American fame and fortune

Chapter 408 Selling by Pounds

In Century City, Beverly Hills, in the lobby of the WMA headquarters, many partners including Whitesell and Jim Waite gathered on the scene, waiting for today's protagonist, who is also one of the company's most important actor clients - Martin -Davies enters.

In the lounge on one side of the hall, Thomas checked Martin's clothes himself and said, "Perfect."

On Martin's face, however, there was a faint gloomy temperament, as if he was preoccupied.

Thomas took a few steps back and said, "I feel a little heavy."

Martin's brows stretched slightly, and the stern expression on his face relaxed slightly: "So?"

"OK!" Thomas gestured and said, "Just right."

He turned his head and asked, "Old Bu, what do you think?"

Bruce took a closer look: "It's just right now."

"It's already 2008." Martin walked towards the door: "I'm going to make preparations for The Dark Knight."

Thomas said in his heart that his client is definitely the best star, and he took the initiative to help the crew attract attention.

Martin waited inside the lounge.

On the temporary stage in the hall, Ali Emmanuel walked up and stood in front of the microphone and said: "At the beginning of 2008, WMA ushered in a critical moment, reached an agreement with the company's most important customers, and continued to work together .”

He raised his voice: "There is a star who has gone from a fringe actor to a first-line star in just four years, and his salary has soared from 100,000 US dollars to 15 million US dollars. Regardless of the practitioners in the circle or the relevant critics, Everyone thinks that he is the representative of the acting school of the younger generation! He was nominated for an Oscar and achieved an artistic leap. He has starred in four films with a box office of over 100 million in North America, and his appeal is unparalleled among the new generation!"

Ali pointed to the lounge door: "Martin Davis, please!"

There was warm applause at the scene.

Martin exited the lounge door, waved to the lobby crowd, and stepped onto the stage.

He took the microphone and said, "Thank you, Ali, for your praise. You are exaggerating."

With enough benefits in the actual contract, Martin doesn't mind showing his emotional side: "I never thought about leaving WMA, WMA was the first agency I signed, and Thomas Lane was the first agency I signed. An agent who has grown up with me to this day, and I will continue to witness glory with WMA."

Thomas was standing on the edge of the stage, the light fell on his head, reflecting brightly.

Hearing Martin's last words, he took a slight step forward, and the responsibility of the agent naturally jumped out of his mind: If Martin left WMA, it must be his agent who made trouble for Martin's relationship with WMA, and had nothing to do with Martin himself.

CAA had contacted him, and he used the pressure of CAA to force the company to agree to give Martin the super giant treatment.

In the eyes of the company and Ali Emmanuel, Thomas was a traitor to the WMA during the negotiation process.

But Thomas didn't care.

Up to now, as long as Martin continues to cooperate with him, he is the first-line agent in the circle.

On stage, in the presence of Screen Actors Guild representatives, Martin signed a new three-year management contract with WMA.

After exchanging contracts, Martin and Ali shook hands tightly. After shaking hands, the latter opened his arms and hugged Martin hard.

Ali asked concerned: "Is your mental state not very good?"

Martin nodded: "I have encountered some psychological obstacles, nothing major."

"Don't ignore it." Ali reminded: "See a doctor in time."

The signing ceremony, which boosted the morale of the entire company, came to an end, and there was a celebratory reception at noon.

Martin got off the stage, saw Thomas's almost reflective forehead, and bumped fists with him, saying, "Congratulations, partner!"

Taking advantage of Martin's opportunity to renew his contract, Thomas also received tangible benefits and became a partner of WMA.

Thomas wanted to smile, but couldn't stop laughing when he opened his mouth.

There is no way, the actual benefits obtained are too many, and the mood is too good to be suppressed.

But Thomas was not dizzy, and knew where all this came from, and said: "No matter what happens in the future, even if you ask me to kill an enemy like Pete, you just need to tell me to do it!"

Martin couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "We are all good law-abiding citizens, how could we do those bad things?"

"Pure metaphor," Thomas said.

Martin said, "Let's go to the hotel together."

Just outside the WMA, Ali Emmanuel accepted an interview with reporters and announced the renewal of his contract with Martin.

In this new agency contract, Martin's remuneration includes online sharing, and the brokerage commission has been reduced to 5%.

In terms of the subdivision of offline income, the division of labor unions is mandatory, and WMA no longer extracts the broker's share. During the one-year window period of the film offline market, the brokerage share of Martin's offline income is 4%. After the window Decrease by 1% every year after the period until it returns to zero.

These are the treatment only super giants have.

WMA can agree to such terms. The frequent contact between CAA and Thomas has put tremendous pressure on them. The management headed by Ali will never allow CAA to poach important customers they have cultivated and who are likely to become super giants.

Furthermore, Martin's own commercial appeal is strong enough.

"Long Reader", which began to be screened in November, has been screened by a single theater, and the screening has been expanded to large metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago.

In the first weekend in North America, thanks to enough seats in independent theaters, "The Reader" had a box office of 39,000 US dollars in a single weekend.

Later, the scale of the screening was expanded. Although the commercial nature of the film was not strong, thanks to Martin's huge fan and supporter groups, there were always audiences wearing red Coca-Cola cultural shirts, filling most of the seats in the theater.

Most importantly, this film is not particularly dull, and spending a few dollars to see Martin's body except for key parts, and action scenes with the almost hairy Winslet, can also be worth the price of admission.

The word-of-mouth of "The Reader" is very strong, especially among Martin's fans.

Many female fans saw the marble sculpture-like back and buttocks, and they went crazy and wrote good reviews and high marks on movie websites.

As for the critics, in the eyes of film critics, movies of this kind of theme naturally have the attribute of adding one star to the score.

Today, after 12 weeks of screenings, the film’s ratings from both the audience and the media are frighteningly high, with an average score of 85 from MTC media and 8.4 from IMDB general audience.

Good word of mouth, even if there are reasons for the careful operation of the crew and Warner Bros., it is also a reflection of the market and mainstream media.

Since 2008, the screening scale of "The Reader" in North America has expanded to 1,566, and the North American box office has accumulated a total of 55.89 million US dollars.

In terms of personal awards during the awards season, it can be called a trophy harvester.

Kate won 8 Best Actress awards in various categories, and even Martin, who didn't show up to solicit votes in person, won five Best Actor trophies including the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award.

Second only to Daniel Day-Lewis' nine.

At the same time, Martin has been shortlisted by the Screen Actors Guild and the Producers Guild of five shortlists for best actor.

He's also nominated for Best Actor in a Drama Series at the Golden Globes, which will be awarded in January.

If Daniel Day-Lewis hadn't stood in the way, and Martin knew that the old men of the college liked Lewis to the bone, and if he was involved in endless troubles, he would have already set out to compete for the best actor statuette.

After attending the reception at noon, Martin appeared at the latest celebration party of "The Reader" in the afternoon.

The so-called celebration party is naturally not for celebration, but to have a formal name, invite many celebrities in the circle to the banquet, and further promote public relations.

After all kinds of entertainment and communication, even a person like Martin is a little mentally exhausted.

Finally found a chance to talk to the strong Kate Winslet.

"After I came back, I went to meet Nicholson and Warren Beatty first. I have no hope of winning an award. I will be nominated." Martin has a long-term vision, so he will not be in a hurry, but Kate is different. He reminded: "Blanchett was snubbed by various outpost awards, not even nominated by the Screen Actors Guild, there will be no threats, this year is your best chance."

"Thank you for helping me fix Blanchett in advance." Kate is very grateful to Martin, thinking that Martin and Nicholson got Blanchett just for her.

Martin didn't have to hide it, and said straight: "I have no hope of winning an award. The only hope of winning a heavyweight award lies with you. If you win the best actress, the film will sell better. I will sign it." What you signed is a sharing agreement, whether you can win the prize is related to how much I earn."

"You put more pressure on me." Kate squeezed her eyebrows and said, "What will you do if I can't get it?"

Martin said viciously, "I'll sell you to Africa, by the pound!"

Kate wondered: "Why do you want to calculate by the pound?"

Kate was too angry to talk to him.

Martin could easily arouse her interest: "Although Blanchett is gone, don't be careless, especially the French."

Kate asked: "Marion Cotillard from La Vie en Rose?"

"Yes, it's her, pay attention." In Martin's eyes, and from the information he inquired from Warren Beatty, Kate surpassed Marion Cotillard in terms of qualifications, roles, performances, word of mouth and publicity. Ya, but he remembered that this woman seemed to have won an Oscar.

Kate nodded: "I will pay attention to her."

It is not unheard of for important Oscar awards to be upset in an extremely unexpected way.

"Don't be upset by others, then no one will sympathize with you, they will only laugh at you." Martin, the bastard, kept arousing Kate's fighting spirit in order to get more share: "The French may launch a new round of daily humiliation. "

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