American Manga God

Chapter 159: Mystic Girl

"Performing is not the meaning of your life. When the time comes, you can show your talents in front of the world!" Mei Shenqiu said at the beginning.

Steve also asked, "What timing was that?"

The stick is the stick!

Mei Shenzhu said with a smile: "When you have one thing, you must do it regardless of disobeying the order, and that is the time."

Now, Peggy asked his heart directly, and Steve sighed: "Mr. May said, I want to wait for the opportunity. But I have no idea what that so-called 'timing' is about."

While chatting, Steve was completely unaware that the time he was longing for had come quietly.

The Hydra boss [Red Skull] John Schmidt sent a group of people to Azano. The US military fought a battle with those people. 200 people went and less than 50 returned.

On the battlefield, this is a common thing. The only thing that made Steve completely unable to calm down was that the group of soldiers who went there was the 107th Division, and Steve's good friend, Bucky, happened to be on the missing list.

Steve is a good guy, and he will never fight back unless pushed to the bottom. Even though he was beaten countless times in the back alleys of Brooklyn, New York, he never once took revenge. After becoming famous, he did not use his power to bully his little friends who had bullied him when he was a child.

After strengthening, with extraordinary combat power, he still chose to obey orders obediently, put on tights and go on stage to be a clown, traveled to all continents of the United States, and sold bonds for the government.

The colonel made the right choice, as the captives were held thirty miles behind enemy lines. Large units can't get in, but small units can easily deliver food.

When Colonel Phillips, who led the team, said that he couldn't send reinforcements to rescue the captured American troops, Steve's temper that was rounded and flattened without any regrets, today, finally broke out.

Phillips: "In my eyes, you're just a cheerleader girl doing kick dancing on stage. You have no right to teach me how to do it. If I remember correctly, you have a show in half an hour, you better be now Just get ready."

"Okay! Sir! I understand." The determined look on his face as he turned around deeply shocked Peggy.

That's the look of doing things.

Peggy hurried over to Steve's tent and found him packing.

"Actually, Colonel, he is organizing staff..." Peggy organized her own language, and she immediately found that Steve was unmoved: "What do you want to do? Do you want to..."

"Yes! It's what you think. I have extraordinary power, but I have to be a mascot. I think today is the time to use that power."

Peggy was silent for a while, and then she said, "Are you going to go to Austria on two legs?"

"If necessary." Captain America continued to pack his things, packed them up, and left immediately.

"Steve!" Peggy chased after him.

Steve breathed heavily: "You told me before that I'm not destined to live an ordinary life. I want to ask you, are you serious?"

Peggy looked at this great man who had touched her heart again and again, and stepped out of the mud-like predicament, with an indescribable excitement in her heart: "Yes! The words are convincing!"

"Then you should let me go!"

"Okay! I think I can help you! In fact, the mysterious Mr. May left something for me for today." Peggy muttered strangely, "I always think he expected today."


"No! You'll know right away."

It was a German JU-52 transport aircraft. It is not surprising that the Allies captured such a transport plane during World War II. What is surprising is that they have the ability to get the identification signal of the German army.

Other planes dared to fly over the front-line blockade area, and they were definitely served by a dense barrage of artillery fire. This German transport plane has no German birds at all. Even when they flew by at night, the German night fighters who had almost passed by not far away greeted them with light signals.

Listening to Howard Stark answering the German army's calls in proficient German, identifying the signal in the newspaper or something, Steve's children's shoes have a feeling of hype.

"Mr. Stark, aren't you American?" Steve asked tentatively.

Howard rolled his eyes: "If it's fake!"

Peggy said: "Mr. Stark is already the best civilian pilot I can find, no one. It's just that I don't know that he actually got the German identification code, and it still hasn't expired."

Howard was helpless: "Don't interrogate me, okay? This is what Mae Strange left behind. Ask him if you want to."

"Mr. Strange has been missing for three months." Peggy said coldly.

"Is this how you treat your friends? I risked my life to fly the plane for Steve to save people. And May, I'm sure he didn't do it out of malice. Now it's the three of us who have come to the rescue in violation of military orders. Alright man!" Howard got a little puff! " Peggy smiled: "Yes yes yes!" Once caught, three of us, no, four of us are going to court martial. "

Howard shrugged: "If you have anything, please come back alive and talk about it. I will listen carefully."

Without the welcome of the anti-aircraft artillery, a group of three people arrived at a place about three kilometers in front of the target very smoothly.

"Steve!" Paige called out to Captain America before he jumped.


"Come back alive."

"I will, with Bucky!"

Steve jumped out of the plane in one jump, a little clumsy, but still managed to open the parachute smoothly.

With a physique that is twice that of a mortal, Steve easily overturned the two soldiers in the last Hydra truck, sat on the truck, and followed the truck into the Hydra base. However, he did not know that there were two pairs of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

The truck stopped.

"Bang Bang!" Captain America grabbed a Hydra soldier, pulled it into the van, and stunned him with a fist.

A fist at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour can really do whatever it wants sometimes.

Ordinary Hydra soldiers couldn't react at all.

It's just that Steve, who has never received secret infiltration training, just stuffed the stunned enemy into the van and left. The two of them shook their heads in the dark.

"Is this guy an idiot?"

"Why should we be this idiot's babysitter."

"No way. This is the master's request."

"All right!"

The two female voices followed up while complaining.

A slender female figure dashed into the van that the US team had just left. She picked up the unconscious soldiers with nearly 200 pounds of equipment, and stuffed the soldiers into a manhole cover in just ten seconds.

Another female figure followed Captain America, who was unaware that he was being followed.

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