American fame and fortune

Chapter 718 Beauty and the Beast

The first month of every year is a relatively off-season for movies. The largest film released in January 2012 was "Alone" directed by Peter Berg, starring Mark Wahlberg and adapted from real events. survivor".

Although the production cost of the film was only US$40 million, the project was promoted by Martin and received unanimous praise from several previews. Disney Pictures devoted sufficient publicity and distribution resources.

There are nearly 3,500 theaters open in North America.

On the day of the premiere, the crew invited many retired soldiers to watch the movie. The people who saved Marcus also came to the premiere.

These are naturally necessary means of publicity.

On the second floor of the theater, Alan Horn invited Martin to come to the floor-to-ceiling windows and admire the red carpet below.

Martin looked at it for a while and said: "This place is condescending and the viewing angle is very special."

Alan Horn laughed: "Do you feel like you have everything under control?"

Martin nodded: "Indeed, it is easy to have this illusion, but a movie is an intricate commercial art. No matter how good the reputation is during test screenings and no matter how high the ratings from professionals are, sometimes it is difficult to avoid failure."

These words reminded Alan Horn of his old club: "It is said that Jon Berg likes to stand here most when Warner Pictures films hold premieres."

Martin could tell that Alan Horn was still resentful of Warner's ruthlessness.

Similar to ex-wives and ex-husbands, once they turn against each other, they often hate them to the extreme.

"At this nominees luncheon, Warner Pictures' "Moneyball" was completely defeated." Alan Horn was obviously in a good mood when talking about this: ""The Martian" we collaborated on was one of the winners. "

Martin was not polite to him at all: "Ellen, whether I can win the Best Actor, Disney's support is the key."

This is a bit exaggerated, because Disney Pictures has actually not done as much as Martin himself, but Alan Horn still responded happily: "Best Actor is Disney Pictures' primary goal for this Oscar operation."

An Oscar for Best Actor can at least increase the film's income by tens of millions of dollars, which is worth it.

Alan Horn has carefully studied the other candidates for the best nomination. Demian Bichir is unknown, George Clooney's acting skills have never been recognized, and Gary Oldman's film was not selected for North America. The company released it, and Joel Edgerton, like Demian Bichir, was obviously brought in to accompany him.

Although "The Martian" does not have an advantage in film genre, among this group of male actors, Martin is obviously a lot higher.

Oscar not only looks at itself, but also looks at its opponents.

Alan Horn asked: "How's your musical project going?"

Martin said: "I guess it will take a while, but I asked Taylor Swift to write a song."

Speaking of musicals, he remembered something. He originally planned to take some time to chat with Alan Horn, but he had nothing to do at the moment, so he simply said: "I also have an idea for a musical, and our two families can work together. ."

Like Megan Allison and Warner Bros.'s Jon Berg, among others, Horne is also bullish on Martin's project.

If you don’t believe in winners, how can you believe in losers?

Allen Horn asked: "What project?"

Davis Studio and Disney Pictures are in the honeymoon period, and the investment in the project is too high. Without Disney's endorsement, fairy tale movies will inherently have huge flaws.

Martin thought for a moment and said, "Fairytale live phone."

Alan Horn said: "There are many live-action fairy tale movies in Hollywood, and Disney Pictures also has "Into the Woods."

Martin learned, a super hodgepodge.

"I mean, Disney's past animated movies." Even if Martin doesn't say it, Disney Pictures will soon put it into practice: "Select the right ones and make them into live-action movies."

He gave several examples: “Such as ‘Sleeping Beauty’, ‘Cinderella’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’.”

Alan Horn laughed: "I didn't expect that we came up with an idea. I have considered this. Which one do you think is the most suitable?"

"A live-action song and dance type, Beauty and the Beast," Martin said.

"It is indeed a classic." Alan Horn was slightly surprised: "Why don't you plan it alone? It is not difficult for you to attract more than 100 million US dollars in investment."

Martin said half-truth: "Because I have heard about the power of Disney's legal department. Although these are public copyrights, I heard that the experts in your legal department will know one frame after seeing the Disney animated film of the same name shot by other companies." A frame analysis will be carried out immediately if any similarities are found."

Allen Horn waved his hand: "This statement is too exaggerated." He seemed to be joking: "The legal department can only analyze every second."

While saying this, Alan Horn thought carefully. If Disney's classic fairy tale movie is to be adapted into a live-action version, it will be difficult to achieve without an investment of more than 150 million US dollars. Disney will definitely jointly invest.

However, these are not in a hurry.

All Hollywood has confidence in the movie starring Martin, but Martin has no role...

Davis Studios has recently released two films in which Martin has co-produced but not starred in them.

Allen Horn plans to wait for the release of "Lone Survivor" and another "Napoleon Beauty" to see the specific results.

He smiled: "Let's find a special time to discuss this matter in detail."

Martin is not in a hurry: "You can call me anytime."

The two of them entered the hall before the premiere and sat in the third row.

During the early preparation and post-editing of this film, Martin discussed with the producer Akiva Goldsman many times to remove many sensitive contents of the film and downplay its political implications. The plot focused on Marku. The courage of these soldiers and the love of their comrades.

Under the lens of director Peter Berg, Marcus, the four American soldiers, are absolutely moral models.

As for the actual situation, it doesn't matter in the face of large enough commercial interests.

In a sense, this is also a theme film that meets the needs of mainstream American society.

After the premiere, "Lone Survivor" was widely released in North America, and the overall response was pretty good.

Marcus's memoir has already been released on the market, which has also laid a certain audience base for the film.

Although it attracted mostly male viewers over the age of 30, it grossed US$16.87 million on the first day.

In the three-day opening weekend in North America, "Lone Survivor" earned US$41.25 million, and the first weekend box office exceeded the production cost.

This almost means that the film is bound to be a commercial success.

Of course, there are also many critical voices in the media and on the Internet, such as various rumors against Marcus himself.

However, during the film's preparation period, Martin specifically talked to Marcus about related matters. Marcus has been participating in the production and filming of the "John Wick" series in the past few years, and he has a certain psychological preparation for this, and it has not caused too much Big trouble.

The production investment of "Lone Survivor" mainly comes from South Korea.

The film was a success, and the Korean media automatically went into overdrive, calling it a classic case of Korean investment in Hollywood.

Some reporters from Korean media in Los Angeles took the initiative to contact Davis Studio, wanting to interview Martin and ask him why his cooperation with South Korea was so successful.

This time, the stickmen didn't make any farce about Martin Davis having Korean ancestry.

Considering the real money spent by Bangzi's plutocrats, Martin accepted a joint interview with several Bangzi media. During the interview, he casually praised Bangzi's film industry and expressed his willingness to cooperate more with Bangzi on movies. .

Translated, it means I want to borrow your chickens to lay my own eggs.

Today's Hollywood is attracting investment from all over the world, and those production budgets that can easily reach hundreds of millions of dollars include international funds.

"Lone Survivor" is relatively popular among North American male audiences over the age of 30, which also ensures a relatively stable box office trend. After receiving US$23.56 million the next weekend, the film's North American box office totaled US$88.98 million.

The North American box office easily exceeded 100 million.


Glendale, DreamWorks campus.

The post-production department of this company has been completely contracted out by the wealthy Annapurna Pictures, which is used for the post-production of its three films with huge investment.

"Seventh Son", "Transcendence" and "The Lone Ranger" are all in intense post-production.

Coming out of the editing room of "Transcendence" and "The Lone Ranger," Megan Ellison has gained a lot of energy.

Wilson came from behind and said: "President, Depp's refusal to participate in post-production is good for us. Now the post-production is going smoothly. Some scenes that require him to re-dub are not critical. I have discussed with Jerry and would rather give up these There is no need for Depp to come here for the camera, otherwise both crews will be tortured by him..."

Megan Ellison raised her hand and interrupted him: "I understand." She asked directly: "Are there any difficulties?"

Wilson said: "'Seventh Son' also wanted to increase the budget, but I pushed back."

Megan Ellison asked: "Why?"

Wilson thought for a while and said: "The production costs too much money and the risks are too great..."

"I just ask that the films be well-made, and funding is not a problem." Megan Ellison once again showed her rich side: "I have more and more confidence in these three films."

Wilson didn't quite understand what she meant.

Megan Ellison simply said: "These three projects were all snatched from Martin Davis. He was already optimistic about it. Some time ago, a movie he was optimistic about but did not star in failed at the box office. I It was shaken for a while.”

She came to the newspaper rack and took out a copy of the "Hollywood Report" and handed it to Wilson: "Look at the box office charts. The film "Lone Survivor", which was initiated by Martin Davis but did not star in, was a huge success."

Wilson glanced at the numbers on the box office list. The North American box office of "Lone Survivor" has exceeded 100 million.

The production cost of this film was only $40 million.

Megan Ellison said: "If I add you and Jerry Bruckheimer, wouldn't it be better than Martin Davis plus Akiva Gausman?"

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