American Comic World of Martial Artists

Chapter 125: Vibration (Part 1)

?Plane Island Plaza, the entrance of the Universe Bridge. .lā

When Luo Hua passed the fourth floor, the hundreds of geniuses gathered together could no longer help but talk in a low voice.

"This... it's too easy to pass!"

"Yeah, I don't see the pressure at all, is it possible that Luo Hua can continue to break through the fifth floor?"

"No way, although the Tongtian Bridge has a level for every three floors, the difficulty will get higher and higher as it goes on, even... even Buran has only reached the fourth floor half a year ago. If Luo Hua passes, The fifth floor, isn't it going to far surpass Buran?"

Many geniuses were shocked when they heard the latter sentence, and even glanced at the white blood sword youth standing on the edge of the crowd. They all knew that Luo Hua relied on the rules of the ring to win the battle at the peak of the genius. Boran’s, and now if Luo Hua has broken through the fifth floor, it means that the gap between the two has widened in the past ten years.

Buran’s face was as cold as ever, but his heart couldn’t calm down. He had broken through the fifth floor a few days ago, but was killed by a single blow. If Luo Hua really...

Uka stared at the screen and clenched his fists, "The gap is getting bigger and bigger, and even the lunatic, I can't catch up!"

Ai Chen, with a pair of white wings and a beautiful face behind her, bit her lip. She also chose the Universe Chaos Monument, but she has only passed the first floor until now!

Other geniuses in the Taichu District, such as Qianshui, Longyun, Jiang Mo, etc., were all confused at this moment.


At this time, a figure appeared on the island square.

"Luo Feng?" Seeing this figure, Buran, Uka and others were startled.

Luo Feng glanced at the hundreds of geniuses around him, smiled and said, "Are you all watching Luo Hua cross the sky bridge?"

Wuka stepped forward and punched Luo Feng, staring: "You and your brother really like to surprise people. If you don't cross the sky bridge once in ten years, this one will connect the two floors!"

"Oh? Luo Hua has passed the fourth floor?" Luo Feng's eyes showed a touch of joy. He had just traversed the fourth floor of the Tongtian Bridge once before, and he naturally understood how difficult the fourth floor was.

"Isn't it, I'm on the fifth floor now, if I get past... I'm afraid many people will be shaken!" Uka whispered.

Luo Feng nodded. Indeed, if passing the third floor of the Tongtian Bridge means getting started on the Chaos Tablet, then passing the fifth floor means that you have thoroughly understood the first picture of the Chaos Tablet!

"The fifth floor has begun!" Someone in the crowd yelled, and all the whispered discussions disappeared, all eyes were focused on the huge screen above.


At the end of the fifth floor of the Universe Tongtian Bridge.

"I choose a martial artist!" Luo Hua's voice sounded.


A silver figure flew out from the tornado. It was wearing a silver mask and holding a pair of knives, but unlike the fourth layer, the knives looked more textured, and just looking at it, it seemed to see both time and space. Rule lines.

Only a pair of eyes were exposed under the silver-clothed man's mask, staring at Luo Hua indifferently: "The constant star will come to the fifth floor. You are the first in tens of millions of years. Use your full strength, otherwise I would Take the shot first, you don't have any chance to resist!"

"Let me do it first?" Luo Hua smiled, "I hope you don't regret it!"


As soon as Luo Hua stepped on, the phantom bodies appeared densely around them, and soon these phantom bodies were the same as the real ones, almost rushing towards the silver-clothed man along the arc of space.

Changhe sunset yen!

As soon as he hit the sword, Luo Hua directly displayed his first artistic conception that he had comprehended from many secret methods such as "Snow Flame" and "True Explanation of Time and Space".

In an instant, the bright light of the knife, like a river, with the afterglow of the setting sun, struck the silver-clothed man.

With this knife, people can't help but want to be immersed in it, and want to capture that bright and beautiful moment.

However, only a trace of confusion flashed in the silver-clothed man's eyes, and he immediately woke up, his two swords quickly blocked in front of him, and at the same time, a phantom appeared in the surrounding space, exactly like him, the two swords were in a defensive state.


The bright knife light fell, hitting the double knives heavily.

The spatial fluctuations caused by the collision spread out at an extremely fast speed under the action of the law of time, and then stopped slowly, hitting the edge of the Tongtian Bridge repeatedly in such a strange way.

The silver-clothed man's indifferent eyes showed shock, "The constant star can understand the essence of the two original laws of space and time, and can be combined to attack together, you, very good!"

"You are also very good, you can actually block my first mood!" Luo Hua was not too surprised, after all, this is the fifth floor of Tongtian Bridge, and the guards represent the first picture of the monument to thoroughly understand the universe. Figure, and the law of origin in time exceeds the test of entry level.

"Next, I hope you can catch the second mood I realized!"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Hua's sword momentum changed.

Suddenly, the bright knife light with the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared, and darkness fell suddenly, and in this darkness, a bright moon rose slowly, and the bright moonlight scattered the surrounding darkness. The beauty of this moment made the silver-clothed people's heart unavoidable. Gushing joy.


The moonlight was like a knife, directly beheading the silver-clothed man's head, and all the phantoms around him dissipated.


The textured double knives fell on the bridge, and there was a metallic sound.

Looking at the silver-clothed man's corpse, Luo Hua shook his head, "You know that the essence of space and time can form a combined attack, but unfortunately you don't know that this essence can evolve into a variety of combined attacks."

In fact, the reason is very simple. A complex calculation problem can be solved in many ways. The guardian in silver clothes represents the standard reference answer, but Luo Hua uses two different methods, and then the silver clothes person is confused. .


Plane Island Plaza.

Hundreds of geniuses such as Wuka, Rong Jun, Ai Chen were completely suffocated.

They never thought that Luo Hua actually passed the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge!

Although they had watched the clearance screen on the fourth floor before, they guessed that Luo Hua had a chance to pass the fifth floor, but in their hearts, they were not willing to believe this possibility, but now...

"How could the gap be so big? During the war of genius, although Luo Hua was also perverted and dazzling, at least he could give people a hint of hope of catching up, but now only ten years have passed before he has passed the fifth floor. This... How to chase it!"

"The fifth layer represents the first picture of the Chaotic Stele of Comprehension. Many of us have not even reached the entry level until now, and Luo Hua has fully comprehended it, which is too shocking!"

A group of geniuses feel desperate. Many of them have only passed the first level, but now Luo Hua has already passed the fifth level. This huge sense of gap makes them even have no idea of ​​catching up in their hearts.

But Beran, the white-clothed blood sword, stared at the screen, "Fifth floor, he really passed?! How could it, how could it progress so fast!!"

Uka smiled bitterly, looked at Luo Feng and sighed: "Mad man, your brother is really perverted. You have even reached the second floor, and now he has even reached the third floor. The two of you simply won't let anyone else survive!"

Luo Feng smiled and said, "You are right, but I feel pressured too. The fifth floor... is amazing!"

At this moment, someone in the crowd whispered: "You said, Luo Hua will not even be able to pass the sixth floor, right?"

As soon as these words were spoken, there was no sound in the surroundings!


On the other side of Island Plaza.

Five superpowers, including King Zhenyan, King Longyu, King Rift, King Difficult, and King Rainbow Sword, looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"It's not surprising that the law of space origin understands an essence, but Luo Hua actually understands an essence of the law of time?"

"In Chaos City for ten years, it is already remarkable to understand the essence of the law of space origin alone, but this Luo Hua...unbelievable, unbelievable!"

The two Zhenyan Hongjian sighed.

And Long Yu suddenly said in a low voice: "In the 2000th genius battle organized by the Virtual Universe Company recently, in Chaos City for 30 years, only 32 people can pass the fifth floor, and no one can pass the sixth floor. In just ten years, Luo Hua has already possessed the strength to pass the sixth floor, and his talent is simply terrifying!"

Splitting the air and others nodded one after another. Indeed, from their eyes, it was natural that Luo Hua already possessed the strength to pass through the sixth layer. After all, he was able to skillfully use the essential combination of the two origins. This represented Luo Hua’s presence on the cosmic chaos monument. The second picture is about to be fully understood.

The first and second pictures of the Universe Chaos Monument correspond to the first six floors of the Tongtian Bridge!

"Split Kong, you really have a good apprentice. If Luo Hua can continue to maintain this rate of progress, I'm afraid it will be another science!" Zhen Yan couldn't help but said.

Long Yu shook his head, "It's still a lot worse than Kedi, Kedi Universe Grade has already passed through the primitive Tongtian Mountain, and the primitive Tongtian Mountain of Universe Grade is equivalent to the ninth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. Sixth floor!"

" The sixth to seventh floors are a gate threshold. If you want to pass, you must enter the third picture of the Chaos Monument, and the ninth floor is closer to the level of the law of immortality. Luo Hua has only realized an essence. Even if he maintains such a terrifying rate of progress, it is still far from being able to compete with Kedi in the remaining Chaos City for twenty years." Tong Jian couldn't help but shook his head.

Kedi was the first genius since the hundreds of millions of eras. Even the Lord of Chaos City personally accepted him as a personal disciple. Luo Hua is now at most a peerless genius since the millions of eras, and he is still on the premise of maintaining the pace of progress.

"Haha, no one is sure about the future. My disciple might be comparable to Kedi!" Li Kong laughed and said, "Okay, keep watching, this sixth floor is not easy to pass!"


When Zhenyan and Zhenyan were waiting for the king to talk about immortality, Buran, Luo Feng and a group of geniuses all stared at the huge screen. Luo Hua had already made them feel desperate and suffocated if they passed the sixth floor. Layer, that...


Let's put two chapters first, and there are four more chapters in the evening, all big chapters! !

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