American fame and fortune

Chapter 582 Twenty Million Club

Greg Peters was not surprised when he heard what Martin said. He smiled and said: "Martin, we have thought of something, and this is what Netflix is ​​going to do."

David Fincher poured cold water on it: "The existing Internet, computers and ordinary home equipment cannot achieve the viewing effect of a theater."

Greg has been prepared for this: "So our self-made content is not a blockbuster with fancy visual effects, but the plot is the first priority."

Martin suddenly remembered Jennifer Siebel's film and said: "I have a project on hand with relatively limited investment. It is a romantic comedy. The prospects of entering the theater are hard to say."

Greg quickly asked: "Are you starring in it?"

"I didn't star in it, my studio invested in the production." Martin knew how to arouse the other party's interest and said, "The heroine is Jennifer Siebel."

Greg confirmed: "Jennifer Siebel Newsom? Gavin Newsom's wife?"

"It was her," Martin said.

Greg realized the potential value of the film and said, "Can I see the script? If you want to sell this film, please let me know first."

"I'll have the script delivered to you tomorrow." Martin felt that if he sold the film to Netflix, he might earn more money: "When the film is completed, I'll invite you to watch the sample."

Greg said to Martin: "I won't go back to San Francisco today. I will stay in Los Angeles for one night and wait for your script tomorrow."

Compared to these two people, David Fincher was much more pure and didn't interrupt at all.

Greg then said: "David, Martin, if there is a suitable project, can you be invited to produce high-quality content for Netflix?"

Neither Martin nor David Fincher has any intention of responding.

For David Fincher, a traditional Hollywood director, working with Netflix is ​​not the best choice.

Martin doesn’t want to give Netflix any clear answer yet.

Netflix wants to expand its territory, and what is easily available is the best.

Greg knows that it is difficult to get through the work of these traditional Hollywood directors and stars. The key is not what he says, but what kind of compensation Netflix can pay.

The topic ended here, and Martin left immediately.

Greg left the banquet hall and went to check in.

David Fincher accompanied him upstairs and asked, "Does Netflix really want to invest huge sums of money in this project?"

Greg said: "Reed Hastings wants to shoot a high-quality series that can continue to attract users, but the project has not yet been determined. I recommended you to him."

David Fincher's concept will not change for a while: "I will wait until I finish "Gone Girl"."

The two got on the elevator and came out. As soon as they got out of the elevator door, David Fincher saw a familiar person, Hamada, the new president of DC Films, who smiled and nodded.

Although the two parties were not familiar with each other, they knew each other, and Hamada also responded.

Following Hamada was a blonde actress.

The two men took the lead in turning out of the elevator and entering the same room.

David Fincher had a vague impression that she seemed to be an Australian actress.

On the other side, Martin returned home and found that several guests had come to the house. Kristen Stewart from next door brought her friends over to set off fireworks with Elizabeth.

The three Stallone sisters, Sophia, Sistine and Scarlett, plus the Fanning sisters, under the leadership of Elizabeth, moved out the inventory from the warehouse and set off fireworks.

Not long after, Charlize Theron from next door came over to join in the fun.

After a while of commotion, everyone dispersed.

Martin and Elizabeth begin their romantic night.

The next morning, Elizabeth was sent to Louise's place first. Martin came to the studio and had someone send a copy of the script to the Hilton Hotel.

Greg read the script carefully and found that the heroine had many artistic scenes. He called Martin and asked specifically: "Are you sure Jennifer Siebel will play the heroine? She agrees to play the role in the script?"

Martin replied: "Jennifer gave me the script herself."

Greg understood and solemnly said: "Martin, after this play is completed, you must notify me as soon as possible!"

Martin responded: "No problem."

As long as the movie "Romantic Trouble" wasn't poorly made, 80% of the time it would be sold.

Martin is very particular about what he does. While making profits himself, he tries his best to prevent investors from losing money.

He was about to leave to film "Gone Girl" soon, and Martin made a special appointment with Leonardo and Nicholson for tea in the afternoon.

In Leonardo's mansion, the three of them were enjoying afternoon tea.

Martin asked Leonardo: "Where is the Eastern European party you mentioned? More than two months have passed and there is no news at all."

Nicholson didn't let him go either: "Are you going to take them to the cemetery to see me when I'm lying in the coffin?"

Leonardo smiled: "I will bring a group of Russian beauties to dance for you."

Martin put down the teacup and knocked on the table with his finger: "Don't change the subject, Leo, where are your promises? Where's your conscience? Where's your morals? Where's your credibility? Are you feeding them all to the dogs?"

Leonardo apologized and said, "Sorry, I took a few girls to Hawaii for vacation recently and forgot about this matter. Please wait a moment. I will contact someone soon and I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

"I'll just trust you one more time," Nicholson said.

Martin's direction suddenly changed: "Leo, you may not know that Jack will soon have a new marriage."

Leonardo became interested: "Really? That's great, let me think about it."

He first pointed at Nicholson: "It's dangerous for you to marry a wife!" Then he pointed at Martin: "Jack, have you forgotten what this bastard Martin likes to do the most?"

Nicholson answered unconsciously: "Someone else's wife or fiancée!"

Martin didn't expect these two bastards to join forces.

"Fortunately, I never wanted to marry Meryl Streep," Nicholson said.

Martin was speechless: "The worries you two have are completely unnecessary."

Nicholson patted Martin on the shoulder: "For the sake of our brotherhood, I will never give Meryl any chance."

Leonardo added: "How can Meryl compare to the 19-year-old Jennifer Lawrence?"

Nicholson countered: "Leo, get married to Lorraine. I don't mind you being a playboy. Go to Las Vegas to get the certificate now. Martin and I will pay for the wedding and everything else."

Martin said: "If we get divorced tomorrow, this house will be renamed Nicholson."

Leonardo angrily yelled: "I treat you as brothers, but you are plotting my property! Very good, I have to get you drunk today!"

The three of them finished their afternoon tea and went to the indoor bar.

Martin and Nicholson selected two bottles from the most expensive batch of wine in the wine cellar. They would not return home drunk tonight.

Until Leonardo was forced to shout "Gisele Bündchen" again.

In the next two days, Martin went to the set of "John Wick 2" to discuss action design issues with Chad and Chen Hu.

Next, he will go to Mississippi to film, which may last two months.

Just when Martin left Los Angeles, the North American box office of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" exceeded the $200 million mark.

After the Oscars, the box office of several popular films increased. Although "Benjamin" only won two inconsequential awards, it still relied on the popularity of the Oscars to achieve a rebound in the North American box office, reaching a total of 203 million US dollars.

The film is on a long-term run and will not be released from North American theaters for the time being.

Overseas, the box office has also exceeded 200 million US dollars, and after the Oscars, several more countries have purchased the screening rights of the film, and the global box office can still reach higher.

The film also surpassed "Seven"'s $327 million, creating David Fincher's best box office performance since he started filming.

With the success of many consecutive films, there is a voice in the industry that Martin's ability to withstand the box office is close to the level of a top star.

"Gone Girl" also announced the salary for Martin's new film, and the basic salary is as high as 20 million US dollars!

Not counting the supplementary credits of "John Wick" and "Benjamin," Martin truly entered the 20 million club with "Gone Girl."

No one disputes that Martin was paid $20 million because his studio led the investment in the project.

Because of the box office performance of many past movies, it is proved that Martin has the capital to get a salary of US$20 million!

The Hollywood Reporter published an article on its front page the next day: Hollywood has added a new member to its $20 million club—Martin Davis!

"In an era of star shortages, Martin Davis is more deserving of the title than Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves, who have only proven strong box office appeal in stand-alone franchises. , and Martin Davis has proven his commercial strength through many different series and different types of films!"

In the mansion in Burbank, Blake Lively looked at the entertainment headlines in the Hollywood Reporter and was lost in thought for a while.

Even she didn't expect that the high-quality stock would soon become a star comparable to Will Smith, Tom Cruise and Leonardo.

Eric Lively came in from the outside at this time. Before anyone could get closer, he said: "God, has the Pacific Ocean poured into your head? You actually voluntarily gave up the production budget of a large-scale production of 200 million U.S. dollars." main character!"

Blake didn't bother to deal with this brother who was not clear-headed.

Eric hadn't finished his words yet: "It's such a good opportunity, and my father has done so much for you in advance, but you gave up with just one word."

Blake frowned and asked, "Who got the role?"

Eric said: "Australian actress Abby Nikosh heard that DC Films President Hamada overcame all objections and cast her as the heroine."

Blake said casually: "I understand, this project has nothing to do with me, don't mention it in front of me again in the future."

Warner Bros. convened a grand press conference, and new CEO Kevin Tsujihara personally hosted it to officially announce film projects such as "Pharaohs and Gods" and "Green Lantern" to the outside world.

This also marks the beginning of a new era for Warner.

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