American fame and fortune

Chapter 835 You should be a hero

In the morning, the contestants set off from the hotel and headed to the TV station to rehearse.

In the hotel conference room, Bruce selected a few representative photos from the photos he had just obtained and posted them on the whiteboard one by one.

Martin, Alexandrovich, Rebrov and security chief Dmytro sat on both sides of the conference table.

The latter introduced: "The car and the person who came into contact with Olga were photographed by our people at around 10:30 last night. The person and car tracking Nikiya were photographed by Mr. Davis's bodyguard at 10:30 last night. Come down."

He looked at Bruce, who picked up the carbon pen, drew circles on the two key photos, and said: "The same car, driven by the same person, appeared in two contacts. The situation is very obvious. Nikki is being followed. Ya’s was done by the same group of people who intended to defraud the players.”

Alexandrovich asked: "Someone from Los Angeles?"

"Whether they are from Los Angeles or Washington, now they want to touch our cake!" Rebrov looked at Martin with a fierce look on his face: "We are going to cut off their extended hands!"

The TV station director obviously didn't understand Martin's style and thought he was an upright star.

Martin spoke slowly and started from the beginning: "For these people, I asked my subordinates in Los Angeles to get to know them. They are engaged in drug dealing, male and female services, party organization, and movie investment. The first three are the main businesses. Business, investing in movies is probably for money laundering. This is nothing in Hollywood. As long as you pay taxes in full, no one will usually cause trouble."

Rebrov didn't quite understand what Martin meant.

Martin continued: "In terms of male and female services, they will find ways to find people from all over the world, many of which are similar to this time. This involves human trafficking. Human trafficking is also a serious crime in Ukraine, right?"

Rebrov understood immediately: "Yes, these bastards should be thrown into a dark prison in Ukraine and never come out for the rest of their lives!"

Martin thought more: "Following this line, more people may be arrested." He looked at Alexandrovich: "Are you interested in becoming a hero of Ukraine?"

Alexandrovich was stunned for a moment and pointed to his nose: "Me? Be a hero?"

Rebrov thought.

Martin further said: "In "Servant of the People", you played a hero. In real life, don't you want to be that kind of hero?"

Alexandrovich was stunned, like a hero in a TV series? A national hero like Martin? What are the practical benefits? What does the future bring?

Martin added: "Those people are definitely not the only ones who defrauded our program team, there must be other people. You discovered these bastards, personally investigated and mastered their whereabouts, assisted the TV station and the police in destroying this gang, and rescued some compatriots." , you are the hero of Ukraine."

Rebrov works in the media, and he immediately thought of the benefits: "In this case, the ratings of our finals and the second season of "Servant of the People" will definitely explode!"

He was afraid that Alexandrovich would refuse, so he said: "I have a reliable relationship with the Security Bureau, and there will be absolutely no problem in cooperating with us."

The pressure suddenly came on, and Alexandrovich hesitated for a moment.

This is beyond his current capabilities, and he has never considered it before. Is the sudden transition from star to hero too hasty?

Martin said softly: "Don't you want to do something for Ukraine? This level of identity is also conducive to your ideals."

Alexandrovich nodded subconsciously.

For the sake of ratings, Rebrov fully sides with Martin: "What Martin said makes sense. If you want to do more things, you can't do anything without status. Even if you stand up and speak, no one will listen. "

Alexandrovich knew this to be the truth.

He is not tall, but he has his own pursuits. At this moment, he finally made up his mind: "If necessary, I can be this hero!"

Martin snapped his fingers: "Then the rest will be easy."

Rebrov discovered that Martin cannot be treated simply as a star. The fact that Martin can make a name for himself in Hollywood, become a prominent presence in the actor circle, and even involve himself in American politics through his huge influence should not be underestimated.

He said: "How to do it specifically, Martin, you give the order."

Martin was thinking of fishing, which is what the FBI is best at, and said: "Since this group of people belongs to the same gang, let's put some bait and fish them out. As long as we catch their legs and use our rich experience and ability, we can fish them out." Isn’t it difficult for them to pluck them out from a thread?”

Rebrov said with a cruel smile: "It's easy."

Martin said: "Just use Nikia as bait, Alessandro, communicate with Nikia and think of a better way."

Since Alexandrovich decided to be a hero, he no longer hesitated: "Leave this matter to me!"

Rebrov said: "I will also contact people."

He and security chief Dmytro were the first to leave the conference room.

Alexandrovich looked at Martin, a little excited: "Boss, I don't know how to thank you for helping me so much."

Martin said seemingly casually: "You have also brought me huge benefits."

Alexandrovich nodded vigorously, knowing how to repay the boss.

"I won't let you down," he said.

Martin looked at the still somewhat immature future village chief and said, "Do what you want to do according to what you think in your heart."

For some reason, Alexandrovich suddenly thought of "Vasily Petrovich," the hero in "Servant of the People."

Martin watched Alexandrovich leave with a determined look on his face, thinking to himself that he would not let the village chief wake up in advance, would he?

But after he thought about it, it seemed that there was no problem: "I am now a member of the American imperialists. According to the principles of the American imperialists, I must not stop until the last Ukrainian is killed..."

Martin also left the conference room.

Martin said: "1+1 TV station belongs to the Privat Group, which is one of the oligarchs in Ukraine. After this incident, Alexandrovich is likely to get closer to the Privat Group."

"You have a higher chance of participating in the American election yourself than him." Bruce shook his head: "Why am I only now discovering that many of your ideas are a bit crazy?"

Martin said with a smile: "According to Washington's attitude, it is only natural that the United States is torturing Ukraine."


Interstate Hotel Kiev.

Lynch stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, looking at the American Embassy not far away. He heard the door ringing behind him, looked back, and saw that the person coming in was Andre, and asked, "Have you thought of a solution?"

"Get rid of Nikia first!" Andrei thought hard these days, finally thought of an idea, and put it into practice: "I found a friend of Nikia's childhood from her hometown, and used it to She invited Nikiya out and started kidnapping him again!"

Lin Qi nodded slightly: "This is also a way, do it as soon as possible."

Andre said: "I will mobilize all the people there for the time being and deal with Nikiya first."

Lynch said: "Okay."

Andrei left the room, went downstairs and got in the car. He soon arrived at another hotel and entered a suite. Leonid, who had beautiful blond hair, was chatting animatedly with a brown-haired girl. It made the girl laugh happily.

During this period, Leonid visited Nikia's hometown again. Using his dashing appearance and generous moves, he easily attracted Ivana's attention, and he even tricked her into coming to Kiev.

Andre sat on the sofa and said, "Ivana, can you help me with what we told you?"

Ivana was a little hesitant: "You really don't want to do anything to Nikia?"

Leonid put on a particularly sincere look: "How could it be? We are just looking for Nikiya to get back the money she owes us! I told you last time that we are doing business in partnership with Nikiya, and part of the money will be exchanged. We gave it to her to keep, but she took the money and ran back to Ukraine, and we just wanted our money back."

The handsome guy with a lot of money is particularly persuasive. Ivana said: "No wonder she spent money lavishly after she came back. I really thought she got rich."

Leonid said: "Of course, we will not let your efforts go in vain."

Andre took out an envelope and handed it to Ivana: "There is $2,000 in it."

Ivana quickly took it, took out one and looked at it carefully: "It's real U.S. dollars!"

Andre added: "If we can get our money back, we will give you another $2,000."

Leonid winked at Andre, and seeing the latter's acquiescence, he said, "If you want to go to the United States with us to make a fortune, you can."

Ivana longed for the legendary lighthouse, but she was a little afraid in her heart: "I... let me think about it."

Leonid was particularly friendly: "Don't worry, let's go make a phone call first and ask Nikia to come out and meet."

The three of them left the room and left the hotel. Andre looked at the time. The players should have finished training. He found a public phone booth and asked Ivana to call Nikia's cell phone.

The first time it was a busy signal, it seemed like the phone was turned off.

After waiting for a while, Ivana called a second time before getting through.

"Nikiya, it's me, Ivana, guess where I am?" Ivana said in her usual tone: "I'm in Kiev! I arrived yesterday, come and buy something."

Her voice then dropped sharply: "Who would have thought that the security in Kiev is so bad, my wallet was stolen, I only have a little change with me, and I don't know anyone here. I happened to see a poster of you participating in the finals, so I tried I called you, can you lend me some money? It doesn’t take much, just enough for the ticket back!”

There were a few words back.

Ivana listened carefully for a while and said: "Okay, I'm available at any time. It depends on your time. I'm staying at the Dnieper Cafe on East 15th Street. You don't have to order anything there, and the boss won't go out." Chase people away.”

Nikiya trusted her childhood friend and said, "Wait for me there for a while. I have to ask for leave from the show before I can go there."

Ivana responded: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, she looked at Leonid: "She promised to come out and give me money."

Leonid opened the door and said, "Get in the car."

On the other side, Andre called to summon people, planning to bring all his men over to deal with Nikiya first.

In Kiev, missing a beautiful woman is nothing.

The three of them got in the car and immediately rushed to the Dnieper Café.

It was an old cafe that was about to close down. It was temporarily rented by Andre as a temporary event venue.

Almost at the same time, the bearded Victor rushed over with several other people.


Taking the bus back to the hotel, Nikia rummaged through her wallet and took out some cash.

Ivana has been her friend since childhood, and she will definitely help her when encountering difficulties.

The program team has regulations that if you leave the hotel for a little longer, you must ask for leave, and you must also ask for leave from Alexandrovich himself.

Nikia immediately called Alexandrovich, who said he was in a meeting and asked her to wait for a few minutes.

Alexandrovich was about to communicate with Nikiya about how to lay bait. When he received the call, he felt something was not normal, so he immediately found Martin and Rebrov.

In the conference room, he said briefly.

"Dnepr Cafe?" Rebrov checked it on Google Maps and said, "The location is quite remote."

Martin tapped his fingers on the table lightly and said, "My bodyguard just informed Bruce that the guys who were staring at the hotel suddenly withdrew, and Nikia suddenly received a call to go out. What does that mean?"

Alexandrovich answered: "Are they going to take action?"

Rebrov said: "Great, the AKs from the hotel security team are already hungry and thirsty!"

Martin made the decision without hesitation: "Since the fish jumped out of the water on its own, without further ado, immediately mobilize people to follow him. Mr. Station Director, didn't you contact the Security Bureau? It's time for them to take action."

"My people will fully cooperate with the security service's actions," Rebrov said.

Alexandrovich asked: "Do you want to inform Nikia and ask her to cooperate with us?"

"What to inform her of?" Rebrov was much more decisive than the growing Alexandrovich in this regard: "She will hesitate and hesitate after knowing the truth, which can easily arouse the other party's suspicion, which may lead to the failure of the action."

"I understand." Alexandrovich took out his mobile phone and called Nikia back to tell her that she agreed to take leave, but she must return to the hotel before nine o'clock tonight.

Bruce picked up the phone at the same time: "You two follow Nikiya."

Rebrov invited Martin and Alexandrovich: "Let's go and have a look."

Several people went downstairs together, got into Rebrov's black bulletproof Humvee, and rushed towards the east of the city.


After coming out of the hotel, Nikia lowered the brim of her hat, got into a taxi, and gave her address.

Not long after the taxi drove out, two of Martin's bodyguards followed him in a vehicle.

These two people have been following Martin for several years. Their other abilities are mediocre, but their ability to track and counter-track is particularly strong.

The taxi driver didn't realize he was being followed.

Some distance away, five cars were following him.

Among them was the bulletproof Hummer Martin was riding in.

After two intersections, three vehicles from the Security Bureau merged with the convoy.

In a hurry, there were not as many people from the security bureau as Rebrov's TV station security team.

The Dnieper Cafe is not big, it is still a separate building. The two parties talked several times on the road and quickly determined a plan of action.

Martin said nothing from beginning to end and would not show up again. The hero of this incident was Alexandrovich.

It was Alexandrovich who discovered this gang and discovered Nikiya's anomaly. He promptly notified the Security Bureau and cooperated with the Security Bureau to save many people.

Even if no one else is saved, it doesn't matter. It's not difficult to find a few actresses to make temporary guest appearances.

As the convoy gradually approached its destination, the vehicles drove away and surrounded the cafe from all directions.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the cafe. Nikiya paid the money, got out and looked at the sign to make sure the place was right, then opened the wooden door and entered the store.

There were not many customers in the store, only seven people, and one of them, a brown-haired girl, was sitting in the inner corner.

Nikiya recognized her at a glance, she was Ivana.

Ivana also saw Nikiya and waved to her.

Nikia walked over quickly and said: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, the bearded Victor, who was near the door, stood up and came to the door, preparing to close the store door.

Andre winked, and five people, including Leonid, immediately surrounded Nikiya.

The money Nikia held in her hand fell to the ground.

She looked at Ivana in surprise.

The latter lowered his head and did not dare to look at her.

Andre walked towards her: "Miss Nikia, you make it easy for us to find you."

Nikia was filled with fear: "You, you are..."

Andre said no nonsense: "Control her!"

Just as the two of them were about to pounce, they saw Victor being kicked back into the store as he was about to close the door. He took several steps back and sat down on the ground.

Andre reached for the gun immediately, took out a pistol, and pointed it at a person who came in at the door of the store.

Others also took out their pistols and pointed their guns at the store door.

The people who came in didn't panic at all.

Because there was a rumble of more than a dozen heavily armed men coming in.

Seven more people rushed out from the kitchen leading to the back door.

Each of these people had AKs and submachine guns in their hands.

The black muzzle of the gun was pointed at Andre and the others, as if they might shoot at any time.

"Put down the gun!" Demytro, the leader, ordered coldly: "Whoever dares to move, kill him!"

Andre's hands were shaking.

Leonid glanced at Nikiya, turned his gun and wanted to take hostages.

But this is Er Mao who is in the same vein as Da Mao!

Bang bang bang——

A burst of gunfire rang out, Leonid's head exploded, and the man fell to the ground like a torn sack.

This bloody scene is very shocking.

Andre was the first to throw away his pistol.

Others also disarmed.

Later, people wearing Security Bureau uniforms came in to control the scene, and Alexandrovich also entered the scene. A photographer from 1+1 TV station carried a camera and took pictures at the scene.

In addition to the officials of the Security Bureau, the protagonist is of course Alexandrovich.

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