Before nine o'clock in the morning, the bright sunshine covered the entire Santa Monica Pier. As the temperature rose sharply, a mobile truck selling ice sodas came over. Coca-Cola bottles and cans were placed in glass freezers, attracting people. Watching the tourists and clowns wandering nearby.

One after another, a large number of reporters with cameras and video cameras also appeared in the old dock area.

Because the media had long published the news that Martin was going to shoot Cartier men's watches here, many entertainment reporters and paparazzi rushed over.

This was originally a tourist area, and there were usually some tourists. Today, an advertising crew and a large number of fans came, which attracted many mobile vendors.

Hudgens, the director of the commercial crew, put down the viewfinder and said, "The good weather is conducive to shooting."

The only trouble was that there were too many reporters and paparazzi. Martin's appeal was too strong. He ordered his assistant: "Take someone to communicate with the media and tell them that I will give them enough time to take pictures and cooperate with the work." .”

The assistant immediately called several people over.

Blanco, an executive of Cartier Men's Watches, entered Martin's makeup trailer to chat for a few words and then quickly left.

Because Nicholson and Leonardo are here.

Martin put on casual clothes and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Nicholson put on a sinister smile on his face: "I heard that Cartier will give you some men's watches so that you can give them to your relatives and friends to wear. Let's take advantage of them."

Leonardo said: "Neither Jack nor I have a watch sponsor, and we want to get some free watches."

In fact, Cartier has already communicated with Thomas, and Martin responded: "No problem, two pieces for each person, one piece for each left and right hand, it won't work if you don't wear it!"

Leonardo pointed at Martin and said: "You bastard, you want to make us look embarrassed, right?"

Martin burst out laughing: "With such coordination, you might be able to run 100 meters in 20 seconds."

Leonardo wanted to hit someone.


In the parking lot high on the pier, the bearded man and another man had just made up as clowns.

The two changed into red cultural shirts and dressed up as members of the Coke Cult.

In the Ford van with rear-opening doors nearby, Victor and the driver each took out an AR semi-automatic from a long bag disguised as a tennis bag. They carefully inspected the magazine and other components and placed them on the side of the door. , each took out their pistols and inspected them next to each other.

The bearded man muttered: "I can handle it by myself, why is it so troublesome?"

Victor was very serious: "Stop talking nonsense and obey the instructions."

The bearded man closed his fist, unclenched it, and closed it again, feeling full of power in his body.

Martin Davis is very powerful on the screen, and the media boasts that he is very powerful, but what Hollywood stars are best at is acting. How strong can they be in real combat?

Big Beard has watched the video of Burbank Middle School. In his eyes, the so-called Coke God is no different from British football hooligans.

Bullying middle school students is okay, but meeting a gang professional like him, haha...

Victor patted the blond man, who was also tall and strong, and said: "One last time, you and Big Beard are responsible for the action. Remember to only injure people, don't kill them. The boss will live."

The bearded man always obeyed Victor's words and responded: "Put your heart in your belly and leave it to us."

Victor said to the driver again: "Open the rear door, and you are responsible for answering the questions in the car."

The driver nodded: "I will monitor remotely."

Victor inserted the pistol into the gun pocket under his arm and said: "Martin is following a manager named Bruce, who is actually his bodyguard. He is also involved in Burbank Middle School. When you attack Martin, I will take care of it." he."

The other three expressed understanding.

Victor dialed his cell phone: "Boss, we are ready."

On the other side, Boris, who was holding a travel bag, stood by the pier guardrail and said: "The crew is pulling up the isolation tape, let's get started."

Victor hung up the phone and ordered: "Let's go!"

The driver turned on the engine and the car sped off.

The bearded man became excited and shouted: "Ula! Ula..."

The car turned onto the road leading to the dock area. On one side was the tourist area of ​​the dock, and on the other side was a mountain wall similar to a winding mountain road.

The driver slowed down, and Victor kept staring at the trailer far ahead. Then he saw four people getting off the trailer, three young and one old.

The one at the front is target Martin Davis.

Victor ordered: "Go over."

The driver stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the Ford van passed by several mobile vehicles on the roadside like a truck transporting goods, and drove past slowly.

The car gradually approached the yellow isolation belt pulled up by the crew. Most of the movie fans and reporters were in the tourist area dozens of meters away.

The driver stopped the car and Victor opened the door: "It's starting."

The bearded man and the blond man opened the rear door and got out of the car.

Immediately, a crew member noticed it and came over and shouted: "You can't park your car here, drive away quickly."

Victor smiled and greeted him: "We are Martin's fans. It's not easy to meet him. Let's ask him to sign an autograph and leave immediately."

"No, you can't park here." The staff saw the bearded and blond man dressed as a clown and thought he was a fan of Martin.

There were quite a few people dressed in similar styles near the pier today.

When the bearded man saw that Martin had already walked not far away, he was about to turn onto the road leading to the tourist area to sign autographs for fans and accept photos from the media. He couldn't help but quicken his pace and said, "We have to finish signing and then leave."

The staff came to stop him, and the bearded man suddenly exerted his strength, rushed forward two steps, bumped into the staff, and ran forward.

The blond man followed from behind, but his speed was slower and he was a few meters behind.

Victor hurriedly caught up with him, one hand ready to dig into his clothes at any time.

Martin is adjusting his smile to face the cameras of fans and media reporters.

The cameras and video cameras in the hands of many reporters have been transferred here in advance to take pictures.

The movement on the other side attracted Martin's attention. When he turned his head to look over there, he saw two clowns running towards this side one after another, followed by a middle-aged white man, and behind them the crew The staff struggled to get up from the ground.

'This alerted him, crazy fans are often scary.

The bearded clown in front shouted: "Martin, wait, can you sign autographs for us?"

Martin subconsciously stopped.

Behind him, Bruce took two steps and passed Nicholson and Leonardo.

As before, he held the gun on his waist just in case.

The distance between the two sides was only more than twenty meters. The bearded man was approaching Martin in a blink of an eye. The pen and poster he was holding fell to the ground, revealing a short-edged dagger sandwiched between them.

The boss wants to live. The bearded man will first make the person disabled and then control him.

Martin saw the dagger at a glance and shouted: "Old Boo!"

Just as he was shouting, the dagger in the bearded hand was already stabbing him.

The bearded man was confident that this stab would not kill Martin, but would also make him lose his ability to resist.

But the next moment, the bearded right hand was grabbed by someone, like an iron hoop, preventing him from moving forward.

Before the bearded man could make his next move, Martin's stunt that he had been practicing hard for the past year had already been launched.

He kicked out with his right foot, so fast that the bearded leg just moved to block it, and it hit the middle of the legs. There was a sound like an egg breaking.

The bearded man let out an earth-shattering scream, unable to hold the dagger in his hand, and it clattered onto the stone pavement.

Only men know the pain of men!

The bearded man had snot and tears streaming down his face. He was dizzy and about to fall to the ground.

But Martin's second blow has already been launched!

He punched out with his right fist, hitting the bearded man in the throat!

The bearded man's screams stopped suddenly, and it was extremely difficult to even breathe.

Martin's left fist hit the bearded man's eyes and bridge of his nose with a bang.

The bridge of his tall nose snapped off, and crystal-like liquid flew out of one of the bearded eyes.

In just a few breaths, Martin used the three-hit combo that he had practiced the most and was also the most familiar.

Kick in the crotch, choke, and punch in the eyes!

As the bearded man fell to the ground, Martin kicked his feet fiercely on the ground and rushed towards the blond man who had just taken out handcuffs to cooperate with the bearded man.

The macho man collided with the macho man and fell to the ground together.

Martin was so shameless that he opened his mouth and bit the blond's neck, dug his fingers into the blond's eyes, and pushed up with his knees.

When you are fighting for your life, it doesn’t matter whether you are beautiful or not.

Martin's reaction was faster than Blonde's, and his strength was greater than Blonde's. Blonde was attacked up and down by him, and it was difficult to resist for a while.

Almost at the same moment, Victor's hand quickly took out the gun from inside his coat.

But Bruce acted faster and fired first.

boom! boom--

Gunshots rang out continuously and spread far away. Victor lowered his head subconsciously and saw blood bursting out of his chest and abdomen. All the strength in his body disappeared and he fell to the ground.

Nicholson and Leonardo were dumbfounded and couldn't figure out what was happening.

Martin's fans thought it was a filming and held their breath for fear of disturbing Martin.

The media reporters thought so for a while and did not take any action subconsciously.

But many of them are old paparazzi and old entertainment reporters. The professional habits and muscle memory they have developed over the years allow them to always control the cameras and video cameras in their hands, and use their lenses to faithfully record everything that happens.

After Bruce fired, he didn't pause at all, and immediately turned the gun towards the car where the three people got out.

At the back door of the Ford compartment, the driver saw the situation change and quickly went to get the AR rifle standing on the side. He just picked up the gun, but before he could take aim, he heard another gunshot.

boom! boom--

The driver felt that he had no strength at all, and his body leaned to the side and fell on one side of the car.

At the same time, the blond shouted a scream mixed with obscenities.

One of his eyes was forcefully dug in by Martin's finger, and his lower abdomen was hit one after another. The pain was so painful that he almost forgot who he was!

Martin heard Lao Bu fire the gun, and also heard the swear words uttered by Blonde.

Without any hesitation, he broke free from the blond's arm, grabbed his long hair, and lifted his head.

The blond man was also a ruthless person and said in awkward English: "You are dead!"

Martin pressed the blond's head and hit it hard against the road.

There was a muffled sound, and blood splattered from the blond's head.

Martin shouted: "Old Bu, it's Lao Maozi!"

He couldn't understand the curse words the blond cursed, but he could tell they were in Russian!

Bruce shouted: "Get cover first!"

Martin picked up the pistol that another man had dropped, and he still didn't forget the two old guys: "Leo, Jack, hide it quickly! Hurry!"

He heard from the blond's mouth that the other party's target was most likely him, and reminded him: "You run back! Run back quickly and stay away from me!"

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion. I'm going back to my hometown today, and there may be a lot of things to do after I go back. Please forgive me for not updating in time in the next few days.

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