American Manga God

Chapter 165: bury a nail

"This is taught to me by a mysterious person, transforming into substantial spiritual energy with a pious mind and a strong will, and then generating the power of various miracles." Steve is pious, and he has become handsome. The golden holy light on the extraordinary face was slightly rippling, and an atheist like Peggy was momentarily absent-minded.

"Do you know how……"

"Don't worry about what kind of cult this is. The Holy Light is the power of pure justice. According to the teachings, even if I read the European traditional knights and eight virtues and wash my mind, I can feel my power is increasing day by day." Steve said firmly. .

Peggy couldn't find anything to refute at all.

Even if it claims to be the most generous religion in the world, it does not encourage its followers to follow other religions. Of course Peggy knows what a knight's eight virtues are - humility, honesty, honor, justice...

These things are moral models.

In fact, there are very few people who can do it. The magical power condensed with such a will must not be an evil power.

"Okay, Steve, remember! Even if you believe in the Orthodox Church, it's better than if you believe in Marx. Although she deliberately hides it, I can hear her English learned from Russian relatively easily."

Steve pouted: "I only believe in justice."

After a long time of cross-examination, Peggy really didn't come up with anything. She could only be discouraged: "Okay! We'll treat her as a suspected partner of justice, Miss A."

Little did they know, at this very moment, in a secret base outside Moscow, a dangerous experiment was going on.

A guy dressed as a Red Army colonel ordered: "James Barnes, nicknamed 'Bucky'. According to intelligence, after being rescued, he was also infused with an incomplete serum from Dr. Abraham Erkins' [Super Soldier Project]. According to the instructions of the Ministry of Intelligence, we are going to inject him with the [Winter Soldier Serum]."

A man who looked like a scientist objected: "Hey! He's a Yankee!"

Another senior official of the intelligence department said: "Then rescue first, then brainwash! Our brainwashing technology is quite perfect."

After twelve hours of surgery, the Soviets declared success, and when Bucky recovered a little, the brainwashing procedure began.

It was late at night, and two Secret Service soldiers were guarding outside the intensive care unit, and two black and white cameras were also facing Bucky, who was lying quietly on the bed.

No one noticed, a ghostly being suddenly broke into the intensive care unit that should theoretically be sealed.

He beckoned, and the camera was stupid, freezing the picture.

"It feels a bit bullying to use 21st century spy equipment to hang up 1943!" Mei Mumu said to himself: "By the way, the time guide is really useful..."

right! May Day, he's back again.

If he simply came to 1944, he would be a blur. After all, the time goes back too fast, and he missed it accidentally. It's like missing an exit on the highway and walking 10 kilometers per minute to make a U-turn.

However, if there is an obedient girl who brings a clone of the [Time Gem] clone to Mei Jiancao and stuffs it on Bucky, then this time point will be like a beacon in the dark night, clearly visible and attractive .

People were saved by Natalia, and naturally there are 10,000 ways to do it.

With things going so smoothly, Mei *may not be in trouble* Mumu, it's really fun.

Before, a certain Mei exchanged eight Arcanist suits and one [Flame Rune Magic Tome], but his other offset points took another kind of stuff.

He doesn't know if this is reliable, but he feels that he needs to explore the talent of his body - the power of dreams.

He drew a lottery.

He was dead.

As the saying goes, if you don't do it, you won't die...

Xuan does not save trouble, and krypton does not change his life.

When it's time to sink the ship, all ten shots and ten hits are -- meaningless!

He drew a spiritual skill called [Voldemort's Soul Invasion]!

God **** it's that Voldemort skill in Harry Potter!

This kind of embarrassment made Mei want to die.

Come to the [Emerald Dream] of World of Warcraft, and let me make a cameo role as a Druid! Could it be that I've been squatting in the grass for too long and automatically upgraded to Voldemort?

Originally, Mei Mumu didn't want to use it, but I found this skill to be very useful. After all, if the villain's skill is used well, it can actually be used for serious business.

All spiritual skills actually have a timeliness.

Fear is not eternal. When a person fails to taste the taste of fear for a long time, the fear will be forgotten. When Mr. Mei presides over the Red House, he can use [Psychic Protection] to secretly strengthen the spirit of the two generations of black widows to prevent brainwashing.

Once others are away and their spirits are too fragile, there will be a lot of brainwashing, maybe they will really the Winter Soldier On the Marvel stage, he is quite a complicated character, and his biggest problem is It's just that he has too many things hidden in his mind. According to the plot, before his brain is washed clean, once someone tells him the password for a long time, he can immediately control him and make him do a lot of evil deeds.

Mei Mumu is not sure that her mental protection is 100% effective, and the validity period spans nearly 70 years, but Mei Mumu can be disgusting!

At this moment, Bucky was sleeping, but he found that he clearly heard a large part of the dialogue - the content of the high-ranking Maozi and the scientists discussing how to deal with him and brainwashing him.

He felt disgusted instinctively, but he was unable to resist. He could only bury this resentment in the deepest part of his heart.

He was in pain, he was desperate, and he longed for redemption even more.

"Who... who can pull me out of this pain cage?" Bucky screamed.

Countless shouts, and finally waited for a response.

In Bucky's spiritual world, there was a loud bang in the sky, and the magic stick appeared.

Mei Mumu said kindly: "Child... Are you in pain?"

"I'm... very painful! Saint, are you here to redeem me?"

"Redemption? No, the real redemption is in your own hands."

"In my hand?" Bucky 'saw' his newly installed prosthetic limb through his soul vision, and smiled bitterly: "My fate is no longer in my hands."

"No! Even enslaved! Controlled! It's all temporary, and time will wash away everything. When the day of fate comes, you will fight alongside your friend Steve again. It's just that you are really qualified to be with him then. Stand side by side?"

"I...I don't have...that qualification..."

:. :

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