American fame and fortune

Chapter 303 Ruanfan tastes too delicious

After removing his makeup, Martin saw Kate and Leonardo waiting for him, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Is there any good news?"

Kate stepped forward and hugged him: "Congratulations, you have become my partner."

Leonardo bumped fists with Martin: "You guy, you're always good as a satyr."

Martin retorted: "Because I have this friend as a reference, I don't need to experience life, just act like you."

"This is not a place to talk." Kate greeted the two of them to the next lounge: "You two don't talk about each other, you are both meeting a bastard who likes the other."

Leonardo said affectionately: "For so many years, my true love is only you."

Facing her best friend, Kate was as aggressive as when she was filming the big boat: "Leo, you won't feel bad when you say this? Look at you, your stomach is full of emptiness."

"Don't talk about me." Leonardo sat on the sofa: "You are not much better."

Martin looked at the two and said, "Actually, a line from the Titanic is very suitable for you."

Leonardo knew that this rotten person had nothing good to say, so he didn't bother to ask.

Kate was curious and asked, "What line?"

"If you dance, I will dance too." Martin gestured and said, "Now, if you are fat, I will be fat too."

Kate raised her eyebrows: "Woman, it's better to be plump."

Martin nodded: "It makes sense."

Leonardo said, "Kate, I suggest you be on guard against this guy. Every time he goes to a production set, he likes to have sex with the heroine."

Martin defended: "Stop slandering people, the crew of "The Mountain Has Eyes" and "The Departed", have you ever done it?"

Kate's gossip flames: "So the rumors about you with Jolie and Aniston are true?"

Martin neither admits nor denies it.

Leonardo said: "He came close to throwing Jolie and Aniston, the arch-rivals, at the party."

Martin changed the subject: "Your Appian Way also participated in the investment?"

"Help Kate." Leonardo half-truthfully said: "Also, I heard that you bastard is going to be the male lead. As a member of the trio, I have to express myself."

How could Martin believe his nonsense, gave a middle finger, and asked Kate: "When will the shooting start? Are you going to Germany to shoot?"

Kate said: "The filming will start next month, and if it goes well, it will end in August. Except for some exterior scenes that will be filmed in Germany, most of the scenes will be filmed at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire."

Martin knew Pinewood Studios, Hollywood's largest filming base in the UK, where all the studio scenes of the Harry Potter series and the Bond series were filmed.

Leonardo said: "By the way, I heard from Old Jack that his old lover will also go to Pinewood Studios to shoot this summer. There should be a lot of crews there."

Martin said: "Just in time, I'm bored in London, you and the old bastard go to visit the class together, we will form a bureau in London."

Kate knows quite a bit: "Meryl Streep and Mamma Mia are you talking about?"

Leonardo nodded.

Martin thought about it and said, "The power of firecrackers seems a bit small. Are there any fireworks shells in London?"

There are no fireworks shells, and there is no need to get close.

"Do you have a good idea?" Leonardo immediately became interested: "Don't worry, I will take Nicholson to visit the class in London."

The three of them chatted here in full swing, very harmonious.

In the other office, the atmosphere was tense, and the negotiations between Thomas and the crew were quite anxious.

It took a full two days, and an agreement was only reached on the basic remuneration and share.

In the Hollywood industry, the salaries of male stars are generally higher than those of female stars, and Martin is not as high as Kate Winslet, but the basic salary is the same as the latter, all of which are 4 million US dollars.

Acting in literary films, the stars' remuneration is naturally lower than that of commercial films. On the one hand, the investors control the early risks and the project investment is low. On the other hand, most of the stars' income is transferred to the later stage. Performance.

So does Martin.

The later division mainly involved the North American box office and DVD.

When the North American box office exceeds the cost line of 30 million US dollars, the extra 2% is taken as Martin’s share, and it is the most common step-wise share in the industry. The share of more than 10 million US dollars rises to 2.5%, and so on, the highest cap is 4%.

For DVD, in addition to the trade union standard, there is also a 1.5% net profit share.

This kind of offline net profit sharing basically has no time limit. It is a veritable long-term meal ticket. After the beneficiary dies, it can be inherited by the designated heir.

The focus of the film's revenue is not the box office, but the offline post-production. The biggest benefit of winning heavyweight awards at the Oscars is reflected in DVD rentals and TV copyrights.

Later, Thomas and the crew negotiated nudity terms.

Like the heroine Kate Winslet, the key points in front cannot be revealed.

After the completion of the film, if it wants to be released in North America on a large scale, at least it will be rated R. If you really want to let the birds come out to find food, then it will become NC-17.

After Thomas negotiated all the terms, Martin signed the actor's contract, and by the way, took a set photo with Kate.

The crew of "The Reader" officially announced that the male and female protagonists are Martin and Kate Winslet, and a promotional poster has been released.

On the poster, Martin and Kate each occupy one side, showing equal ranks.

As soon as the relevant news came out, the critics in Los Angeles, who usually specialize in building a good relationship, praised Martin's choice.

Kenneth Turan, the number one critic of the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, highly praised Martin's choice this time in a column in the "Los Angeles Times".

"After solving the basic problems of life through commercial films, Martin Davis has shown his artistic pursuit and ambition to fulfill his acting talent. In the future, another artist is bound to be born in Hollywood."

Several other well-known critics also mentioned this matter in their columns.

Critics have considerable influence on the competition for awards and the Oscars.

Before leaving Los Angeles and heading to London, Martin came to Louise's mansion.

Not only Louise was here, Kelly also came from Atlanta.

Martin was a little surprised: "Why did you come here suddenly?"

Kelly drank a glass of expansion screw prepared by Louise and said, "I heard something about you from this slut, so I came here specially."

Martin came to the bar, took a glass of wine from Louise, opened the high chair and sat down, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Louise picked up the wine glass, gestured to the two of them, took a sip of the wine, and said, "In the past two years, Kelly and I have made a lot of money through your project, and I won't tell you the exact amount."

Martin deliberately said: "There must be tens of billions."

Kelly laughed, pointed at Louise and said, "She definitely has it, I don't know if I have it."

Louise pulled Kelly over and squeezed her face hard: "It's business, don't mess with the hair salon."

She said solemnly: "How about you, you are very concerned about the two of us. Kelly and I are not people without conscience. Don't you want to be nominated for the next Oscar? Kelly suggested that she and I should co-finance, Let’s hire a public relations team together to help you promote public relations.”

Of course Martin would not refuse: "Have you finally found out with your conscience, are you ready to take care of me?"

Kelly let out a crisp laugh: "It's only a million dollars."

Martin thought about it: "Can you keep an account and use it at a critical moment in the future?"

Over the past year or so, although the relationship between the two has become somewhat estranged, Louise still remembers the time with Alexander the Great, and the funds invested in the project starring Martin have been well-returned.

She said: "This time is this time, in the future and in the future, when you really go all out for the award, Kelly and I will also express it."

Kelly answered: "We will invite you a top-level public relations team then."

This soft meal tastes too delicious, and Martin has no power to refuse from body to heart: "When I get the Oscar statuette, I will chop it into three pieces with two knives, and each of us will take a piece."

Louise said again: "Don't forget, the role is the foundation. Although the situation in "Shakespeare in Love" has happened, do you want to be dragged out by the media like Gwyneth?"

Martin said, "Of course not, even though black and red are also red..."

Louise said: "I will find a suitable public relations team, wait for you and Kate to finish filming, and arrange for you to meet when you come back from London."

Martin put away the joke and said, "You have an arrangement here, and I will listen to you."

Kelly couldn't stop getting angry, and said, "We can talk about these things later."

She came to Martin's side, she didn't know if she had drunk too much wine, or she stumbled, she couldn't stand on her feet, she knelt down on the floor with one hand propped on the floor, and looked up at Martin eagerly: "Let's talk about how to thank you Let's do it."

Martin knew that the business of hundreds of millions was about to start again.

He has been exercising and supplemented with food every day, and there is no problem at all.

Kelly said: "I don't want the broken Oscar statuette, I want the full version of Mr. Oscar, how about this, use yourself as a blueprint, ask someone to make an Oscar trophy carving, and then give it to me..."

"No problem!" Martin answered in one gulp.

Call Atlanta back and ask Lily to carve a few out quickly.

Kelly laughed loudly: "I will reward you."

Louise walked around the bar and came over.

Martin has rich experience in group fights. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he must first aim at one and beat one thoroughly, and then beat other opponents.

What's more, when fighting in groups, the more opponents there are, the more unbalanced their hearts will be, and it may even be counterproductive.

These experiences include not only Martin's actual combat summary, but also the on-site teaching and teaching of the real bosses in the previous life actors.

In the next few days, Martin took care of the affairs in Los Angeles, took the crew's chartered plane, and rushed to London together, transferred to Pinewood Studios, and participated in the shooting of the new film.

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