American fame and fortune

Chapter 412 Liability for breach of contract

It was still daylight, and Martin came out of the night club in Nicholson's stretched Lincoln.

The trio of assholes who had just enjoyed the facial cleanser service were in high spirits.

Nicholson put on his sunglasses and shouted: "Have a party! Have a party, I can hit ten! No...twenty."

Leonardo glanced at the delusional old bastard and said directly: "I don't want to attend your funeral tomorrow."

Martin lowered the tailgate slightly and said to the driver: "Come to my place." He raised the tailgate: "I just got a few bottles of good wine. At the Golden Globe Awards tonight, we will drink and watch beautiful women."

Leonardo said: "It's obviously a gathering of monsters and ghosts, how can there be any beauties?"

Martin pointed at him: "You have a lot to do. When you drink too much, I will call the beauty for you and call Gisele Bündchen."

Leonardo was angry and launched a three-hit combo: "Do you think I'm afraid of this? If you can, call Gisele Bündchen!"

"As long as you propose to her on the spot, I will immediately hire someone to rent a plane to pick up Bunchen." Martin looked particularly responsible: "I will cover all the expenses for your proposal and marriage!"

Leonardo was defeated, but unwilling to admit defeat, he said to Nicholson: "Did you see, Jack, Martin has grown inflated and doesn't take money as money anymore? Doesn't he look like a nouveau riche?"

Martin leaned back in his seat and said boldly and arrogantly: "You want a man who has just become a multi-millionaire to show off."

In fact, he only had such a slutty attitude when he was in the bastard trio.

The Lincoln sedan soon drove into Martin's home.

The three bastards entered the living room and found someone in the house.

Lily was wearing a professional apron and holding a carving knife in her hand, carving a half-person-high clay sculpture.

Martin asked the two bastards to come in first and asked, "When did you come?"

Lily said, "After lunch, I'll come over to help you clean up your house. It's a mess. After you clean it up and have nothing to do, I'll practice my skills."

She took the initiative to say hello to Leonardo and Nicholson.

Martin also introduced both sides.

When Leonardo heard Lily's name, he immediately understood: "You are the original author of the clown statue."

"It's me." Lily has been working part-time on the set of The Dark Knight for more than half a year. She has encountered so many people who have her carved clowns in their hands that she is almost numb: "You can do whatever you want, don't worry about me."

Martin asked Leonardo to go to the wine cellar to get some wine, and Nicholson turned on the TV. The red carpet of the Golden Globe Awards ceremony had come to an end.

Leonardo took three wine glasses, filled them with wine, and asked Lily: "Would you like a drink?"

Lily shook her head: "I'm not of drinking age yet."

Martin came over and patted Leonardo on the shoulder, and kindly reminded: "Don't mess with her."

Leonardo was confused and had to sit on the sofa and drink with Martin and Nicholson.

Lily is the same age as Nicholson's daughter Lorraine. Nicholson raised his glass to her: "Your carving is very good. Thank you for the statue."

"You're welcome." Lily picked up the can of Coke next to her and clinked the glasses with Nicholson from afar.

Leonardo was just about to pick up the wine glass when he noticed Lily put down the can and picked up a sharp carving knife.

The carving knife fluttered like a butterfly between her slender fingers.

Then, Leonardo saw the carving knife in Lily's hand flashing with cold light, poking at the clay figure.

When she stopped, there were more than a dozen holes in the sculpture's vital points such as its eyes, throat, heart, and lower abdomen.

This is going to hit people...

Leonardo quickly turned around, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, suppressing the frightening feeling.

Martin turned his head and asked: "What's the matter, Leo?"

Leonardo quickly shook his head: "It's okay, I just want to drink."

Martin took the wine bottle and filled it up for him: "You can drink as much as you want. You can drink whatever wine you want in my cellar."

"Of course." Leonardo said to himself. The people who grew up with Martin seemed to be abnormal.

The three of them sipped wine and watched the Golden Globe Awards.

On the other side, Lily saw that Leonardo had been frightened, so she renovated the sculpture, pushed it into the storage room on one side, cleaned up the scene, and said to Martin: "I'm going back to school, please be careful, don't always mess up the house." It’s such a mess.”

Martin waved his hand: "Let's go, I won't see you off."

After Lily left, the three of them had fun at the Golden Globe Awards, drank glasses of wine, and discussed the rights and wrongs in the industry. It was so comfortable.

When it comes to the three of them, the Golden Globes are indeed fun.

For example, Julian Sperner won the best director for "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly."

People like the Coen brothers, Ridley Scott and others all accompanied him.

The former's film competing for awards this year is called "No Country for Old Men."

When it came to Best Actress, Julie Christie won, not Kate Winslet, who had won various leading actress awards since the start of the awards season.

Of course, Kate will not be disappointed, because she has already won the most critical Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress.

Martin picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Leonardo: "I hope Kate can win the Oscar."

Leonardo stopped joking: "God bless Kate."

Nicholson said directly: "Kate has won almost all the best actress awards that are really trend-setting awards, and she will definitely win."

Martin did not drink: "Let's not congratulate Kate for now. Opening champagne at midfield is taboo."

Leonardo fully agreed: "That's right."


Tonight, the Golden Globe Awards attracted too much attention, and the focus of the Los Angeles media was all on the colorful entertainment venue.

Caroline, a Latin woman, finished her day's work and didn't want to go home immediately, so she was going to find a bar to drink.

Since coming forward to accuse Brad Pitt, Caroline's life has been much better than before.

Although the small group headed by her has never reconciled with Pete, mainly because of the financial issues, the remuneration obtained from selling news and paid interviews has also greatly improved the life of the whole family.

Caroline even felt that Peter was a good man, which changed her family's destiny.

Such a good person will of course insist on biting off more meat.

It was getting dark, so she got out of the car and was careful.

The public security in this Latin community is not very good. Not to mention surveillance, there is almost no surveillance. Even many street lights have been smashed.

Caroline hadn't gone a few steps when someone suddenly called her from behind a lamppost.

"Hi, Carolyn, let's chat."

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Caroline stopped warily, reached into her bag, and held the pepper spray.

"You keep a good distance. I won't get close. I'm just chatting." The man was wearing a hood, and the shadow of the brim covered most of his face: "Brad Pitt's assets are beyond your imagination. He also has There’s a lot of fixed assets.”

Caroline has been making trouble for almost a year, and she understands Peter's situation to some extent: "I know."

The man's voice was hoarse and quite unpleasant: "The compensation you want is nothing to him. Do you know why he keeps refusing to let go? It's not because you want a lot of money, but because he wants to drag it out. If you have enough assets to drag this on until you can’t bear it, you will naturally reconcile with him.”

He reminded: "Don't forget, the Los Angeles Police Department has lifted Pete's restraining order."

Having said this, the man took out a tape recorder, pressed the play button, and Pete's voice sounded.

"I would rather give the money to the lawyer than give one cent more to those poor people!"

Caroline had worked as a nanny for Peter and knew his voice.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The man said: "A kind-hearted person who has a grudge against Pete and sympathizes with you victims."

Caroline didn't ask any more questions.

The man lowered his hat and took advantage of the darkening sky to walk outside the community alone.

Passing by a garbage station, he pulled out the tape from the cassette and burned it to ashes with a fire.

The so-called words of Pitt, although they are real recordings and come from Pitt's mouth, are actually lines from one of Pitt's works.

Half an hour later, Jodi, who had just come out of TMZ, was sitting in a coffee shop.

After drinking coffee alone and waiting for a while, Ivan hurried into the coffee shop, pulled out a chair and sat across from Jodi.

Jody asked, "What do you want from me?"

Ivan asked for a cup of black coffee first, and then said: "I recently bought equipment and changed my house. I have no money."

This was an important news channel. Without saying a word, Jodi took out his wallet, took out all the cash, and put it on the table: "Now, this is all I have."

Ivan didn't touch it at all and said, "I want to make a lot of money, make more money."

Jody dragged his chair forward and lowered his head close to Ivan: "What's the top secret news?"

"Remember the agreement we reached with Camille's lawyer?" Ivan whispered: "We helped her obtain the representation of Peter's victim, and she gave us a certain percentage of the attorney's fees as compensation."

His words were very direct: "Aren't there still many victims who have not reached a final settlement with Pete? Can you find a way to increase the compensation? The more compensation the victims get, the higher Camille's legal fees will be. It belongs to us. The more commission you get.”

Jodi frowned: "This is very complicated..."

"Pete has a lot of high-quality assets." Ivan has done his homework: "I have received definite news that many brands that Pete has represented before plan to join forces to pursue Pete for breach of contract during his endorsement period."

This incident is not new, because Cadillac was in trouble last year. Jody pondered and said: "As the global image spokesperson of many brands, strictly speaking, Pete's nanny scandal has indeed caused huge reputation and image to the relevant brands. loss."

Ivan clenched his fist and pounded the table: "Their business groups rushed to the front to eat the meat. We followed behind and picked up more minced meat, which was enough to eat us up."

With huge interests in front of him, Jodi was unwilling to give it a try and asked, "Is there any problem with your source of information?"

Ivan said: "Absolutely no problem."

Jody made up his mind: "I'm going to find Lawyer Camille."

She left the coffee shop without leaving in a hurry. After getting into the car, she made several phone calls and soon received the exact news that Cadillac had notified its law firm in Los Angeles to restart Pete's breach of contract liability.

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