American fame and fortune

Chapter 826 The only hope for the whole family

The crew's motorcade drove out of the Atlanta metropolitan area and headed south. Not far away, they saw acres of cornfields.

The corn grown on one farm is obviously much taller than the other farms and has reached the earing and pollination stage.

The convoy stopped in the open space near the barn, and people from various departments immediately became busy.

Martin got out of the makeup trailer, rolled up the sleeves of his shabby plaid shirt, and came to the set.

Standing on the steps of the old wooden house, he looked around at the corn farm and said, "This place seems familiar. Have we been here before?"

Bruce remembers: "You filmed the horse scene in "The Man from the City" on this farm, but the stables and pastures were gone, and it was all turned into cornfields."

Martin looked carefully and pointed to the slope beside a forest: "I remembered that at that place, Robert, the high priest of the Coca-Cola Cult, showed his power for the first time and used bottles of Coca-Cola with olive oil to help me kill my competitors."

He laughed: "This time can be considered a revisit to the old place, back to the place where the dream began."

Nolan was walking over, and when he heard Martin's words, he couldn't help but stop. Thinking of what Martin had mentioned before, he turned around and walked back, waving for the assistant director Anderson.

When filming "The Dark Knight," Anderson was an anonymous screenwriter specializing in recording real-life footage.

Because careful observation can properly understand the connotation of Nolan's real behind-the-scenes, when it came time to shoot "Inception", Anderson was promoted to assistant director by Nolan.

Anderson knows that he is not good at arranging filming arrangements. He is the pen and paper for director Nolan.

So, as soon as he saw director Nolan waving, Anderson immediately ran over with paper and pen.

Nolan takes no bullshit and once again incorporates reality, writing real tidbits used for promotional marketing.

"The place where the crew filmed the farm scene was also the place where the male protagonist Martin filmed his first scene... I don't remember the name of that late-night scene. You can find out later and add it. Martin said during the filming that he went back to the beginning of the dream The place."

Anderson jotted it down.

On the other side, Martin was preparing for filming, and a blonde actress entered the set.

He turned around and saw that the other person was fair-skinned, beautiful and had long legs, but he had a new face that he had never seen before during rehearsals.

The actress came over to say hello: "Hello, Martin, I am Charlotte Kirk, who plays your deceased wife in the film."

Martin shook her hand: "Nice to meet you."

He understood why they didn't know each other. The two of them had no scenes together. This was a character that only existed in the memory of the hero.

Nolan came back again and called Martin and two other young actors to come to the cornfield to tell the story.

Charlotte Kirk looked over there curiously. Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara said more than once that he should let her enter the set to carefully observe what Martin Davis was doing.

The crew was about to start shooting when the assistant director shouted to clear the scene.

Charlotte had no part in the scene for the time being and went to the rest area, but her eyes were always fixed on Martin, trying to find something special.

Martin got into a Dodge pickup truck with young actors Mackenzie Foy and Timothée Chalamet.

The filming started, the car started moving and then stopped again.

Director Nolan walked past the monitor and came to the car as if talking about the drama.

Charlotte couldn't hear exactly what was said.

She thought for a while, took out a small notebook and a pen, wrote the time on the first page, and then jotted down a few sentences.

"Martin Davis has a very good relationship with Director Nolan, and Director Nolan respected his opinions during filming."

Mainly because other than that, there's not much to write about.

Charlotte actually complained a bit about Kevin Tsujihara. After sleeping with him for so long, she agreed to give him an important role. The role was indeed given. It was Nolan's first-line major production, but the importance of the role was not mentioned. .

The hero's wife sounds very nice, but she only appears in memories.

The island native was in a high position, but she felt stingy.

Charlotte dares to take this path, of course she is not a stubborn person, and she will not go all the way to death.

Her eyes switched back and forth between Martin and Nolan, and she was still thinking about continuing to help Kevin Tsujihara.

On the farm's dirt road, the pickup truck stopped and went. Because of the filming, it didn't go 300 meters for two hours.

Nolan once again called to stop filming and said, "Twenty minutes of rest."

Martin jumped out of the car first and looked back at Mackenzie Foy, who played his daughter. The little girl looked pale and was obviously uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Martin asked.

McKenzie shook his head: "Some motion sickness."

Martin held out his hand and McKenzie supported his hand and got out of the car.

When the two men turned around and walked back, Timothée Chalamet in the car on the other side curled his lips inaudibly.

In the past few days since joining the set, all the pretty actresses on the set, such as Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, and Mackenzie Foy, etc., have always been around Martin.

Timothée Chalamet, who is in his rebellious phase, inevitably has some opinions in his heart.

But he remembered his agent's advice that the person in this crew who should not be offended the most was Martin Davis.

Even if you offend Nolan, it won't be a big problem. If you offend Martin Davis, the consequences will be very serious.

The stage manager moved some chairs and set up some temporary rest areas on the roadside.

McKenzie drank some water and felt better. She turned her head and looked at Martin a few seats away.

Her mother, Mrs. Foy, whispered encouragement: "What do you want to ask him? Be brave and go directly and ask."

McKenzie put down the water glass and looked at his mother.

The conditions of the Foy family are very average. Unlike many child stars in the industry who come from acting families, McKenzie's father is just an ordinary truck driver. His mother has no formal job. In the past, she could only work part-time, but now she is a full-time caregiver for child stars.

McKenzie is the family's only hope.

"Go ahead, I've observed him over the past few days, and Martin is a very nice person." Mrs. Foy encouraged: "Settle down a good relationship with him, and you might have hope for your next role."

McKenzie stood up and came to Martin's side and asked softly: "Martin, can I disturb you for a moment?"

Martin was closing his eyes and concentrating, but when he heard the voice, he turned his head and said, "I just have time."

McKenzie said: "I always felt that there was something wrong with the performance just now, and I couldn't find the problem..."

Martin thought for a while and said: "You are acting very well. You are a very spiritual actor at your age. If you want to talk about something, you should be a little nervous. You should relax when performing and don't put too much pressure on yourself." .”

McKenzie's facial features are particularly delicate, and he looks like a doll: "How can I not be stressed when working with you and director Nolan?"

Martin smiled: "I'm just an ordinary person, not a devil or a monster, right."

"Yeah." McKenzie smiled and narrowed his eyes: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and someone told me that Martin Davis didn't have the airs of a star, I would never believe it."

Martin pointed to the temporary set again: "Chris is a very elegant director. He never loses his temper on the set. Just do your job well. That's enough."

McKenzie nodded: "I understand."

The two chatted for a while, and McKenzie left on his own initiative and returned to his seat.

Mrs. Foy asked: "What did you say?"

McKenzie said: "Martin is a very easy-going person and he takes the initiative to help me relieve work stress."

Mrs. Foy glanced at her daughter's delicate little face and thought that being good-looking was indeed an advantage.

When the break came, Martin and the other three actors returned to the dilapidated Dodge pickup truck.

Timothée Chalamet had some opinions about Martin, which came out unnaturally during filming, but they were just right for the scenes between the characters.

The relationship between father and son is inherently sensitive.

Today's scene was filmed until the Dodge pickup truck had a flat tire.

After the crew finished work, Nolan deliberately left Martin and McKenzie to talk about the scene.

In this film, the father-daughter relationship is one of the key core points. The effect Nolan wants needs to be expressed by the two actors Martin and McKenzie.

Timothée Chalamet looked here from a distance, his eyes falling on McKenzie, unable to conceal his envy and jealousy.

Next to him, Charlotte Kirk suddenly appeared and said seemingly casually: "We are all marginal characters, and these two are the core."

Timothée Chalamet said nothing, turned around and left.

On the way back to the hotel, Martin and Nolan got into the same car.

Nolan asked: "Is that girl nice? I felt like she matched you well during the filming."

"The main thing is that I am a good match." Martin boasted for himself first, and then asked: "Where did I find this girl? She is very spiritual."

Nolan simply said: "In the Twilight series, she played Bella's daughter, and she seems to have played an important supporting actress in an upcoming horror film by James Wan."

Martin said: "A very spiritual little actor, reminds me of Dakota Fanning."

Nolan agreed with Martin: "She is very good in her age group. I am very optimistic about her."

Martin thought of those very spiritual child actors and actresses in Hollywood. In the past two decades or so, only a few of the top performers in their childhood and adolescence have truly become first-rate actors.

Like Leonardo, his performance as a child star can only be described as average.

The contemporaries River Phoenix and Edward Furlong were much more famous when they were young, but one took drugs and died, and the other took drugs until his life was almost destroyed.

Drew Barrymore lost his way in life for a time and was far from reaching the height that the industry thought he should be.

Macaulay King, not to mention, is simply a model of failure as a child actor.

Later, Haley Joe Osment and Dakota Fanning also did not develop smoothly when they grew up.

Kristen Stewart, who was not as good as Dakota Fanning as a child star, has developed more smoothly when she grows up, and the former can even only act as a co-star for the latter.

In this regard, Natalie Portman is one of the best.

Back at the hotel, Bruce found Martin and said, "Thomas just called, and your son sent another video related to the father and son. After Thomas failed to communicate, he asked his lawyer to send a lawyer's letter."

After two private communications first, Martin also had a limit: "If it doesn't work, we will go through the prosecution process."

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