American fame and fortune

Chapter 824 Me and my super giant dad

There was a small round table under the sun umbrella next to it. Martin took out his cell phone and hurried over. Before sitting down, he habitually glanced at the chair to make sure there was nothing wrong, and then sat at the table.

There is no way, I have done it too many times, and it has left sequelae.

When seeing similar scenes, I will always take precautions subconsciously.

Bruce sat across from him and said: "Jody just reminded me that the Twitter name is Martin's son."

"It's not Hart, they're messing with me?" Martin thought of the former sons of the Beastie House Club.

Bruce shrugged: "You'd better see for yourself."

Martin logged into Twitter and searched for "Martin's son", and an account appeared.

The avatar of the account was a photo. After clicking it, Martin found that it was a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, and his facial contour and shape were somewhat similar to his.

Much more similar than Mr. Guo and Jason Statham.

Except, of course, skin color.

Because although the boy is not very black, he is definitely a black man.

The boy is clearly imitating him, from his outfit to his character in the film.

Martin checked the content on Twitter. Most of them were street photos, photos taken with people, autographs for other fans, and photos in front of the memorial hall of Margaret, the author of "Gone with the Wind".

This person seems to be from Sashu.

Martin saw Georgia landmarks such as Peachtree Street and Margaret Memorial Hall in the photos he posted on Twitter.

There was even a photo taken with his wax figure in Madame Tussauds.

The photo was captioned: "Me and my superstar dad."

Not only this one, there are also many tweets involving Martin and mentioning words like "Dad".

It looks like a young man's imitation show and self-entertainment.

Martin specifically looked at the number of followers, and found that it exceeded 200,000.

According to today's standards, this can be called a small Internet celebrity.

Bruce asked deliberately: "Isn't this your illegitimate child?"

"How is it possible!" Martin said casually: "I am a young and energetic boy born in 1981? I look like I am only sixteen years old at most."

Bruce asked: "How many girlfriends did you have when you were 15? Were you still a virgin?"

Martin thought for a moment: "It seems...not right?"

Bruce said: "It's very simple, maybe it really is your son."

Martin gave him a middle finger: "Are you kidding me? I've never been with a black woman."

"Don't say this to the outside world." Bruce thought of a person: "I still remember the woman when we were dealing with Harvey Weinstein. Because there were no black people on the list of Harvey's victims, she called out that Harvey discriminated against black people."

Martin said: "I remember it was called Megan. It was us who came up with this bad idea."

Bruce reminded: "Be careful of others using this hand against you."

Martin said: "Who in Hollywood doesn't know that one of my best brothers is named Mene."

"How to deal with this matter?" Bruce pointed to Martin's mobile phone: "He is obviously taking the Internet celebrity route, and this has already affected you."

Martin has always been relatively tolerant towards his fans. During his rise, he also took advantage of the popularity countless times and said, "Let Thomas contact him and tell him not to post content about his father and son anymore."

Bruce wrote it down: "I'll call Thomas later."

Martin put away his phone: "Let's go back to the company."

Back at the company, the front desk came over and said, "Martin, Mr. Bradt is here and waiting for you in the reception room upstairs."

"I know." Martin went upstairs and entered the reception room.

Bradett brought with him a recently completed script for the movie Martin was preparing to star in with Blake Lively.

The script wasn't too thick, so Martin took it and flipped through it.

The story is relatively simple. The heroine's mother passed away. In order to get rid of her depression and sadness, she went to a remote coast to surf alone. An adult great white shark suddenly appeared and attacked humans, causing the heroine to be trapped on a reef far away from the coast. , she can only find a way to survive by herself.

Bradett said bluntly: "This is the script with the simplest plot and the fewest characters and scenes I have ever written."

Martin said: "The big bear wears a bikini with long legs, and the beauty outsmarts the big shark."

Bradt reminded: "Creating the atmosphere of the film is very important! Since the success of Spielberg's "Jaws", other horror movies involving sharks have basically been bad movies. Sharks have long been crushed by all kinds of monsters and monsters. Crushed to pieces.”

After reading the script, Martin thought deeply and said, "Your script gave me an important tip. We can use a seemingly open background to contrast the heroine's embarrassment of being trapped in a narrow space."

Bradt's theory in this regard is much richer than Martin's, and he said in a professional tone: "From an audience psychology perspective, the world is so big but you can't go anywhere, which is far more anxious than the vast sea full of murderous intent. "

Martin dares to try investing. On the one hand, he is not short of money and can easily attract investment. Second, he can find many professional talents for his use.

Bradt, for example, has thought about it a lot.

As an experienced assistant director and director of photography, Martin was equally easy to find.

As long as the salary is sufficient, these can be used by him.

The story of the script originally came from Martin, but the writing of the script was almost completed by Bradt. He specifically explained: "The core of the story of the script is still the usual formula of weak women and perverted murderers in Hollywood horror and thriller movies, but it is based on human beings." The appearance of the shark has been repackaged. Of course, the biggest difference is that the heroine has completed her self-rescue.”

Martin said: "Since a woman is the absolute protagonist, given the current social situation, she does not need anyone to save her. The heroine is not only a survivor, but also a savior."

Bradt thought of the raging affirmative action movement and said, "It seems that you have already considered this."

Martin said: “My level is limited and I can only think of other ways.”

Bradt quickly said goodbye and left,

Martin had the script copied and called Blake Lively.

The latter has returned to Los Angeles from New York and is recovering relatively smoothly from his injury, as long as he does not engage in strenuous activities and does not affect his daily life.

The crew of "John Wick 3" rented a small studio at Disney Studios, set up a blue screen background, and transported a lot of sand to shoot the few remaining desert scenes.

Regardless of Martin or Blake Lively, the rest is all drama.

The filming of the last scene was about to begin. Martin didn't ask Blake Lively to come over and made an appointment to meet during the filming.

Bruce came in from outside at this time and said: "Thomas just called and he got in touch with your son..."

Martin pointed at Lao Bu: "Be careful what you say, he has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, your admirer." Bruce pulled out the chair and sat down: "The situation is different from what we thought. The other person seems to be not a simple movie fan and Internet celebrity. After Thomas talked to him, the person only said that he knew Then hung up the phone."

Martin didn't put much thought into this: "If he still makes similar tweets, contact him again and pay attention to the recording. If it doesn't work, send him a lawyer's letter."

"I know." Bruce called Thomas again.

Martin put it aside immediately.

Riding on the popularity of popular celebrities is the most common way of publicity and promotion. If the other party hadn't done such a bad thing about his son's father, Martin wouldn't bother to deal with him.

The next morning, some members of the "John Wick 3" crew gathered at Disney Studios.

After getting off the makeup trailer, Martin met Blake Lively and saw that she was walking without any abnormalities and said, "She is recovering well."

Black said: "It's just a small injury."

The two entered the studio, and an assistant director took them directly to the off-road vehicle parked on the sand.

With Chad’s order, filming officially began.

Martin and Black took a long break. The characters weren't feeling very good, and the director quickly called it quits.

The shooting was carried out intermittently throughout the morning and only a dozen shots were taken.

After lunch, Blake followed Martin into his lounge.

Martin took out the copy of the script he brought and gave it to Blake: "Look at it, the sun, the shark beach, the sea, the beautiful women, and a big shark."

Blake said while reading the script: "I appear in a bikini almost the entire time."

"There's no need to hide your good figure," Martin said.

When it comes to figure, there are few actresses in Hollywood who are better than Blake Lively.

Black didn't have to watch much before he was sure: "I am the absolute protagonist, and the other characters' roles can be ignored."

"So your acting skills, your body and your charisma are the key to the success or failure of this film," Martin said.

Black smiled at Martin: "My dear, this is your directorial debut. Even if it fails, I am willing to do it."

Having worked on so many movies, Martin naturally has some confidence: "If we follow my plan, the chances of success are relatively high, and the investment in the film will not be very high."

Blake understood: "Don't worry, my Twitter and INS have always been operated by a professional team. With the popularity of you and Taylor, I am now a veritable scandal leader."

Martin said: "The key to the success of this film is your and my fame."

Black deliberately said: "How about we make a big move and rekindle our old relationship during the filming of the film, and then you propose to me when it is about to be released, and then we get engaged."

Martin's face was so dark that he was almost dripping with water: "I'm helping you promote your career, dear, what about you? But you want to imprison me!"

But Blake said: "Okay, okay, I listen to you."

She turned on her phone and sent a document to Martin: "A training plan developed for me by a professional coach, which lasted for a total of half a year."

Martin wanted to adjust his schedule and said, "It's not too late to start training after your injury recovers."

Blake nodded: "I won't joke with my health."

The filming of the final scene of "John Wick 3" only lasted three days.

As soon as this was over, Martin received a notice from Nolan, allowing him to officially join the "Interstellar" crew and head to Atlanta together.

Martin returned to the place where he made his fortune.

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