American fame and fortune

Chapter 214 Full of Guilt

At Los Angeles International Airport, the paparazzi who had been notified in advance came near the exit, waiting for the news to hit their lips automatically.

Jody, wearing a Dodgers baseball cap backwards, hung his camera and waited in the allowed filming area of ​​the airport.

Early this morning, she received a call from Atlanta, a notification from an old acquaintance.

On the airport announcement, the target flight arrived, and after waiting for a while, passengers began to come out of the VIP channel.

Jody picked up the camera and was ready to take pictures. When Martin walked out of the passageway, she repeatedly pressed the shutter of the camera.

Sure enough, there is news.

Walking next to Martin was Angelina Jolie.

The two didn't communicate much, more like partners and friends.

Julie is wearing a short windbreaker, holding a walking little boy in her left hand, and a little girl in her right hand, with the brilliance of maternal love all over her body.

It was as if the child was everything to her.

Martin left at a faster pace, leaving the performance venue to Julie alone.

On the plane when they arrived, the two had an in-depth chat. This time when they returned to Los Angeles, Julie was going to start.

Martin got out of the terminal, got into the car driven by Jessica, and said, "Don't go back to the apartment for now, go to the Four Seasons Hotel."

As soon as I left the airport, I followed the paparazzi.

Martin also got used to it, and said to Bruce: "Pay more attention to Julie's news."

"Things will always make a big mess." Bruce suggested: "Aniston is America's sweetheart, and you are an American hero. You might as well take Aniston down."

Martin didn't bother to talk to Old Bu. He was several levels behind Aniston's cafe, and asked Jessica, "Is there a special event recently?"

Jessica knew that what Martin asked was related to himself, and said, "No, everything is normal."

Entering Beverly, the car quickly stopped in front of the hotel.

Martin and Bruce entered the hotel together, checked in, the two turned into the elevator room, and met the two people who came out.

Anne Hathaway with her manager Maha.

Both sides stopped at the same time.

Martin was very personable, and nodded to Anne and Maha: "What a coincidence."

Maha is a slick manager, and responded with a smile: "Long time no see, Martin."

Annie's eyes fell on Martin's face, and she wanted to leave directly, but she couldn't move, and said softly, "Do you have time to talk for a while?"

"Okay." Martin got out of the elevator, went to the nearby coffee shop, and sat down in an empty place.

Anne followed alone and sat opposite Martin.

I haven't seen him for more than two months. This man has become a hero sought after by the United States. Not only has he won the Golden Key of Honorary Citizen of Los Angeles, but it is said that he will also receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Anne was very sad, but these were not the key reasons.

Annie read the newspaper a few days ago, "Wanted" started shooting in Atlanta, and the public production cost was 65 million US dollars!

Martin is not only the leading actor, but also the production manager, obviously attracting investment.

There is also the cast announced by the crew of "The Departed Walker".

That was a film directed by Scorsese.

Annie asked in a low voice: "Looking at the news, are you filming in Atlanta?"

Martin said frankly: "Yes, shooting Wanted, this time I came back to participate in a premiere."

Annie raised her head and stared at Martin closely: "Why did you lie to me? Everything is going well, why do you say that the investor gave up the investment..."

Martin was surprised: "When did I tell you that investors gave up investment?" He deliberately recalled: "I never said it!"

It was only then that Anne remembered that Martin had never told her personally, but at this moment, she felt uneasy, and said directly: "That morning, Bruce came to the room, and I heard what you told him."

Martin tried hard to recall: "I remembered. On the day you said we broke up, I was going to audition for the crew of The Departed Walker. I specially asked Lao Bu to help me match the scenes and get more familiar with the audition scenes, so that I could go to the crew to participate in the second audition."

Ren Shi Annie thought she was very smart and did things in a way, but she didn't expect such a situation to happen, so she was stunned.

She couldn't believe it: "You... Are you telling the truth?"

Martin said: "In order to check the effect of the performance, I also asked Lao Bu to bring a video camera. At that time, I specially shot the video, and Lao Bu read the lines with the temporary script. If you want to watch the video, I asked Lao Bu to find it."

Annie lowered her head slightly, but just as she lowered her head, she raised her head again and asked, "Why didn't you explain to me?"

Martin looked helpless: "You said you wanted to break up with me, but you didn't say why, how can I explain it?"

Annie said in her heart, I can't tell you, because I broke up with you because you have no money, right? I'm not such a philistine!

Martin continued: "I called you, the first time you hung up and turned off the phone, and then you changed the number." He asked back: "What can I do?"

Annie was very annoyed. She gave up such a high-quality stock on her own initiative. How silly!

She thought of Martin's current momentum and career, and tried to restore it: "I misunderstood you, now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, we..."

Martin immediately interrupted her: "I'm sorry, Anne, everything is over. I have experienced the shooting incident, and I am extremely exhausted physically and mentally. I just want to be alone quietly, and I don't want to talk about relationships for the time being."

Anne still wants to redeem.

Martin seemed to have been greatly hurt, and walked out alone.

Annie's eyes were red, she was full of guilt, and she murmured, "I'm sorry."

She watched Martin go farther and farther, turn around the door and disappear, and there was only one thought in her mind: "I failed this relationship."

Martin returned to the hotel lobby, joined Bruce and went upstairs together.

After entering the suite, Bruce couldn't help asking curiously, "Annie asked to get back together?"

"I refused, and I blamed all the faults on her." It is impossible for ordinary people to make the princess feel guilty and admit her mistakes. Martin sat on the sofa and asked, "Have I reached a certain level of scum this time?"

"It's not bad." In the past, all kinds of bad words from Bruce had already popped up, but this time it was different: "Compared to those perverts in the crew, your bottom line and principles are much higher, you bad guy."

Among other things, Morgan Freeman has a well-managed public image, and his acting skills and character are well-known.

Bruce packed his luggage and said to Martin, "I'm going out tonight."

"Go meet your Kardashians," Martin said.

It may be that after seeing too many perverts in the crew, Bruce became confident and at ease.

Back in Los Angeles, Martin was finally able to give Nahan a vacation, soaked in a hot bath, and slept a good night.

It is not easy for a male star, after all, it is much more difficult to stand up at any time than to separate your legs at any time.

That night, Martin slept very peacefully, and he didn't even hear Blake Lively calling him.

When I woke up the next day, news of Julie and Pete could be seen in various entertainment newspapers brought back by Bruce.

Julie focuses on maternal love, just like the Virgin.

Pete still yearns for family and children.

The publicity plan that was interrupted by the Burbank Middle School incident was launched again, and the character set was forced to be erected.

With just over a month until Mr. \u0026 Mrs. Smith hits theaters, this is the last chance.


On the outskirts of Los Angeles, at a farm owned by Jolie, reporters and photographers from Warner's "People" magazine are busy arranging the shooting location.

Their editor-in-chief struck a deal with Jolie and Warner Bros. executives to get a series of scoops.

Julie came out of the cabin with the children.

She hugged the one she just adopted this year, and then played with her son.

No need for a script, Jolie has enough ability to make this natural and real.

Moreover, the level of the photographer is also very high, and he can always capture the most exciting moments.

After filming for a while, a minibus drove over, and Brad Pitt got off the bus first, and then greeted the dozen or so orphans on the bus to come down in an orderly manner.

Then, he took these children and joined Julie.

The theme of today's shooting is family and children.

After snapping a lot of photos, under the intentional guidance of Julie, the photographer took pictures of Pitt, her and their two children having fun.

Perfect for a cover!

After the shooting, someone took the children to visit the farm, and the chief reporter of "People" magazine came over and conducted an exclusive interview with Julie and Pete, who love children.

Julie is firmly in control.

Finally, this interview is over.

People Magazine was the first to evacuate.

Jolie has been busy, and it took a long time for Pete to find a chance to really sit down and talk.

"Will it be yours or mine?" He asked Julie specifically, "We haven't been together for several months."

But Julie said: "I'm not convenient these days, and I have to take care of the children."

She plans to force Aniston and Pitt to divorce, so Pitt has almost no charm in her eyes: "What we are doing now is related to our future. Every step is very important, so we should be more cautious."

Pete endorses: "For our future."

Julie has long since stopped being one with him: "The temporary patience is for better development in the future. We can't have any accidents at this time."

Pete nodded: "I understand, then wait for this period of time."

Julie smiled slightly: "Keep in touch."

Pete got in the car and left, and made a phone call halfway, intending to go back and find his usual housekeeper to solve it.

Female housekeeping, nannies and cleaners have always been his favorite dishes.

When Pete's car left the farm, Julie took out her mobile phone and dialed Martin's number. As soon as the phone was connected there, she smiled and asked, "Mr. Martin, do you have time? I'll go to you for a class."

After getting the response from there, Julie immediately threw the two adopted children to the nanny, drove straight to Beverly Hills in the nanny's car, and entered the Four Seasons Hotel alone.

After a night of ammunition restocking, Martin resumed fire.

Julie left alone in the middle of the afternoon.

Because Martin was leaving.

This afternoon, the premiere of "Summer of Jeans" was held at the Sunshine Cinema in Los Angeles.

This youth film will be available in North American theaters on a large scale during the second weekend of the summer vacation.

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