Unsurprisingly, after Chen Luo's sugar-coated bullets, especially the last one that promised to help him regain his memory, even Logan, who has always been a loner, couldn't refuse at all, and immediately nodded and agreed. down.

Even he was not the only one. After hearing Chen Luo's conditions, Mary on the side also looked at Chen Luo expectantly and asked in a low voice if she could come to him in the future.

Of course Chen Luo had no reason to refuse and immediately made a promise.

Although in terms of actual combat power, the future naughty Mary may not be as strong as Logan, or even an ordinary second-level mutant, but because of the particularity of her abilities, she may be able to play a role in some aspects in the future. It is not certain that the effect will exceed that of fourth-level mutants.

For such a special existence, Chen Luo doesn't mind keeping it in the family at all.

But this has to wait until the other party graduates from the academy!

Now Mary is just a girl in high school, and her abilities and mind are not fully developed. The family may not be able to provide her with an environment to grow up. At this stage, the college is the most suitable place for her. The destination!

But even so, for such a special talent, Chen Luo still included her as a reserve member of the family, and gave her some additional small benefits every month, as well as an additional financial subsidy of 10,000 U.S. dollars.

After learning that she could get so many benefits just by becoming a reserve soldier, Mary was surprised and at the same time secretly grateful for the decision she had just mustered up the courage to make.

Originally, the reason why she chose to join was because Chen Luo allowed her to have better contact with human society. She still regarded herself as a member of the human race just a few days after gaining the ability, but because she is now a mutant, She was rejected by human society, which undoubtedly caused a lot of confusion and fear in her heart.

At this time, when Mary learned that there were forces like Chen Luo and others who were the same as them and could survive safely in human society, she was a little confused as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw and desperately wanted to join. Come in.

Because at this moment in her heart, only by joining here can she regain the possibility of living like before.

In fact, Mary was completely unsure about whether Chen Luo would agree to let her join him.

After all, she herself knows her situation well. Now she is just a mutant who has just awakened her abilities and has no ability to protect herself. Compared to Uncle Logan, who has amazing combat power, her role is negligible. , it’s not an exaggeration to call it a burden!

She was already prepared to be rejected, but to her surprise, Chen Luo actuallyHe became aware.

Although she is only a reserve now, Mary is already very satisfied. Especially after seeing that she has so many welfare subsidies as a reserve, she feels even more grateful for the Chen Luo family. A sense of belonging.

Even when he looked at Chen Luo, there was a hint of gratitude.

All this was obviously seen by Chen Luo, but he didn't say much. After briefly arranging the two of them, Chen Luo planned to take Mary to the academy to let her officially settle down there.

Of course, he has not forgotten his previous promise to Logan. Helping the other person retrieve his memory may seem impossible to others, but for them who have the ability to extract memories through blood, there is no way. A little difficult.

Lucian obviously also mastered this ability, so there was no need for Chen Luo to take action at all. After assigning Logan to him, Chen Luo immediately started to set off.

On the other side, Logan, who was eager to retrieve his memory, naturally had no idea of ​​going to the academy with Chen Luo and the others. Chen Luo was naturally very satisfied with the result.

Because Bumblebee was still being repaired at Tony's place, Chen Luo didn't waste time, took Mary with him, and immediately used teleportation to start on his way.

Within a few minutes, the two of them arrived at the academy smoothly.

Just when they entered the academy, a familiar figure happened to pass by them.


Hearing Chen Luo's voice, Ororoluo paused and turned her head subconsciously. When she saw Chen Luo's familiar face, Ororoluo felt happy. Without thinking, she moved her head. A pair of straight and slender long legs walked quickly towards Chen Luo.

"Chen, why are you here?"

"Nothing!"Chen Luo smiled, then stepped to one side, revealing Mary's figure behind him, and said:

"This child is Mary, the child that Charles asked Lucian to find!"

"Now that I have brought her here, I hope that this child can be better cultivated by you in the future!"

With that said, Chen Luo turned to look at Mary and said hello:

"Mary, this is Teacher Ororo, she will teach you from now on!"

"Teacher Ororo!"

Mary walked forward with an obedient look on her face and whispered.

"Mary? Looking at the other party, Ororo showed a very friendly smile on his face,"Welcome to X Hospital. I hope you will live a happier life here in the future!""

"Thank you Teacher Ororo!"

Looking at her smile, Mary's uneasiness slowly calmed down. At the same time, looking at Ororo's face that made people feel stunning at first sight, her heart moved and she subconsciously said:

"Teacher, are you Mr. Chen Luo's girlfriend? You are so beautiful, no wonder Mr. Chen Luo likes you so much!"

"Ahem!"The smile on Chen Luo's face gradually became stiff. When he came back to his senses, he quickly pretended to cough and quickly smoothed things over.

"Ororo, don't blame this child. She was just talking nonsense. I mentioned to her before that my girlfriend is here, so she admitted her mistake!"

"Teacher Ororo, I'm sorry, I thought you were......"

After hearing this, Mary obviously realized something. She lowered her head in embarrassment and said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"it's okay no problem! Ororo waved her hands, regained her composure, and replied with a smile:"After all, this is Mary's first time here, she will know later!""

"By the way, look at the time, it’s almost lunch time now, I’ll take you to eat first!"

After saying this, Ororo turned around first and signaled that he would take the two of them to the direction of the restaurant.

"I won't go! Chen

Luodao:"It just so happens that I haven't been here these days. I'd better go find Qin as soon as possible, otherwise she will be angry!""

"Is that so?"A trace of disappointment flashed in Ororo's eyes, and then he smiled and said:"That's fine, Qin must not be able to wait any longer. I wish you a happy date!"

"Hope so!"

Then after giving some instructions to Mary, Chen Luo turned around and walked towards the other side.

He stared at Chen Luo's disappearing back. After a while, Ororo finally came to his senses and began to greet Mary to leave together.

Mary had also been watching Ororo's actions just now. She rolled her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking of. Gradually, a different kind of smile suddenly appeared on her face.

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