Art comes from life, and the life experienced in reality can bring inspiration and passion to creators, allowing actors to create artistically explosive characters.

Kate and Martin's rehearsal can not only familiarize themselves with the scenes, but also experience life, and can also improve each other's artistic pursuits.

Serves multiple purposes.

In the script, there are at least a dozen scenes with particularly high artistic content. Although in the final film, at most half can be left, but they must all be shot on the set.

Martin is a dedicated and good actor, but also a good actor with artistic pursuits, willing to make personal sacrifices for the performing arts.

The only problem is that in most of the scenes, he is extremely passive, and the rhythm is completely controlled by the heroine Kate.

Near midnight, Kate struggled to get up, ready to leave.

No more rehearsal at this time, Martin invited: "Stay here tonight?"

Kate turned around, glanced at Martin, and said with a slight smile, "You have to remember, we are here for work."

What can Martin say? I can only say: "I understand, it is for the perfect artistic interpretation of the characters, for the common artistic pursuit."

Kate said: "I will come back tomorrow night. We need to be more involved in these scenes and have a harmonious emotional exchange."

"No matter what, I will do my best to cooperate with you." Martin put on his clothes and sent Kate to the door: "If you have any requirements, just say, I'm here at any time."

Kate stopped in front of the door, like Hannah in the script, gently brushing Martin's young face: "I know you won't be under pressure, don't think too much, don't think too much, we are just for work, this is a long time A short stint on the road of art."

Martin's heart is so big, how can he think too much, he nodded immediately: "I have long had the awareness to dedicate myself to art."

Kate opened the door and left.

Martin closed the door, slept soundly, and it was dawn in no time.

After breakfast, he rushed to the set on time.

After two days without the leading actor, Martin joined the filming again.

The crew was running normally, and both Kate and the director Sam were still concentrating on their work as before.

Naturally, Martin will not be troublesome, and continues to work very professionally.

Before closing, director Sam called a meeting of the main cast and crew.

"The scenes before the separation of the male and female protagonists, except for the special art scenes, have all been completed." He looked at Martin and Kate: "Tomorrow we will start re-shooting the art scenes. We delayed the progress for a few days before, and this part of the scene only has three days. Time is available, I hope you will quickly adjust to your state and devote yourself to your role."

Martin didn't speak, just nodded.

Kate said: "I found the emotion and feeling that the heroine needs."

Sam added: "Continue to clear the scene and shoot tomorrow."

The meeting was short in duration and broke up quickly.

When Kate and Martin walked out of the studio, she said, "I'll continue to ask you to rehearse the show tonight, is it okay?"

Martin has artistic pursuits and wants to perform these scenes perfectly, so he asked, "Is it still at that time last night?"

After leaving the studio, Martin drove Kate to the parking lot together, and the two left by car.

Not long after dinner, Kate appeared in Martin's room on time.

The two already had a tacit understanding, so without saying much, they just followed the specially designed script and scene, just like last night, got acquainted with each other once, and communicated with each other full of emotion.

Sometimes, real experience can indeed solve many performance problems.

When shooting the next day, Martin clearly felt that Kate's state was up, and she completely controlled the rhythm, guiding him into the scene.

The art shots that I stumbled before were basically just one.

Director Sam is also in good condition, and his shouts sounded from time to time on the set: "Kate, yes! This is the feeling, not only the fishing nets, but also the feelings made, take them down hard!"

Although Martin was passive, Kate inspired his fighting spirit and went all out.

Every time the scene was over, Sam praised Martin: "Good job! Keep up your fighting spirit and keep doing it!"

Martin could only return a shy smile like a leading man.

In just two days, all the artistic shots were shot.

Martin also saw how dedicated Kate and Sam were.

Anyway, if it was him, it would be impossible to achieve this state no matter what.

Someone once said that if you don't act insane, you can't survive.

At that time, Martin had struggled from the bottom for more than 20 years before he gradually turned into a human being. Even in many famous old actors, he had never seen such a state.

He has never seen it with his own eyes, but he has heard some people say certain examples, such as the one who played Farewell My Concubine.

Coming to Hollywood, Martin and Nicholson and Leonardo were more than just messing around.

Occasionally, similar topics are discussed.

Leonardo considers himself a far cry.

A proud person like Nicholson also thought that he could not reach this level, and instead mentioned the name of Daniel Day-Lewis.

In the past two days, Kate may have entered a similar state.

In contrast, Martin feels that he is still at the level of an ordinary actor with slightly better acting skills.

After filming the artistic scene one day earlier than planned, the crew simply took a day off.

Martin took a good rest and adjusted. After all, filming this kind of scene is very torturous, especially for an actor who can't control the rhythm.

I slept late in the morning and went to the airport to send Leonardo and Nicholson to Paris in the afternoon.

Originally, the trio planned to have a party on the weekend.

But a female model named Bobby Delevingne has an appointment, and Leonardo, a perverted bastard, kicks Martin off and rushes to Chanel's party.

Nicholson is going back to watch the Lakers' summer league.

On his way back from the airport, Martin received a call from Lily.

"I'm going to Los Angeles. When will you come back from London?" In Lily's room, the suitcase was open and some clothes were packed: "If you don't have time, I'll go to school by myself."

Martin could only go back after filming this movie, and said, "I'll go back in August at the earliest. You go to school first, who will accompany you to Los Angeles? Elena?"

Lily snorted, slightly dissatisfied: "She asked me to fly there by myself."

Martin said: "Send me the ticket information after booking, and I will ask someone to pick you up."

"Okay." Lily complained a little to her sister: "Elena refuses to go to Los Angeles no matter what."

Martin ignored the words, and instead said, "It's just right that you are in Los Angeles. It will be more convenient for you not to mail the engraving materials in the future."

Lily was stunned holding the phone, this is why Martin helped her get a letter of recommendation?

Future university life seems to be miserable, right?

A few pictures and a few lines of words flashed through Lily's mind: Human figure engraving machine!

Martin asked, "Why are you suddenly silent? Don't worry, you don't need to pay for the materials, they are all free, and you don't have to worry about not enough. I will buy them in bulk from Australia."

Lily walked forward, came to the door, slammed her head against the door frame, her eyes were red, tears of grievance almost flowed out, but she said: "I will work hard."

Martin said: "I have confidence in you and fully support you."

Lily was silent for a while, not wanting to talk to the person opposite.

But Martin's commanding voice came from the receiver: "Old Bu, place an order for raw materials from Australia again, the quantity is twice as much as before. Lily is going to Los Angeles to study in college soon, so I have to give her some presents."

This is a gift? Is this a gift? Lily was frantic in her heart, but she couldn't say it out, she could only say softly: "Martin, don't spend too much money."

Martin said, "It's all right, a little money."

Lily couldn't hold it anymore: "Elena called me, it must be about booking a flight ticket, I will call you after the flight ticket is booked."

Martin hung up the phone. He wanted to call Jessica and ask her to pick up the plane, but after thinking about it, he called Thomas.

After two days without finding something for the agent to do, Martin felt that the broker's commission was taken away and he was crying.

A good celebrity client must never let his agent sit idle.

After resting for a day and adjusting his condition, Martin regained his full energy and devoted himself to the follow-up shooting.

All the teenage scenes of the leading actor were filmed, and the later ones were all about middle-aged Michelle.

Correspondingly, Kate has also become an elderly Hannah.

If you want to compete for an Oscar, you must have the determination to sacrifice for art, and then you must have a breakthrough performance.

According to the plan, both Martin and Kate will be remodeled to suit the so-called Oscar taste.

Especially old Hannah, a role that requires Kate to be old and ugly.

Relatively speaking, Martin is still a handsome middle-aged guy.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is five points for acting and five points for makeup.

Like the female devil, it is better to say that Theron has good makeup than the excellent acting skills. Theron has the determination to break the boat and torture a living beauty into a female version of hatred.

This is the breakthrough advocated by Oscar, which is very different from the standards of the three major European film festivals.

The crew invited the top makeup artists and stylists in the industry. Martin and Kate spent nearly two hours a day on makeup.

Sometimes it can even reach more than three hours.

Bruce will also find the right time to take a special shot of Martin's make-up, and with the consent of the crew, post it on Martin's blog, causing fans to marvel.

"It takes three hours to put on make-up, and it's hard work for Martin."

"I feel sorry for Martin for five minutes."

"Being a star is really difficult and tiring, and it's not easy for Martin."

Crazy fans are all over the world, regardless of country or region.

In addition to shooting, Martin occasionally finds time to look at his personal blog or the official website of Coke God.

Seeing the fans' comments, he couldn't help sighing: "Old Bu, you know? I used to feel awkward and even disgusted when I saw these."

At that time, when he saw the streamers, it was not an exaggeration to say that he was envious, jealous and hated.

Bruce glanced at the fans' messages and asked, "Not now."

"Everyone is willing to listen to words of praise." Martin said directly: "I have lived the life I hated the most."

He suddenly thought of Blake Lively: "I slept with a female fan!"

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