American fame and fortune

Chapter 269 The Taste of Essential Oil

Celebrities, especially celebrities like Martin, Pitt, and Aniston, related gossip spreads surprisingly fast. Many entertainment stations made emergency breaks in the evening news that night, and the newspapers were overwhelming in the next morning.

The two male gods fought for America's sweetheart, and the general public loved it.

On this day, there was only one topic on the American dinner table: Martin beat up Pete because of Aniston!

Most Americans applauded for this, thinking that Pete should be beaten!

Compared with Jolie, who has become a virgin, Pitt's reputation is not very good.

It can be said that as popular as Rachel is in North America, Pete is hated as much.

Martin's side, hiding in the dark and jumping up and down.

If there is heat, don't fry it, and it will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

The internet is buzzing, with videos and pictures popping up on almost every site.

The TMZ website, which was the first to expose the video, became an instant hit and completely opened up the popularity.

Likewise, rumors of Aniston's upcoming lead role in Martin's new film are all over the place.

Before the pre-publicity of "Never Ending" was over, "Wanted Warrant" and "The Mountain Has Eyes" became the first movies starring Martin to be approved.

As for Martin himself, he hid at home and never showed his face after chasing away the female Cao thief who was so excited that he was going to fuck all night in the middle of the night.

The video was there, and there were dozens of people watching in the bar at the time, so he didn't need to come forward to hype it himself.

And if Martin doesn't come out, someone will naturally jump out.

He knew the other two members of the jerk trio well.

Nicholson, who was almost semi-retired, was afraid that he would not have fun, so he came out of the hotel early in the morning and deliberately wandered around the door.

Seeing that no reporter came to interview, the old bastard became angry. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the movie news agency: "I'm Jack Nicholson. I was at the scene of the fight between Martin and Pete last night. There is a big news to be exposed!"

Less than ten minutes later, a reporter drove a Mustang into the parking lot of the hotel, almost rushing to interview Nicholson.

Nicholson sadly found that he was indeed outdated, and the media only paid attention to those newly emerging sand sculptures.

When they came to the coffee shop on the first floor of the hotel, the reporter ordered a glass of Blue Mountain for Nicholson and asked, "Do you have any inside information?"

"Last night, Leonardo, Martin and I were drinking together in Avalon." Nicholson said seriously: "According to my judgment, Martin and Aniston are friends at most. Pete obviously misunderstood, I didn't expect , Pete is so soft and proactively provocative, which is not useful, I also suggested that they use the most manly way to fight one-on-one, but Pete made a sneak attack and was easily subdued by Martin."

He is notoriously stinky, and he doesn't care about those juniors: "If I were Aniston, I would definitely not choose Pete. What is such a softie for?"

The reporter grasped the crux of the problem: "According to you, Martin is good-looking and good-looking?"

Nicholson brags: "Martin is half as good as I was when I was younger, but he's a jerk!"

He still doesn’t forget to help his old guy Scorsese to get hot: “On the set of Departed, I had a relationship and enjoyed the most beautiful love, Martin, a bastard, encouraged Leonardo to throw firecrackers into my trailer together, I was almost too scared to move!"

The reporter was very excited, and Leonardo even got involved. This is a surprise!

As a member of the Face Gang, Nicholson considered himself the leader of the bastard trio, of course he wanted to promote his own people and belittle his opponents.

Ten minutes later, Nicholson left the coffee shop, went upstairs and returned to the suite where he stayed last night.

Meryl Streep, who came to have a tryst with him, finished washing and came out of the bathroom, complaining, "Where did you go early in the morning?"

After all, Nicholson was old, and he felt a little powerless, but it would be too embarrassing for Meryl to refuse the invitation.

How can I hold my head up and be a human being in the future?

He thought of what Martin had given him.

That thing seems to have seen it when visiting Chinatown.

Nicholson took it out, and Streep was curious...  

At noon, Nicholson finally calmed down after taking a few showers. How could he enjoy such a good thing by himself without telling his friends?

He immediately picked up his cell phone and called Leonardo: "Leo, I just used what Martin gave me last night, it's so exciting!"

Leonardo asked: "Is it really that useful?"

Nicholson said solemnly: "I just used it, and it's 100% positive!" He gritted his teeth: "I'll see Martin later, and I want to thank him very much!"

Martin recommended it, and Nicholson assured it, which should be reassuring according to common sense, but Leonardo immediately gave up the idea of ​​trying it out, thinking that the two bastards like to do bad things.

It doesn't matter if you kill him.

On the third day after TMZ broke the news, the crew of "Never Ending" held an audition for the heroine Linda, and there was only one candidate for the audition—Aniston.

At the entrance of the audition room, Martin beckoned and asked Bruce to bring the handheld game console that he had prepared in advance.

He returned to the room with the game console in his arms. Representatives from the Screen Actors Union and Warner Bros., with good professionalism, came over and took the game console very consciously. Say one more word.

Martin was sitting in the second row, and casting director Molly said, "Miss Aniston, please come here."

Aniston came over quickly. She knew many people in the audition room and greeted them one by one.

There was an assistant playing against her, and the audition was only half a minute.

After Aniston left, Martin, Molly, Boyle and Louise all watched the audition tape on the screen.

"No problem." The role itself is very simple, director Boyle asked: "Just choose Aniston?"

Martin nodded: "I agree."

Louise and Molly said one after another: "Yes."

The heroine was finalized, and Louise asked Nikki, the associate producer, to inform Aniston of the result so that they could formally negotiate as soon as possible.

There were more role auditions later, Martin and Louise no longer participated, and left the audition room together.

Another important role in the film, the crew sent invitations to Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. The two people's current salary is not high, and there is a faint tendency to accept any film as long as the money is suitable.

Walking down the promenade, Louise asked, "Dinner at my place for Thanksgiving?"

"You're not going home for Thanksgiving?" Martin knew that Louise's parents lived in Brentwood: "Not with them?"

Louise followed to the office: "My parents went on vacation in Europe."

Martin could only politely refuse: "It's too late for you to say, I have an appointment with someone to return to Atlanta for Thanksgiving, and I can't miss the appointment."

"It won't be Kelly." Louise thought of the answer: "Lily Carter?"

She suddenly laughed, her face was full of seriousness: "how about this, I'll go to Atlanta with you."

Martin knew that this was a waste, so how could he take her to Atlanta, enter the office, and find out the recipe: "The new cocktail recipe is more complicated to mix, so you should find time to practice it, so as not to make a fool of yourself at the bartender conference .”

Louise took it, scanned it quickly, and leaned over to kiss Martin on the face: "You have a conscience, remember who treats you well."

Anyway, when Martin came to Los Angeles, Louise helped him a lot even in the transaction. He said, "Don't worry, I won't forget your kindness."

How could a beautiful producer in his thirties, a nostalgic and good person like him, forget.

Switch to Whoopi Goldberg type, and Martin promises to forget it in the blink of an eye.

Louise left the office contentedly.

Martin called Jessica and asked her to book tickets to Atlanta and New York in advance.

Subsequently, the crew officially announced that Jennifer Aniston joined "Never Ending" and will play the leading role.

Because she didn't want to respond to Martin's friction with Pittgate, who was still being fired, Aniston kept silent after issuing a statement through her agent like she did during the divorce, but the popularity of "Never Ending" was instantly boosted.

Even the wanted warrant starring Martin is on the rise again. On the weekend before Thanksgiving, the decline was tighter than before. North America received another 9.88 million US dollars, and the North American box office reached 160 million US dollars.

The global box office of the film is infinitely close to 300 million US dollars.

Based on box office alone, the film is already profitable.

In the subsequent Thanksgiving period, although many films hit the market, wanted orders still occupy a place.

As the film appeared in more overseas markets, the international box office also surpassed the North American box office.

The market prospect of Wanted Warrant is getting brighter and brighter. According to the most conservative forecast released by the publisher, Warner Bros., by the time the film is fully released, there is a high probability that the North American box office will exceed 200 million U.S. dollars, and the overseas box office will reach 250 million U.S. dollars.

Martin was back in Atlanta before Thanksgiving.

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