American Manga God

Chapter 172: ready to rescue

It seems that an arrogant and rich second-generation like Tony, who does not face death directly, will always be the ordinary genius of invention and will not become a hero.

It's a test for Tony, and it's a fate he has to take.

Mei Mumu came to Deloitte, one of the Big Four accounting firms in the United States.

As early as 1917, Deloitte recognized the business opportunity in China. Set up an office in Shanghai.

Since 1972, Deloitte has had offices in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Its main customers include Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, General Motors, Vodafone, Chrysler, etc.

Deloitte is not only the world's largest accounting firm, but also known for its professional quality and meticulous attitude. The key is that its headquarters happens to be in New York.

Mei Mumu pushed aside the main entrance of the Deloitte building, whose outer walls were like lattices, and was immediately greeted by a well-dressed blonde girl.

"Hello, sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

Someone Mei smiled without saying a word, and handed a card to the welcoming girl. When the girl greeted Mei Mumu to sit down and took the card to consult her, the girl quickly turned pale and rushed to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Strange, please come to the VIP room here."

Thirty seconds later, a bald manager also trotted over, wiping his sweat. Behind him, there are two followers.

The manager shook hands with Meimumu with a warm smile: "Ah! Mr. Strange, what a surprise. In fact, you can call or make an appointment online. That way we will be ready to welcome you."

"It's okay, I was the one who made the mistake. Unfortunately, I'm a little busy, otherwise I wouldn't be in such a hurry." Meimumu smiled and shook hands with the manager.

It is definitely not a weak chicken to be a duty manager at the New York headquarters.

The manager on duty can make such a big battle. A manager who was about to walk into Microsoft grabbed the girl who just greeted the guest: "Who is that?"

"Uh, some mysterious ancient customer." It shouldn't have been said, but this girl happened to be a little close to Microsoft's manager.

In 2007 in Marvel World, Deloitte's annual revenue was $6.3 billion. Such numbers are staggering. Unfortunately, Deloitte is just a wage earner in front of someone.

Inside Deloitte, there is such a legend that there is a mysterious big family with good money supporting Deloitte. Deloitte assigns at least 100 people a year to manage its stock and property. Relying on this mysterious family, after entering the century, Deloitte can earn at least 30 million profits every year.

For today's Deloitte, 30 million is a big number in itself. The scary thing is that this client has been served by Deloitte for 66 years from 1942 to 2008.

This kind of powerful client for more than half a century is itself a golden sign of Deloitte.

Only the boss of Deloitte knows how amazing the wealth controlled by this mysterious financier is.

The big boss rarely comes, usually only once every ten years.

But every time you come, you will definitely plan your investment strategy for the next ten years.

The most frightening thing is that the investment strategy of the gold owner almost never goes wrong. Occasionally a small investment fails, and its total assets are simply a drop in the bucket.

Fund owners rarely make short-term investments, but when they sell a stock for ten years, they often find that that stock is definitely one of the stocks with the biggest gains in the past ten years.

The kind of rate of return that is more than 1000% at every turn makes Deloitte tremble.

"Hello! Dear Mr. Strange, I just took office last year, Tony Robert, an investment manager who specializes in managing assets for your family!" A brown-haired middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came up to meet Mei Mumu. A warm handshake.

Mei Mumu directly took out his identity certificate and introduced the two behind him: "This is Mr. York Randolph of the New York Notary Office, and this is my family's special lawyer, Hoss Malindorf. gentlemen."

After verification, Robert confirmed Mei Mumu's identity.

Then, straight to the point.

"In one day, I need a fund of $2 billion. Please Mr. Robert sort out our family's stock and give me a list of recommended sales. Next, I will use the gold stored in Chase Bank as collateral to prepare a sum of money. Up to 5 billion credit, I can use it at any time."

Robert couldn't calm down.

7 billion, if you add stock leverage, if you use a little trick, such as spreading rumors and then using a bunch of offshore accounts to do things, this is one hundred billion energy. The stock bear market in 2008 was terrible enough, and another super predator will enter the market, and Wall Street will crash for you in minutes.

"Please forgive me, it's not that Deloitte doesn't respect the Strange family's **. I only want to know the movement of this fund on behalf of the company, so that the firm can cooperate."

Mei Mumu smiled: "No, I don't plan to do anything. It's just that my allies may be in trouble and need me to go to the rescue."

"Allies? Who?"

"Shh!" Someone Mei raised the index finger of his right hand in front of his mouth.

On the other hand, Tony Stark continued to be merry.

He has the qualifications and Because of his participation in the Manhattan project, Stark Industries' status in the US government is like Boeing and Lockheed Martin in May's world, with a complete monopoly New weapons orders for the U.S. military.

Basically, the rules are sticky, whoever wants to interview Tony must send a pretty girl. If the face value is lower than 90 points, Tony is not a bird.

Last night, Tony accepted a beautiful interview and entered into an in-depth and thorough exchange. Tony made his good buddy James Rhodes wait at the airport for three hours before Shi Shiran sat in Afghanistan. s plane.

He's pitching a new rocket from Stark Industries.

In fact, after World War II in this parallel Marvel universe, Stark Industries has become synonymous with American imperial arms. Howard and Tony continue to invent and manufacture all kinds of big killers, sell them to the US military, and at the same time consolidate the status of Stark Industries, and earn large sums of US dollars.

"Gentlemen and ladies, now I would like to introduce you the latest product of Stark Industries - the Jericho missile!" At a US military base in Afghanistan, in front of a group of senior US military officials and generals in Afghanistan, Tony was extremely arrogant. Forcefully raised his arms high.

Responding to his actions, a ground-to-ground missile painted in earthy yellow slammed into the sky.

For maximum effect, the missile selected a mountain three kilometers away. Right under everyone's attention. The Jericho missile smashed apart in mid-air - after the shell was ejected, dozens of sub-missiles were fired, and they were shot to the ground in an extremely neat row.

"Boom!" It was a tidy explosion as if the entire horizon had a nuclear explosion.

Mushroom clouds rose up one by one, forming a wall of death hundreds of meters high.

Not a nuclear bomb, but the most terrifying existence among conventional weapons! 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit our school

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