speed, and then lit a fire in the ancient building, paying the painstaking design of the former Supreme Mage. All torches.

And Casillas can't wait to try to send a signal to Dormammu in the dark dimension, requesting this high-dimensional creature to come to the earth.

In fact, after the magic circle of the New York Temple was destroyed, the Supreme Mage's blocking of Dormammu had failed, and there was no need for Casillas' superfluous call. Dormammu himself felt this in an instant.

"Come on, my greatest master, the ruler of the dark dimension, the life master of the high-dimensional world..."

"Come, come to this ignorant and backward land, and bring eternal life to your most faithful believers..."

"Come, great Dormammu, please come, please come..."

Casillas prayed sincerely over and over again, but then a sudden voice came from the front hall of the New York Temple.

"Are you trying to annoy Dormammu? Come on, come on, come on... If I were Dormammu, the first thing I would do when I came to Earth would be to sew your mouth shut."

As this voice sounded, Goofy, accompanied by Strange, strode through the sea of ​​flames to Casillas.

Seeing Gao Fei, Casillas was instinctively fearful, but he soon regained his senses, and the corner of his mouth lifted into a triumphant smile.

Because behind him, the formation of summoning Dormammu has been activated. From now on, Dormammu may invade the earth from the dark dimension at any time, and easily obliterate everyone in this low-dimensional world.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Gao Fei is, he is still only a powerhouse limited to the low-dimensional world.

Once he encounters Dormammu from the high-dimensional world, Goofy has no choice but to die.

"Gao Fei, you are finally here."

Casillas sneered,

"But it's a pity that you're late."

Gao Fei was in a good mood and smiled: "Oh? Am I late? I think I came just in time."

"Unfortunately, my master, the master of the dark dimension, the great high-dimensional life form, the one who can give us eternal power..."

Casillas began to tease Dormammu's long-winded names, but it was a pity that Goofy didn't give him a chance to finish the sentence.

His figure almost flashed like lightning, and then he grabbed Casillas' neck. He lifted Casillas, who was nearly 1.85 meters tall, over his head like a chicken, like iron clamps. His big hands tightly wrapped around his throat.

"I can't remember the many names..."

Gao Fei sneered,

"I'm too lazy to listen to your beep again."

Casillas' expression twitched and he was sweating coldly.

Although he had known for a long time that Gao Fei was a guy with great combat power, he didn't realize the difference in strength between the two until he fought in person.

In the face of the attack at the speed of light, all magic is useless at all, and Casillas has no time to say any spell, make any gesture, summon any kind of magic weapon...

He could only wait obediently to die.

But out of the instinct of human survival, Casillas tried to resist even if Goofy strangled his neck. He twisted his body desperately, struggling and said, "How dare you offend me? I am the great Dormammu. Most loyal believer, I am..."

As he spoke, Casillas unleashed the power of darkness he had borrowed from Dormammu, which spread from the corners of his eyes toward his body, gradually giving him an indestructible, rock-like black skin. !

"Under the protection of the power of the dark master, I, Casillas, are indestructible! I firmly believe that the great Dormammu will protect me, and I will be invincible!"

However, in the face of Casillas' clamor, Goofy just smiled faintly.

"Are you finished?"

"If you're done transforming, then I'll do it."

After that, Goofy released the big hand that grabbed Casillas' neck, and Casillas, who was picked up by Goofy, immediately fell down under the action of gravity.

But Goofy immediately stretched his hands forward and caught Casillas' head like a basketball.

Then he squeezed his hands inward, applying the force of his arms to Casillas' head.

"I heard that your dark power is indestructible? I heard that Dormammu can bless you with invincibility?"

"Ahhhhh!!" Casillas screamed.

The head that was under the power of Gao Fei's arms was instantly deformed, like a balloon that was about to burst.

And a second later.


Black liquid shot out, and Casillas was dead.

Gao Fei tore off Casillas' robe as if nothing had happened, wiped his hands stained with black liquid, then looked back at the other mages and asked, "Who else would you like to come to me to test your ability to bear the power of darkness? ability?"

The mages were silent, not daring to say a word, but Strange glanced at Casillas who was lying on the ground with a horrified expression, and said to himself in the lowest volume: "Don't offend Gao Gao. Fei, don't offend Gao Fei..."

The suppression of death lasted for a short three seconds in the New York Temple, and suddenly there was a low roar not far away.

This roar is as long as the horn of a truck, but the volume is much louder.

At this time, a mage suddenly stood up like a madman, shouting while jumping: "It is the master of darkness! It is the master of darkness Dormammu is here! He will give us infinite life! He will give us eternity. !!"

"We are saved!"

"We are saved!!"

After witnessing Goofy squeezing Casillas' head, the mages at the scene regarded Goofy as a character like the **** of death. The fear of death permeated their hearts, and they could not wait to escape from here immediately.

And Dormammu is undoubtedly their savior, the **** who saves them, not to mention Casillas has already told them that Domamm can give them unlimited life.

So these mages ran towards the direction of the roar, wishing they could immediately fall into Dormammu's arms.

At this moment, the dome of the New York Temple was suddenly opened by a huge force, and this huge force swept the broken dome and all the objects in the temple into the sky.

The wizards who fled in all directions were not spared, and each of them screamed and was sent to the sky.

In mid-air, they could clearly see the situation in front of them - the sky above had completely changed, it was no longer the starry sky before, but became a huge, blue, purple, red, black composition. , a strange space like a vortex.

The mages are full of fear in this unknown space, and they have no idea what kind of fate awaits them.

Until one of the mages shouted: "Comrades! Please don't be afraid! Please don't worry! This is the Lord of Darkness to meet us! This is the great Dormammu to redeem us!"

"He brought us into his higher-dimensional world as agreed, and gave us infinite life and time, and we are about to become eternity! Goofy can never kill us again!"

Hearing the explanation of the the mage finally no longer feared, their emotions were replaced by joy, and everyone screamed with excitement.

"Great! We've been accepted by Dormammu!"

"We are going to eternity!"

"We have evolved to a higher dimension!"

"Goofy can't kill us anymore! We'll be completely undead!"

However, at this moment, the first mage who was sucked into the sky touched the blue, purple, and black area, and the moment his body entered there, his robes, skin, muscles, bones …the layers are peeled off, and the body instantly dries up and shrinks…


Before his death, the mage who was sucked into the sky let out a piercing scream. Compared with Casillas' previous scream, his scream was a hundred times more miserable!

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