American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 671: 1 If you don't agree, you will shoot

Although Odin was confused, his body was still very strong. With a slight wave of his hand, the Guardian of the Nine Realms took his magic weapon, Gungnir, the famous spear of eternity in his hand.

Goofy knows the power of this spear. This is Asgard's top killer, far more destructive than Thor's Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, and Heimdall's sword, Bult, who opened the Rainbow Bridge. steel.

Seeing that the old man manipulated the power of thunder and instantly transformed into a suit of armor and a simple and sharp spear, the staff of the nursing home were all stupid - this old man, it seems not easy! Maybe his old man didn't join the army on Earth back then?

And Loki was even more frightened and trembling, and kept hiding behind Gao Fei.

"It's over, it's over, you annoyed the old man. The old man is just this arrogant boy now. If he disagrees, he will get angry..." Loki said in a low voice.

"What?" Gao Fei was depressed, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I didn't have a chance to say it. You keep asking questions, where do I have time to talk?!" Loki shouted aggrieved.

"Then what will happen after your father gets angry? Is he just pretending to scare people with the spear of eternity? Or are you planning to do it with me?" Gao Fei said.

Loki took a deep breath: "Let me tell you, on the one hand, I sent Odin to Earth because he did ask for it, and on the other hand because Asgard was almost smashed by him... Heroic Spirit Hall, do you know? It has been razed to the ground by him..."

"I rely on!"

Gao Fei wanted to hit someone when he heard it.

"You can't let him harm the earth just because he's done harming Asgard! Loki, you immoral thing..."

But Loki didn't plan to continue talking nonsense with Goofy, and shouted into the sky: "Scorch! Skorch! Open the Rainbow Bridge for me!"

"Skolch?" Goofy was startled when he heard the words, thinking in his heart, "Isn't this the big bald guy who was the gatekeeper in Thor 3? Heimdall has absconded?"

At the same time, the rainbow bridge in Asgard opened, and Loki sat on the rainbow bridge and ran away.

"Stop! Loki, take your dad away!!"

Goofy shouted depressedly, while chasing after Loki.

However, Odin behind him has started to attack: "Don't try to hurt my son! Thor! Go away!"

Goofy was fascinated: "You can't even tell Thor and Loki apart, and you're still beeping here!"

But turning around, Odin's Gungnir had released a strong energy.

This terrifying Asgardian killer can overturn the ice giant Laufey with one blow, and shatter her bones with another blow. The triple attack is enough to destroy the ice giant's holy artifact, the Frost Box. The destructive power can be imagined.

"Damn, this crazy old man..."

Goofy quickly let himself enter the speed of light, and in an instant he escaped Gungnir's rays and came to Odin. nearly the speed of light.

Although Odin has not yet reached the speed of light, his speed is similar to that of Gaofei.

"Atrium kid, you are very fast!"

Odin said in a deep voice, Haobai's beard fluttered in the wind. He held a gun in his right hand and punched Gao Fei's chest with a backhand in his left hand. chest.


Gao Fei's body flew upside down and stabilized until it hit an old tree across the street.

"The Heavenly Father-level powerhouse is so terrifying!!"

However, although Odin's fist is hard, Goofy's physical fitness is not covered. The strengthened physical fitness combined with the desperate virus allows him to withstand extremely strong shocks. In addition, Odin's attack is not shot by Gungnir. Fei will not be killed by him on the spot.

"This old man is quite fierce, it seems that I have to be more careful..." Gao Fei said while clenching his fists.

On the other side of the street, Odin saw that Gao Feisheng was able to get up right away with a punch. His face instantly showed an excited expression, and his whole person was full of smiles.

"Atrium people actually have such an excellent fighting ability! I am really impressed! Come on, try my trick again!"

After saying that, Odin jumped up and pointed the spear Gungnir towards Gao Fei.

In an instant, the time and space collapsed, the rays were vertical and horizontal, and a dazzling beam aimed at Gao Fei's chest and poked straight down.

"Damn... This old thing is too cruel... Sure enough, his mind is not normal."

Goofy hurriedly ducked sideways, after all, he was slightly faster than Odin.

But when he turned sideways to avoid it, he suddenly realized that the end of the ray was an office building.

Although Gao Fei had informed Ultron to evacuate nearby crowds and pedestrians, there were so many people in the office building that it was definitely impossible to evacuate them all in such a short time. What's more, the office building is also a fixed asset. If it is razed to the ground by Gungnir, it will also be a major loss.

"No, I have to block it!"

In order to protect the white-collar workers in the office building, and at the same time to protect the public assets of the city, Gao Fei turned around and blocked the Eternal Gun again, blocking the ray.

Now Odin is a little confused.

You had clearly avoided it just now, why did you suddenly bump into it again? Did you intentionally send someone's head?

"Hey kid, what are you doing?!"

"You will be killed like this!"

Before he finished speaking, Gungnir's ray had already hit Gao Fei's chest. The ray first pushed Gao Fei out heavily, and then penetrated Gao Fei's chest without any suspense.

Odin was also taken aback when he saw that Goofy was severely injured by Gungnir.

At this moment, his spirit became a little more normal, and he finally realized that his behavior was simply too brutal.

"I...why should this?"

"Why should I kill an Atrium youth?"

"Didn't I protect them all the time?"

"I am... I am the guardian of the Nine Realms..."

And Gao Fei, who had a big hole in his chest, looked at Odin in and said solemnly: "Why?! Why did you become like this? You used to be our patron saint, but now But... he's a murderer..."

"Sorry, child, sorry..." Odin heard this, quickly dropped Gungnir in his hand, and ran towards Gao Fei, "I don't know what I was thinking just now, I just...suddenly At once…"

However, at this moment, Odin suddenly saw a dazzling light from Goofy's body.

The painful expression on Gao Fei's face, who was lying on the ground, disappeared suddenly, and he put on a bad smile and said, "God, old man."

Booom! !

The Desperate Virus self-destruction turned on, and Odin, who was caught off guard, was directly hit by the self-exploding Goofy!

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