American fame and fortune

Chapter 260 Life Is So Difficult

Burbank, Davis Film and Television Studios.

In the meeting room, Martin stood at the head, pointing the laser pointer in his hand on the white projection screen, and said, "The Dark Realm adaptation project is officially named "Never Ending", and Bradt is in charge of the script adaptation."

Bradt, who was sitting on the left side of the long conference table, got up and nodded slightly.

Also present at the meeting were Louise Meyer representing Pacific Pictures, Kelly Gray from Atlanta, and Daniel Bernard representing Warner Bros.

Martin continued to introduce the project: "Chad will act as the action director and assistant director of the crew, and I will play the leading actor. The expected production cost will not be less than 30 million U.S. dollars."

Louise flipped through the book in front of her: "The novel itself doesn't sell very well, it's not a bestseller."

Martin said: "Therefore, the adaptation of the script must add more commercial gimmicks, such as chasing, picking up girls, and poor people's counterattack, which will be an important part of future films."

Bredt said: "First of all, we must make sure to tell a good story, with a clear and logical plot."

"That's right, what I said is based on telling a good story and then strengthening it." Martin emphasized emphatically: "It is necessary to highlight how the protagonist has gone from being the most common poor man in the United States to counterattacking all the way. Earn money, pick up girls, resolve the crisis, and finally become a big man to look up to!"

He concluded: "In a word, being poor and cheating can change your life!"

Kelly interjected suddenly: "Is this too vulgar? Is it too low-art?"

She is not only a film company owner, but also a social activist. It is inevitable to think about the problem from the latter: "It does not conform to the values ​​we advocate. What we advocate is hard work to achieve success. Strictly speaking, the male lead is something for nothing."

Before Martin could speak, Louise smiled: "You're right, if they don't work hard, we won't be able to succeed."

Martin didn't talk about these useless things, and said the main topic: "In my vision, the film will be unfolded from the first-person perspective. The actor's perspective is the audience's perspective. With narration and special camera movements, the audience will automatically be brought into the actor's perspective at the beginning. , Most of the audience who can enter the theater are ordinary people, facing various problems similar to the protagonist in their lives."

He used to be a similar person: "Aren't they working hard? There may be some who choose to lie flat, but most people work hard in their lives, even desperately, but hard work can't solve the difficulties they face."

Louise and Kelly Gray don't understand this very well, because of their parentage.

But Chad, Daniel, and Bradt, who came from ordinary middle-class backgrounds and struggled from the bottom of Hollywood, felt deeply about this.

Many problems and difficulties cannot be solved by working hard and desperately at all.

Martin continued: "The audience has already worked hard in real life. Entering the theater, facing our movie and the hero's plight, let them experience the hard work of anxiety to the point of doubting life again? I think , it’s better to just hang up and let them easily have a daydream!"

He specifically reminded: "The "Wanted Warrant" that we just succeeded is of this type, a poor boy cheats and counterattacks!"

Bradt had enough exchanges with Martin to understand his thoughts, and then said: "Ordinary people who do nothing but become successful people in the upper class can be solved by cheating."

Martin thought of the online novels that many people read: "This kind of refreshing feeling from mediocrity or even poverty to that kind of life is a temptation and a spiritual enjoyment."

Louise looked at Kelly: "What do you say?"

Kelly smiled at Martin: "He succeeded a few times before, and I invest in successful people."

Louise pushed up her black-rimmed glasses and said seriously, "Pacific Pictures will invest in this project."

Martin has been successful since he came to Los Angeles, and Louise has personally witnessed him climbing from an actor to a famous movie star.

Daniel said at this time: "Warner Bros. should not have a big problem here, but routine procedures have to go, and I can't give a clear answer right now."

This sentence is enough, Martin said with a smile: "This project platter has basically been achieved."

He specifically added: "The Coca-Cola Company will continue to sponsor my project."

As long as a strong enough partner can be recruited, the film will have a lot less trouble from preparation to shooting, from rating to release.

Louise looked at Martin and realized one thing, Martin was no longer completely dependent on her, giving her a faint feeling of leaving.

Daniel said: "I can guarantee that the possibility of Warner Bros. green-lighting the project is as high as 99%!"

Kelly is from Atlanta and knows the most about Coca-Cola and the Cult of Coca-Cola. At this time, she looked at Martin with a slightly complicated look: as long as Martin doesn't kill himself, with the bonus of the leader of the Cult of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola will definitely support him.

Support from outside the film industry, especially a super-large group company like Coca-Cola, is of great help to stars.

While Martin and Daniel were talking, Kelly lowered her voice and leaned into Louise's ear and said, "As long as Martin is the leader of the Cult of Coke, I will invest in his projects."

"Are you going to make waves again?" On such a formal occasion, Louise was not serious, and almost bit Kelly's ear and said, "You tell him later, that bastard will definitely thank you billions tonight."

Kelly asked: "Don't you think it's easy to make a profit by investing in Martin? All the projects he participated in have been successful, and the profit margin is still high."

Louise glanced at Martin, her voice lowered: "The line is about to break."

Kelly couldn't help laughing: "Do you want to marry him?"

Louise shook her head slightly: "I'm not crazy."

In this regard, when Martin was still in Atlanta, Kelly figured it out: "Investing in him can bring huge profits, as well as the double enjoyment of body and mind. What's wrong?"

Louise said: "Sure enough, you are the most profligate one."

The meeting ended quickly, and Martin basically achieved his goal. With his current strength, it is unrealistic to set up a set alone, and there are too many uncontrollable factors

If you continue to work on the platter, you can get more remuneration and a larger investment amount.

Jumping out of a project that a competing company suppressed him, if there is no pillar to carry it, among other things, the MPAA rating alone can make people want to die.

As for the so-called fairness and justice...

Talking about this with capital is a hundred times more difficult than Parisians not going on strike.

Martin sent Daniel away first, and then sent Kelly and Louise out.

Louise said directly: "Kelly told me just now that she will invest in all your projects in the future. How do you plan to repay her?"

Martin acted very agitated, holding Kelly with one hand and Louise with the other: "I have nothing else to do, I can only repay you with the best!"

Kelly was still going to Warner Bros., and pinched Martin's jaw lightly with two fingers: "I'll stay at Louise's place tonight, so don't be late."

"I'll ask the chef to prepare mutton and oysters for you." Louise looked very considerate: "If your strengths turn into weaknesses, I will roast them until they are hard."

Martin snorted coldly and said, "Just the two of you?"

Kelly chuckled: "You know, what we want is not to be tough."

Louise pulled Kelly out of the studio.

Martin walked back, and Bruce, who was next to him, handed over the phone.

"Whose phone?" he asked.

Bruce said, "Blake called you, Julie texted you."

Martin knew the importance, so he called Blake first. Blake had nothing urgent to do, but told him that because the heroine in "Gossip Girl" needed to stay in New York to experience life in the Upper East Side for a while.

Julie asked him if he had time to meet at the old place in the hotel at noon.

Martin thought that there would be a wheel battle at night, so he could only refuse Julie.

Not enough time!

Martin put away his cell phone and asked Bruce: "You ask, is there any training class in Hollywood that teaches time management courses?"

Bruce and Martin had a tacit understanding and understood what he said: "I haven't heard of it. I'll ask Thomas or someone else to find out."

Martin nodded: "This course is very important, and I also want to be a master of time management."

As soon as I got back to the office, Leonardo called again: "Man, I have good news for you. My party is ready and it will be held tomorrow at my vacation home in Malibu Beach. You bastard must be there, I Helped you get Danny Boyle."

Of course Martin would not refuse, and replied: "I will be there on time. You said you would surprise me. If there is no surprise, Leo, I will throw you into the Pacific Ocean, and let all the fish in the Pacific know that you only have 11 seconds."

"Fake! Fake!" Leonardo gave Martin a middle finger through the telephone line: "You show off, you are amazing, very good! When the time comes, you will be bald, don't step on the horse and cry out that it hurts, don't make noise Then let me send a car to take you to the doctor."

Martin brags about not paying taxes: "You will really know what a man made of steel is!"

Leonardo said the time and place, and hung up the phone.

Martin asked: "Old Bu, we have nothing urgent to deal with tomorrow, right?"

Bruce thought for a while and decided: "No, you have enough time tomorrow."

Martin reminded him: "Tomorrow morning, you will pick me up at Louise's mansion. I need to rest for a morning."

Bruce sympathized: "Men are too difficult."

Martin agrees 100%: "I never thought that life would be so difficult!"

For his career, for his future, and for his enjoyment, he spent billions and billions outside.

Martin stayed in the studio all afternoon, discussing the creation of the crew with Chad and Bradt, and determining the main character's personality and plot line.

Those refreshing opening plots, of course, must be based on the film's clear narrative rhythm.

Reality can be ignorant of logic, but if the movie is ignorant of logic, it will be scolded miserably.

After get off work, Martin returned to Sherman Oaks, walking up the hill from the Coty community, within a ten-minute drive was Louise's mansion.

It is said that it is not easy for women to succeed, but it is also difficult for men!

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