American fame and fortune

Chapter 401 The production environment is too bad

Louisiana, New Orleans.

In the Michoud studio, the sky had just dawned and the sun had not yet risen. Multiple trailers drove in and parked near the largest studio.

At 7:30 in the morning, Martin showed up on the set on time and entered the biggest trailer truck for makeup.

Bruce saw that the stylist was still the same one from the audition, and followed the trailer directly, staring at him the whole time.

The girlishness of the stylist dissipated extremely quickly in Lao Bu's tiger-like eyes, and he became a normal man again.

Bruce just sat in the corner and stared. He said that if you keep behind Martin, you will definitely keep behind Martin.

The other two assistants were honestly doing styling for Martin.

The make-up lasted for an hour and a half. Before going out, the stylist brought another blue hat and carefully put it on Martin's head to cover all the hair.

Martin got up, picked up his crutches, and walked a few steps.

The stylist clapped his palms: "Perfect."

Bruce opened the trailer door, and Martin got out of the trailer on crutches.

Entering the studio, various behind-the-scenes cast members are busy.

Martin naturally entered the character state, like an old man in his dying years, trembling on crutches into the set.

David Fincher is talking to a blond girl, accompanied by the girl's mother or governess.

"Director, you don't need to ask your mother to communicate with me." Elle Fanning raised her face and said to David Fincher solemnly: "I have acted in many movies, and I can understand what you are talking about."

David Fincher laughed: "Okay, I'll tell you about the play directly in the future."

He looked at Martin, who was walking tremblingly, and looked carefully. No matter his demeanor, walking posture, or even the vicissitudes and innocence in his eyes, he was no different from those old people who were about to come to the end of their lives.

Martin came over slowly.

Not only was David Finch not in a hurry, but he praised: "Sure enough, I have the right vision."

Elle Fanning's eyes were full of curiosity, and she asked, "This blue hat... Grandpa, do you want to play this scene with me?"

Martin said hoarsely, "You are Daisy."

Elle Fanning, who was at most ten years old, tried her best to appear mature: "Hi, I'm Elle Fanning who plays Daisy."

Martin remembered that she also had an older sister named Dakota, and the pair of sisters belonged to particularly spiritual child stars.

Because of the shape, his smile was a bit ugly: "My name is Martin, and the character I play is Benjamin."

Elle Fanning circled around Martin: "You don't look like Martin at all, more like my grandpa...not right, you are older than my grandpa."

David Fincher did not interrupt the communication between the male and female actors. He thought it would be good for the shooting, after all, the old is old and the young is small.

Martin asked, "How old are you? Not ten?"

Elle Fanning deliberately said older: "I will be ten soon."

Martin asked curiously: "I remember that Daisy still has a lot of plays in the age group of fourteen or fifteen. Could it be your sister acting?"

Elle Fanning paused: "You know my sister?"

"Dakota Fanning." Martin said honestly, "I've seen a few movies in which she acted, such as "War of the Worlds."

Elle Fanning shook her head: "Dakota won't play this role. Her schedule is much tighter than mine, and there are always endless scenes."

She is not without envy: "It seems that she is more popular than me."

In the past, Martin had watched many Dakota Fanning movies. Fanning was very impressive in the childhood star era, but he didn't remember what she acted in when he grew up.

David Fincher looked around, clapped his hands and said, "Guys, get ready to shoot."

Before he left the set, he came to Martin: "Keep in good shape."

Martin nodded slightly, and together with Elle Fanning, walked twice in a row among the actors in the background to familiarize themselves with their positions.

With the recording of the scene, the filming began.

Martin was well-prepared and got into the mood quickly. Elle Fanning was also very spiritual. The first scene of the two walking hand in hand and chatting in the nursing home was quickly declared approved.

Although there are occasional interruptions in the next few articles, the overall progress is smooth.

Originally, children and animal actors were hailed as the two most uncontrollable unstable elements for the crew, but in Elle Fanning, these were not seen at all.

Martin felt that it was not unreasonable for the Fanning sisters to receive so many film contracts.

The crew entered the rest stage, Martin returned to the rest area, threw away his crutches, sat down on the chair, and played the aging man for most of the morning, which was actually very tiring.

The stylist hurried over to touch up the makeup.

Bruce gets Martin a drink from a sippy cup.

After the stylist and two assistants left, a young man with tics sat on the seat to Martin's left.

Shia LaBeouf volunteered, "Cool old man, I heard you formed a bastard trio with Nicholson and Leonardo?"

This is not a secret at all in the circle, Martin replied: "That's right, we messed around together."

Shia LaBeouf said seriously: "I want to know Nicholson, can you introduce me?"

Martin asked, "Why?"

"Last time, at Paramount Studios, as you saw, I helped Blanchett and she scolded me." Shia LaBeouf's anger was written on his face: "Nicole Sen did a great job helping me out."

Martin nodded: "You want to express your thanks?"

Shia LaBeouf shook his head: "No, no, I want Nicholson to be a teacher, really! You see, the main creators in this crew are not normal, only, and you, Martin , are normal people. There are too many people like Blanchett."

His brain circuits are not on the same line as ordinary people: "The working environment and living environment are too harsh. I want to learn from Nicholson how to protect myself."

Martin looked at Shia LaBeouf in surprise, making sure he wasn't joking.

Shia LaBeouf suddenly said: "I wish my Bumblebee followed me all the time."

Martin didn't respond to these nonsense, but said: "Nickelson may come to visit the class after a while, and then I will introduce you to each other."

Shia LaBeouf scratched his head and said, "I'm going to think about it, how to greet Nicholson in a special way, so that he can be shocked."

Martin felt that Jack Sr. might have a common language with Shia LaBeouf, but he was not on the same channel with him at all.

When leaving, Shia LaBeouf suddenly remembered something, he and Blanchett had a kiss scene.

Thinking of this, his stomach twitched, and he wanted to vomit but couldn't.

Martin reached for his crutches, stood up tremblingly, walked slowly into the set, and continued to shoot the scene with the child Daisy.

The scenes passed one by one, and the good condition of the actors ensured the smooth shooting of the crew.

Halfway through, David Fincher called Martin to the director's monitor again.

Martin puts on the headset and joins Fincher in watching all the shots from the morning.

After watching it, Martin realized the problem: "My voice when I say my lines."

"Yes, you are trying to change, and you have done your best." David Fincher said the objective conditions that cannot be ignored: "But your vocal cords, after all, are the vocal cords of young people. It is not difficult to pretend to be a middle-aged person. For An old man who is about to be called by the Lord is still too young."

Martin had no choice, let alone perform surgery on the voice for such a role, and asked, "Can this be resolved through post-production?"

David Fincher called Martin over to solve this problem, and said, "I asked the technical department, and the post-production can be solved through voice-changing technology. You need to re-voice the young Benjamin during post-production."

Martin replied, "I have no problem."

The crew finished work at noon and had a two-hour break.

Martin couldn't remove his makeup, let alone take his makeup to the restaurant for lunch, so he simply asked Bruce to bring the food back to the trailer.

In New Orleans in November, the temperature at noon just reached 20 degrees, and the natural wind blowing on my body was very comfortable.

Martin and Bruce simply set up a table and a sun umbrella by the trailer, and ate at a leisurely pace.

The environment here is very good. It is currently Hollywood's third largest filming base in the United States after New York and Georgia, and its tax rebate can reach up to 42%.

The promotion of local brands by the film industry and the promotion of the tourism industry are too obvious.

The most famous scenic spot in New Orleans, that is, Oak Grove Manor, became famous because of "Interview with the Vampire", and there has been an endless stream of tourists for more than ten years.

Bruce said at this time: "I just heard several producers of the crew discuss that New Orleans now likes war dramas or crews with a lot of action dramas the most."

Because of the inconvenient shape, Martin ate very slowly, and asked, "Why?"

"Like Atlanta, there are too many dilapidated buildings and industrial parks, and it takes time, effort and money to dismantle them locally." Bruce inquired more carefully: "If Hollywood crews want to blow them up, the locals only charge a sum of garbage. Clean up the expenses, and let the crew do the rest."

Martin couldn't help saying: "This deal is too good."

Bruce nodded: "The abandoned buildings can be cleaned up without spending a penny."

Suddenly, Martin saw a familiar figure passing by the main road on the side of the trailer.

"You! Come here!" He said to the other side.

It was a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, with long golden brown hair tied into a ponytail behind her head, and a camera hung under her neck, as if she was about to enter a studio to shoot.

Strangers with cameras cannot enter the studio at all.

Saoirse Ronan heard the voice, turned around, and saw an old man who was a little familiar but strange.

The old man has a funny shape, and the blue hat on his head covers all his hair.

But seeing the person next to the old man, Saoirse Ronan realized who she had met.

At Pinewood Studios, she had a few encounters with Bruce and was caught by him.

Saoirse quickly left the camera with both hands to avoid being misunderstood. Although she was a bit reluctant, she moved over step by step and said, "Hello, Martin, your current look is really unique."

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