American Manga God

Chapter 153: happy 7th eve

The kind and honest boy Steve will never know how shameless the adult world is.

Not to mention, in fact... it turns out that in history, he had to spend this embarrassing acting career like a clown.

"Hey! Captain America is going to be the mascot anyway, why don't you just cheap me? That way I'll be more like a Wall Street investor!" In her newly bought office in Manhattan, Mei cocked her legs happily. Wandering around in the boss chair.

There is no Madonna on Wall Street.

If Mei's integrity really shows a state of no desire and no desire, on the contrary, many chaebols will gather to besiege a certain Mei, slander him, and say that he is Hitler's lackey.

He exchanged tickets for the blood by betraying the integrity of the American team, but instead looked like a real businessman.

I don’t know how many chaebols secretly scolded Meimumu for **** luck, all of which have cultivated a national hero.

Although he can only get a 1% rebate for selling bonds, the total amount is huge!

The appearance of Captain America is phenomenal, even if the Broadway-style musical is extremely clumsy in the eyes of Mei Mumu, in the 1940s, this was the most accepted method by the American people.

The accountant preliminarily calculated that if the performances were full in 50 performances, it is estimated that the funds invested in the [Super Soldier Project] would be able to recover.

In fact, at this moment, no one thought that the national idol of Captain America would be so popular, far beyond everyone's imagination. Not only the audience at the scene, but also radiated through word of mouth. Crowds of people ran to banks and war bond outlets, lining up to buy bonds.

And what Steve will do is not fifty, one hundred, but more than two hundred.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the name Captain America alone, Mei can make a lot of money.

Of course, making money or something is just incidental to Mei. He has no interest in money.

The war in Europe is in full swing, and for Mei, he is just a spectator. During this period, many people came to him to invest or something, but May did not invest a penny in other fields except for the old American war bonds and Howard's Stark Industries.

Dr. Abraham returned to work after a month's recuperation, and because of someone's trouble, he couldn't remember the original formula.

During this period, he tried five or six experiments, and basically he was persuaded to quit when the dose was less than 20%. Of course, it's not nothing, one person managed to get to 100%.

She is Peggy Carter.

It's a pity that the serum is not complete under the trick of Mei, it seems that Peggy has suffered so much, but she didn't get any reinforcement. This greatly disappointed the government.

In fact, this is not the case. Only Mei Mumu knew that through the spiritual suggestion to the doctor, the serum that the doctor created for Peggy was specially configured according to Peggy's DNA - it did not have the effect of strengthening the constitution, but it had the function of prolonging life.

I can't see it now, when ten, twenty, thirty years later, Peggy is still as beautiful as a flower, then I know it's a horse.

Mei Jiexiao also did not intend to give out this [longevity medicine]. An awesome guy like President Roosevelt can't imagine what the world would be like if he lived another ten years.

Time passed quickly, and it came to August 17, 1943 in the blink of an eye. If it was August 17, 2018 before he passed through, then this day would be the Qixi Festival.

"Life is really lonely as snow - obviously I already have a house and a car ticket, why should I change from a single dog to a single-dog?"

Looking up at the night sky, Mei Juncao couldn't help but sing:

"The city I live in is full of girls!"

"No one can accompany me through-"

"I'm so bored that I forget that the Dog Abuse Festival is coming!"

"There is a sentence MMP can't talk about!"

"People who travel through are most afraid of festivals..."

"Being Xiu's face is loving and feeding dog food!"

"The goddess in my heart sent a wedding invitation..."

All right! Mei Mumu found that she couldn't make it up anymore.

As a boy, Mei Mumu cherishes his rumored girlfriend who may appear in the legend, and gives him a theoretical blood.

Messing around with the last girl, and then going back more than 70 years later, people have already turned into ashes, or become an old woman. Psychologically, Mei someone really can't accept it.

You can't take it back to the future. People are fine at this point in time. Take it back to the dark space of 2016 to suffer? That's the trick to trick yourself!

Suddenly I understand that those old monsters who can live for thousands of years often feel lonely. If the people around you die one by one, you will leave yourself alone, and it is estimated that you will suffer to die if you don't go crazy.

Perhaps it is because of this that he kindly left Peggy Carter for Captain America.

It's just that for some reason, the system didn't count him as changing Peggy's fate. It's very likely that Peggy herself has a hurdle to pass. When she doesn't die, that's the real change of fate.

The offset and reversal points that changed the fate of the US team before, Mei Mumu was useless and temporarily saved. Because it is temporarily unavailable. [Eye of Agamotto] still has a lot of energy, and he doesn't have to worry about rushing back to face Dormammu in a short time.

On the other hand, let the clone of [Time Gem] get close to [Space Gem], which is dangerous for Umemugi. That means he probably won't face the Red Skull directly.

And Red Skull won't be too bunker at this point in time.

This reminded Mei of the idea of ​​saving points.

Just when Mei Mumu was thinking about it, suddenly there was a "Di Di Di" alarm from his spiritual sea, which was the trigger of the magic alarm circle he had placed in his office.

"Huh? Who?"

The other party seems to be really level. Mei Mumu secretly spread his perception, but did not notice the existence of the other party. If it wasn't for the arcane elements that belonged to him alone flowing secretly in the office, and the arcane elements obviously showed signs of being disturbed, he would even think it was his own illusion.

Obviously, the offender is an extraordinary existence.

Mei Mumu didn't know who else would have extraordinary power at this point in time, which didn't prevent him from venting his single dog's anger to the other party by the way.

"Hey! Found you!" With a sneer in his heart, Mei Mumu suddenly threw a stack of scrap-like things to the corner of the corridor outside the office.

The other party was caught off guard, no matter what the other party's skills were.

Unless he has the strength to smash the sky, in front of [The Crimson Devil Belt of Setorak], don't try to please anyone.

"Clap la la la la la la!"


The crimson magic belt is a powerful magic weapon that can make a villain boss like Casillas It is no problem to catch a little snitch.

"Woo woo woo!" In the muffled sound, Mei Mumu saw a female body whose arms and legs were forcibly opened, and the whole person was forced to bend over and kneel on the ground to be tortured.

"Wow! What a beautiful girl!"

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be her!

The hot body curves are so attractive, Mei Mumu has the urge to commit a crime!

However, when he climbed his hands on the other side's peaks like a demon, Mei Mumu regretted it.

Go to his Tanabata Festival!

It's poisonous!

She...she is Yelena Belova!

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