American fame and fortune

Chapter 423 The Prince of Thieves

This art party is diagonally opposite the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and is one of the many popular events at METGALA in early May.

Martin specially asked Mene to come with him.

Daniel has helped to get another METGALA ticket.

Arriving on Fifth Avenue and entering the front room of the private club where the party was held, Martin met Alexandra.

She wore a bright red one-shoulder evening dress designed close to the body, giving people a heavy feeling.

Next to Alexandra, there is a younger girl whose appearance, height and hair color are similar to Alexandra, but the size of her breasts makes it easy to tell who is the older sister and who is the younger sister.

My younger sister is at least two sizes smaller than my older sister.

Alexandra introduced to Martin: "This is my sister Catherine. She also likes to perform. Come here to join in the fun."

Catherine was very lively and jumped over and grabbed Martin's arm: "Can we take a group photo?"

Martin nodded: "No problem."

Catherine handed her mobile phone to Alexandra and warned: "Photograph me to be more beautiful and Martin to be more handsome. Don't always make people look ten years older like you do when you take pictures of your parents. "

Alexandra shrugged: "No way, that's my level."

Mene came over and asked, "How about I try?"

With his skill in taking photos of many women in their 40s and 50s, he can make people look several years younger.

Alexandra gave her mobile phone to Mene. Mene squatted down and took the camera from bottom to top. It was easy to capture the effect of long legs.

After taking a few pictures, Mene returned the camera to Catherine, who was very happy to see it: "You took good pictures."

Mene smiled and said: "You get better with practice if you shoot more."

Catherine's attention quickly returned to Martin: "Can I show off my photo with you in school? Many little bitches on the Upper East Side always show off which celebrities they know well. This time I want to let them see it. Who is the queen?"

Martin was polite: "The photo belongs to you and you can show it to anyone."

Alexandra called to several people: "Let's go in."

The art atmosphere at the party was full of modern art works such as sculptures, abstract paintings, handicrafts and clothing designs. Many people were holding drinks and chatting about elegant topics around the different works of art.

The Alexandra sisters were too young, and Mene felt that they had no common topics and wanted to leave Martin some private space, so he randomly found a reason to leave their side and got into the art circle of older women.

While chatting with the Daddario sisters, Martin took them into the clothing design and art area where they were interested.

Unexpectedly, I ran into an acquaintance.

Angela Lindworth saw Martin and took the initiative to come over and say hello.

Martin also introduced her and the Daddario sisters.

Angela had attended two supermodel pre-wedding parties and knew what Martin was like, so she asked directly: "Is this your new girlfriend?"

Martin was not embarrassed and said: "Alexandra is my friend in New York." He didn't want to get entangled in this aspect, so he asked instead: "Don't you always act with KK? Why didn't you see KK? "

"You don't know?" Angela asked, remembering that the news about KK had not spread yet, and said: "KK is sick, has a physical problem, Victoria's Secret has terminated her contract, and she has been severely hit. If you have time, finally So I can go visit her."

Martin asked: "What disease?"

Angela sighed and said: "As for the thyroid gland, it is said that there is an endocrine problem in the body, which caused her to gain a lot of weight."

She and KK have a somewhat sisterly relationship: "KK has always missed you. She told me more than once that you are very good. For the sake of our many friendships, you should go and see her."

Martin nodded and asked, "She is in New York?"

Angela was embarrassed to laugh: "I won't come to New York for a few days. I'll call you then."

Martin responded: "Okay."

Angela glanced at Alexandra and Catherine, who took the initiative to stay away, and said, "I wish you a pleasant night."

Martin couldn't help but laugh: "I'm filming at the Brooklyn Studio. You are welcome to visit me and I will treat you to special delicacies."

Angela thought of something and said, "It's been a long time since I tasted your special delicacies. A professor of biology at New York University said that the special delicacies of energetic people can help women beautify their skin."

Martin was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

"We'll just experiment then." Angela left here quickly.

Martin returns to Alexandra.

The latter asked curiously: "Are you familiar with supermodels?"

Martin said that he is more than familiar with these supermodels who often participate in Victoria's Secret catwalks. He has talked about the depth and depth of these supermodels many times, and they have also tried on the lengths and lengths many times.

"Leonardo and I are best friends." He always likes to tell the truth: "You should have heard that Leo is very familiar with the supermodel circle. I attended Heidi Klum and Alexander Ann with Leo. Brosio’s pre-wedding party, I am also familiar with people like Victoria’s Secret.”

Alexandra smiled, not knowing what she was thinking, and suddenly said: "Originally, I wanted to develop into the modeling industry, but I couldn't do that when I was fifteen."

Martin was very cooperative and asked, "Why? Your parents don't agree."

Alexandra looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, and made a gesture of supporting her breasts: "People in the fashion industry don't want me."

Catherine was straightforward: "The people at the model training institution disliked her for having too big breasts."

Martin didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

Catherine added: "Those ignorant fools don't think about it. Alexandra's body is very strong. It can hold up any kind of clothes hanging on her body."

Alexandra pretended to be annoyed: "That's enough, shut up."

Catherine curled her lips and stopped talking.

Another person came over to say hello to Martin. There was nothing we could do about it. He was now famous, highly recognizable, and had great commercial value.

While Martin was walking away to talk to someone, Alexandra said to Catherine: "You are too direct."

"I'm assisting you, idiot!" Catherine looked like she was thinking about her sister: "I'm telling Martin what your greatest strengths are and asking him to pay attention to your strengths! No matter how proud the boy in the school is, seeing you Such a big one will be tempted."

Alexandra was quite helpless: "During the filming, I pressed directly on his body and arms, but he didn't react at all."

Catherine said: "You are stupid. Keep it simple and direct. If you want to sleep with him, just sleep with him! It will be difficult for you to meet a high-quality man like him after he leaves New York."

She is not an energy-saving lamp either: "If you don't want to sleep, just make some space. Don't occupy it and don't get in the way."

Alexandra rolled her eyes in anger: "You are only 16 years old, 16 years old!"

Catherine disagreed: "What's wrong with being 16? Doesn't one have freedom and human rights at the age of 16?"

On the other side, the person who came to say hello to Martin was producer Graham King, who often collaborates with Scorsese.

Martin had just collaborated with him on "The Departed" and was relatively familiar with him.

Graham also introduced a middle-aged man to Martin, saying: "This is Chuck Hogan, a novelist from Boston."

He looked at Martin again: "Martin, I don't need to introduce you, right?"

Chuck Hogan stepped forward to shake Martin's hand and said, "You did a great job in The Departed. As a Bostonian, I felt like you were a native of Boston after watching it."

Because of Graham, Martin was quite polite: "Because I have experienced life in Boston for a long time and realized that it is a city with a long tradition, and there are many touching stories happening in the city."

Graham smiled and said, "You two don't have to be so polite. Director Scorsese is our mutual good friend."

Martin asked: "I heard that preparations for a new project directed by Scorsese are about to begin?"

"Yes, your good brother, Leo, will come to New York soon." Graham simply said: "I'll come over first to make preparations. Director Scorsese is very demanding this time, and the preparations may continue." In one year's time, that guy Leo will be unlucky, and he may have to enter a mental hospital to actually experience life."

When Martin heard this, he was happy: "I will definitely call Leo when I get back to cheer him up."

Graham laughed and turned the topic back to Chuck Hogan: "Aren't you selling the novel? This person in front of you has the ability to promote adaptation."

He then told Martin: "Although Chuck is not well-known, he has outstanding talent. In the writing circle, some of his works have been compared to Stephen King."

Chuck said modestly: "It's just a joke among a few friends, it can't be taken seriously."

Martin looked at Graham strangely, who understood what he meant and explained: "In the next few years, I will control new film projects for director Scorsese, and I will also assist him in filming a film about Prohibition for HBO. of episodes, there was no time at all."

Chuck couldn't embarrass Graham: "Martin, if you have time, can you read my novel? A story about Boston."

Most novelists have dreams of adapting their works.

If nothing else, even if the film and television adaptation is not effective, the sales of the novel will increase significantly, not to mention the related copyright income.

Although Martin had never heard of his reputation, in view of the "Never End" unearthed by "Dark Areas", he said seriously: "I have experienced life in Boston and am very interested in the story of Boston."

Graham patted Chuck and said, "Have someone bring the book over."

Chuck waved to the back, and a man came over with a bag and took out a book.

It was obvious that this person came well-prepared when attending a cultural and art party.

You may also carry the book with you and recommend it to the right person anytime and anywhere.

Chuck handed the novel to Martin, along with a personal business card with personal contact information and personal studio address.

Martin then put away his business card and then looked at the cover of the novel, which was called "The Prince of Thieves".

He recalled briefly and couldn't remember the movie with this name for a while.

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